Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 192: fall


I was suspicious and followed behind the cat boss. The path in the alley is different from the last time I came, the path became dark and narrow, I almost walked along the walls, my eyes couldn’t see anything, but the footsteps of Boss Mao were steady and powerful, Without the slightest hesitation. I had no choice but to swallow the apprehension in my heart, and walked forward closely behind him.

Gradually, the narrow alley widened, and a faint blue light gradually appeared in front of it. When I got closer, I realized that it was clusters of faint flames floating in the air.

"What is this..." I couldn't help murmuring.

"It's a will-o'-the-wisp." The cat boss who had been silent all this time suddenly said slowly, which startled me.

"Ghost, ghost fire?" I stammered and asked.

"The human soul is burning, and it becomes a will-o'-the-wisp when it floats in the air. If you get closer, you can still hear their screams." The cat boss said without changing his face, and continued to walk forward, "The last It's better not to get close to them."

I have a lot of questions, but somehow the words come to my mouth and I don't know how to say them. I looked curiously at the blue will-o'-the-wisps, which floated in the air like ordinary flames, burning quietly.

"Boss Cat..." I couldn't help but finally said, "Is this really the way to the noodle shop? Why is it the same as last time..."

"Oh, I didn't say I was going to a noodle shop." Boss Mao said with a smile.

"What?" I couldn't help but stop, "Then where are we going?"

"Well, I don't think you want to know." Boss Mao said calmly, without slowing down.

"I want to know." I said warily.

"However, even if I didn't specify the destination, didn't you follow me?" The cat boss turned around and gave me a kind smile.

That's right... Even if Boss Cat didn't say it, I almost knew where he was going to take me. I nodded and followed the pace of the cat boss.

The further we go, the denser the darkness, but the more ghostly blue ghost lights, like little lanterns, illuminating the way forward for us.

"How can there be so many will-o'-the-wisps?" I looked around and murmured.

"Don't worry, they won't burn your clothes." The cat boss joked with a smile.

"Well, I'm not worried about that..."

"The situation has changed." The cat owner didn't know whether he was answering me, or he was talking to himself, "The soul is crying and burning itself. The balance of yin and yang has been fluctuated. Pity these innocent souls."

"Boss Cat, Wen Jiubai—" I couldn't help blurting out, but was interrupted by Boss Cat's raised finger.

"Shhh, don't say it, don't say it." Boss Mao shook his head, "You have to break the relationship you have formed yourself. The secrets of heaven must not be revealed, and the road ahead needs to be explored by yourself."

The more I listened, the more annoyed I became. No matter Boss Mao, Bai, or even Zhuxuan, they all seemed to know the truth of the matter, and I was the only one who was kept in the dark.

"Is the so-called fate really so important?" I frowned, and couldn't help raising my voice, "Is it more important than life, more important than losing friends?"

"Son of mankind, don't be so impatient." No matter what I said, the cat boss still had a smiling face, "In this world, everything is connected by cause and effect. Fate is the fate of all things. Death, parting or parting, everything is connected."

I was confused and became even more irritable, "Of course I know that there is a connection, but I don't care about the connection, I just want to know what is going on with all this and why it suddenly became like this ? And where is Wen Jiubai? Why did someone attack him? I—"

Boss Mao raised an index finger to his lips again, and shook his head, "Don't believe too much in the things in front of you. Eyes can sometimes blind you to think and make you confused where you are. What is the truth? It's up to you to tell. I can't help you."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, knowing that I couldn't rely on anyone at this time.

"Well, even if you all choose to stand on the sidelines, I can find him alone!" I said angrily, "You just need to tell me how to get there!"

The cat boss stopped and looked at me. With a wave of his furry cat paw, the will-o'-the-wisps floating around gathered, illuminating the path in front of us.

I was frightened into a cold sweat immediately, because as soon as the will-o'-the-wisp came over, I realized that one step forward under my feet was an abyss. If I had just stepped forward a little, I would have fallen by now.

