Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 195: past truth


"Who did it? Was it the Taoist priests in gray clothes?" I asked eagerly, "Why did they attack you? And what happened to Yancheng?"

Wen Jiubai looked at me with a meaningful look, "It's nothing, it's just... the time is up."


"The time is up." Wen Jiubai sighed, and suddenly smiled again, "Everything has its end, and everything will eventually return to dust. I am just one of the dust."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

I can see that Wen Jiubai is in a bad state both physically and mentally. Even if I ask him now, I probably won't get any decent answer.

I propped up his body with one hand and held his waist with the other, "Okay, don't talk now, let's find a way to get out of here together, shall we?"

I wanted to support him to stand up, but Wen Jiubai shook his head instead, not cooperating with me at all.

"Gu Yu, don't waste your energy. You have been walking here for so long, have you seen any exit?"

I was taken aback for a moment, but I still insisted, "How do you know if you don't try? Come on, I'll carry you behind my back."

Wen Jiubai looked at me helplessly. Even at this time, there is still a kind of pampering in his eyes that "I really can't do anything with you".

You are dying!

I asked Wen Jiubai to hold the torch, squat down, and carried Wen Jiubai back up in one go. The strange thing is that even though Wen Jiubai is so much taller than me, his body is very light, not much different from the weight of a girl, so even if I have little strength, I can easily carry him on my back. Is it because he is so light, or is it because he lost too much blood

"Gu Yu." He whispered my name next to my ear, "You are really a good person."

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes and said angrily, "It must be many times better than a heartless person like you."

"Sometimes, you are so kind that you want me to marry you." Wen Jiubai said in a low voice.

"Ha." I laughed dryly, and walked forward with my back on my back, "If you want to marry, I will marry you. If you marry, you may also be forced by my mother to wear women's clothing."

Wen Jiubai gave a muffled laugh, "That's pretty interesting, too."

"Only you would think so."

For a long time after that, we didn't speak again. The only echoes in the long corridor were our breathing and the splash of water as I walked.

I don't know how long I walked forward with him on my back, the wall around me stretches like it will never end. I turned a corner and found that the road ahead suddenly disappeared, and we were greeted by a cold wall.

"We've reached a dead end." I said dejectedly, "There's no way ahead."

"Gu Yu, let me down." Wen Jiubai's voice sounded behind him.

But I still refused to give up, and turned around on Tuowen Jiubai's leg, "It's okay, we can try other ways."

"Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai's voice was much tougher this time, but he still didn't have the energy to say too much, "Put me down."

I had no choice but to obey his order, and slowly squatted down, letting Wen Jiubai sit down against the wall. He was panting, and his face looked even paler.

"You take a break, I'll go and see if there is another way." After saying that, I stood up, ready to see if there is any other branch that I can try at the place I came over.

But at this moment, Wen Jiubai grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai's voice was slightly hoarse, "Don't go."

It was difficult for me to see Wen Jiubai's expression clearly under the dim light of the fire, but I could feel from his tone that he was begging me with a low profile that I had never seen before.

So I gave up my original idea, and slowly squatted down beside him, the flames approached each other, allowing me to see his expression clearly.

Wen Jiubai was still the same Wen Jiubai, there was no pleading or weak expression on his face, but his eyes clearly showed longing. I reached out to touch his cheek, and tears suddenly fell down.

"When are you going to tell me?" I wiped my tears with the corner of my clothes and asked while looking at him.

"I'm really sorry, Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai murmured, "I didn't intend to hide my identity from you, it's just..."

"That's not what I said." I interrupted Wen Jiubai, and looked at him angrily, "When are you going to tell me that you are in danger?"

Wen Jiubai first looked at me in surprise, then smiled, "I'm sorry."

"You never trusted me and always treated me like a child. Even if I was really a child, I would be hurt!" I said angrily.

"I'm sorry." Wen Jiubai looked at me gently, "But I never mistrusted you. It's just that the time has not run out, and the fate has not come. As I said, as long as the time comes, you will know one day."

"Is now the time?" I threatened, "If you dare to say 'no', I will turn around and leave immediately, leaving you here alone to die."

Wen Jiubai laughed, beckoned to me, pointed to the seat beside him, and asked me to sit down.

"I know you have a whole host of questions to ask right now, but can I ask one first?"

I sat down beside him and looked at him angrily. Even now, Wen Jiubai still has to seize the opportunity and put himself in a dominant position.

But what reason do I have to refute? I nodded, "No problem."

"Gu Yu, can you answer my question with the most straightforward and objective attitude?" He asked.

I nodded hesitantly and looked at Wen Jiubai. The latter's expression was cloudy and uncertain under the firelight, but I had never seen that expression before. His eyes and his tight lips clearly seemed to be...

"You're scared." I asked softly, "Why?"

Wen Jiubai let out a short breath, and said with a smile, "No, it's not just fear. I was frightened."

"Why? What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid of the answer to the question I'm about to ask." Wen Jiubai turned his head to me. Even though his hair was disheveled and covered in blood and dust, it still couldn't hide half of his beauty.

"Gu Yu, do you think I'm a good person?"

From his tone, I heard deep despair and pain. Without even a shred of expectation, the moment he asked this question, he already knew the answer to this question.

I looked at him, speechless, my mouth opened and closed, but my eyes met his commanding gaze.

I have promised to come down, only obey. Then I shook my head slightly, almost invisibly.

After getting my answer, Wen Jiubai breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I know, you can see it too, right?"

"I don't understand, the answer to this question doesn't matter at all!" I said forcefully, "The most important question now is how can we get out of this damn place..."

"Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai interrupted me, and said softly, "It's related. Because I know what you want to ask me. You want to ask me if I am the vicious nine-tailed demon fox in the mural."

"I..." I subconsciously wanted to refute, but soon found to my annoyance that Wen Jiubai was right.

"Yes, I am." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "Today I will tell you everything you want to know, so just ask."

How did things get to where they are now? I scratched my hair irritably, and there were countless questions in my mind.