Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 197: back to reality


"Yancheng University has arrived. Passengers who want to get off please line up and get off through the back door."

An indifferent electronic female voice was announcing the name of the station, and Shi Yitong, who was sitting next to me, yawned and gave me a push.

"It's time to stop, don't sleep."

Su Xiaoyun on the other side lowered her head and was also putting everything back into her backpack, ready to get out of the car.

I looked at the two of them, and suddenly became inexplicably dazed. I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"What's wrong, Gu Yu?"

In a blink of an eye, Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun had already walked a long way, while I was still sitting in my seat. Shi Yitong looked at me inexplicably, "I got out of the car, why are you still not moving?"

"Oh, oh! I'm sorry, now!" I quickly picked up the backpack that was put aside, and got out of the car behind the team.

I was the last one to get off the bus. Soon, the passengers who got off the bus left one after another, and the bus also closed the door and drove away slowly. The station in front of him was still the familiar station, without any change.

"Hey, Gu Yu. Look over there!" When I was in a daze, Su Xiaoyun patted my shoulder and pointed to a person next to the station, "Is that Wen Jiubai?"

I looked in the direction Su Xiaoyun pointed, and sure enough, Wen Jiubai was wearing the long gown I wore when I first saw him, with long hair swaying in the breeze, looking this way quietly.

"Did he come here specially to pick you up?" Shi Yitong joked, "This boss is too kind to your subordinate. Go and see if Mr. Wen can treat us to lunch again."

I looked at Wen Jiubai, tinnitus buzzing in my head. My brain seemed to remind me of something I had forgotten, but I couldn't remember it.

I walked towards Wen Jiubai, and then...

Then what happened

That's right, at that time, after I walked towards Wen Jiubai, what happened

The smell of incense is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that it is a bit choking. The scent of lilies kept pouring into my nose, and for the first time I realized that this scent was reminding me of something.

wake up.

You have to wake up to find a way to save me.

"Wen Jiubai!"

I sat up suddenly, breathing greedily and violently like a drowning person, my forehead and the palms of my hands were covered with sweat.

"Gu Yu!"

This is Bai's voice.

The little ferret jumped up, jumped onto my quilt, and looked at me worriedly, "Are you okay? How do you feel? Is there something wrong with your body?"

"No, no..." I automatically replied before realizing where I was.

I looked around and found myself lying in the main room of the old house, everything was familiar to me. Familiar mahogany floors, familiar old furniture, outside is a spring garden.

Incense. My eyes caught a censer on the bedside. Three sticks of incense were inserted into the censer. The fragrance wafted from here, and now the incense was about to burn out.

"Gu Yu." At this moment, my hand was suddenly grabbed by another hand. I was so scared that I almost threw my hand away, but soon my hand was gripped even tighter.

"It's okay, Gu Yu, you're already okay. Turn your head and look at me."

The familiar firmness in this voice made me turn my head, and then I saw a familiar delicate face—that is, Wen Jiubai.

Wen Jiubai sat by my bed, intact and uninjured, with that familiar smile on his face.

"You're fine, I'm sorry I surprised you." Wen Jiubai pulled me into his arms, and then kissed my lips unquestionably.

The warm feeling has been transmitted to the bottom of my heart, but at this time I don't need it at all.

I pushed Wen Jiubai away, and then slapped him unceremoniously.


Wen Jiubai was stunned, apparently he didn't expect me to do this. He covered half of his face, looking silly in disbelief.

"You know what the slap is for!" I said angrily.

Wen Jiubai frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Then—I remember to ask you in advance next time?"

I was so angry that I shouted angrily: "Is it interesting to play me around like this? Do you think it's funny to look at me like this? Wen Jiubai, what the hell do you think of me as a Is it a toy?"

And Wen Jiubai's expression was still very confused, he still didn't know what I was talking about.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Bai quickly jumped out to be a peacemaker: "Uh, Gu Yu, wait, he didn't mean that..."