"What's down here..." I tried to peek forward to the bottom of the abyss, but there was only darkness below, and I couldn't see anything.

"That's where you're going." Boss Mao said leisurely standing behind me, "You asked me to tell you how to get there."

"What?" I turned around, and before I could react to what he meant, my back was pushed violently, and my whole body fell forward with an unstable center of gravity.

"Wait, Boss Cat! Hey!" I struggled a few times, but didn't even catch the edge, and fell straight into the bottomless darkness. The fear of weightlessness made me close my eyes, and there was only one thought in my mind, it's over, I'm definitely going to die this time, not in the mouth of various monsters, but in an inexplicable place!

However, the imagined pain did not come. I opened my eyes and found that I was standing firmly on the flat ground. But the dizziness caused by falling from a high place still remained in my head, I covered my head, took two staggering steps, and looked around.

I seem to be in a confined space, surrounded by walls made of gray bricks, like some kind of maze, or like an underground palace in a tomb robbery novel. The top of the head is not sealed, but the sky cannot be seen, it is just a depressing black.

Where am I

A torch was stuck on the wall every other way, but the flame burning on the torch was not red, but the same faint blue color as those will-o'-the-wisps. I didn't even dare to think about what the fuel of the flame was.

I walked towards the torch, and at the same time there was a sound of splashing water under my feet. I looked down and saw that I was stepping on the water with bare feet. The entire maze-like building was covered with a thick layer of stagnant water on the ground, but strangely, I didn't feel the touch or temperature of running water at all.

I don't feel cold or hot. There seems to be something wrong with the body's sensory system, and I can't feel anything.

I didn't have time to think so much, I pulled out the torch from the wall, illuminated the road ahead, and walked forward tentatively.

The surrounding area is extremely quiet, not even a little wind can be heard. In the long corridor, it seems that only the sound of water and barely audible breathing can be heard when I walk.

Where the hell is this? Where is Wen Jiubai

And... there is no one in such a big place

I don’t know if you have ever experienced such an experience, the more you are in a quiet place where no one is around, the less you dare to speak out. Even when you actually know that there is no one else around but yourself, you dare not gasp aloud.

Because subconsciously people know that there is actually something in the darkness in the distance. Something is watching you.


I swear, just now, a black shadow quickly passed by the corner of my eyes. It didn't make any noise, but I was pretty sure something ran across the intersection of the corridors.

However, when I looked back, there was nothing but air and endless walls behind me.

My heart was beating like a drum, and I hurried a few steps to the intersection, but there was still nothing there, only a dead silence and the still endless wall.

I swallowed, took the torch, and continued walking between the walls. I even feel that this place has no end at all, no matter where I go, turn left or right, the road is exactly the same, there is no difference.

I don't know how long I walked, when suddenly there was a sound of water splashing in my ears.

Right behind me, but I didn't walk.

"Who is it?" I turned around quickly, and a figure quickly ran over and disappeared around the corner.

"Wait! Come back!" I chased after him without hesitation, and the water splashed under my feet with a series of splashes. I was out of breath from running, but when I chased to that corner, I couldn't see anything.

This time, I got real goosebumps. I am even more convinced that in this maze-like corridor, I am definitely not alone, and there are some things that may not be human.

Where am I? Where is Wen Jiubai

Just when I sighed and was about to give up and go back the same way, when I turned around, there was a little girl in white clothes standing behind me, looking straight at me.


The little girl stared at me intently, with an innocent expression on her face, and repeated, "Help me."

I can't help but take a few steps back. The little girl appeared without warning, and no sound was heard. Upon closer inspection, her feet were not standing on the ground at all, but were barely touching the water on the ground. She was definitely not human.

But then again... How could there be humans in the gaps in the underworld? I am afraid that in such a large area, I am the only human being.

"Please, help me." The little girl spoke again, as if begging me.

"Uh..." I took a step forward cautiously, keeping a certain distance from the little girl, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

However, the little girl's face didn't change any expression, she just kept repeating, "Please, help me, I'm scared, I don't know what to do."