"Bai." Wen Jiubai stopped Bai from continuing with his eyes, then looked at me with a serious expression, "Gu Yu, what exactly did you see?"

"Why do you have the nerve to say that!" I looked at Wen Jiubai, wishing I could step forward and slap him again. I threw off the quilt and jumped out of bed, approaching him.

"You died in front of me and disappeared! The whole body disappeared like a phantom! I thought you died there! Now you suddenly appeared in front of me intact in the next second. What is it? what happened!"

However, I didn't expect that as soon as I said that, the atmosphere in the whole room became weird. In the silence, Bai and Wen Jiubai looked at each other, neither of them spoke, as if even the air had frozen.

I looked at Wen Jiubai and then at Bai, feeling a little guilty all of a sudden.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk?" I broke the silence and asked, "Who can explain to me what's going on? Do you have to keep me in the dark every time to make everyone happy?"

"Gu Yu, actually..." Bai said hesitantly, then turned to look at Wen Jiubai.

Wen Jiubai's expression became serious, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he walked up to me and reached out to touch my forehead.

"You have a little fever, maybe it's a side effect of the incense. Now go back to bed, I'll get you something to eat, and you can sleep a little longer."

"Wen Jiubai, can you tell me how—"

"I will." Wen Jiubai said with an accent, "but until your fever subsides, I won't say anything. Taking good care of your health comes first."

Just like that, Wen Jiubai covered me with a quilt, and actually left the room. Bai Yi glanced at me reluctantly, and then moved her calf to help Wen Jiubai.

Everything quieted down, and I felt physically uncomfortable after a while. In a daze, I fell asleep full of resentment. I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up again, the sky outside the window was already dark.

I stared blankly at the ceiling for a while with my eyes open, and when I was struggling between getting up and pressing Wen Jiubai and continuing to lie down, the wooden door of the room opened with a creak. Wen Jiubai came over with a bowl of porridge and turned on the light in the room.

"Are you awake? Get up and have some porridge." Wen Jiubai said softly, and put the porridge on the bedside table.

I sat up with my arms propped up and glanced at him, but I really didn't bother arguing. Now my whole head is messed up, I don't think about it at all, I took the porridge and drank a few mouthfuls.

"Be careful." Wen Jiubai sat down by the bed and looked at me with a serious expression, "How does it taste?"

"...not bad." I admitted reluctantly. Wen Jiubai is really good at cooking, and I never knew how he did it. Everything he cooks is quite to my liking.

"In order to make porridge for you, I even killed a chicken." Wen Jiubai smiled.

"There are still chickens in the old house?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, Bai just caught him. He's a weasel." Wen Jiubai said with a smile.

The more Wen Jiubai chatted casually like this, the more I couldn't drink porridge.

I put the bowl aside, sat up straight and looked at him, and said seriously, "What's going on, should you tell me?"

But Wen Jiubai insisted on making a gesture of beckoning.

I sighed, and had to put my head in the past.

Wen Jiubai touched my forehead with the back of his hand, put it down after a while, and nodded, "It's much better."

"There was nothing wrong with it, you made such a fuss." I said dissatisfied.

"Well, our Gu Xiaoyu's vitality is as strong as a cockroach, why should I worry about you." Wen Jiubai smiled and pinched my cheek.

I slapped his hand away, "Stop messing around. Can we have a serious talk about what's going on?"

Wen Jiubai nodded slowly, he pondered for a while, as if hesitating where to start.

"There is a man, a Taoist priest. He has always wanted to kill me." Finally, he took a deep breath and said.

And I immediately interrupted him, "Grey-robed Taoist priest? The one who sealed you thousands of years ago but has never been able to kill you?"

Wen Jiubai looked at me in surprise, "You know everything?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "You told me yourself!"

Wen Jiubai frowned, "Okay, then let's skip this and stop talking. A long time ago, there was a beautiful country called Qingqiu—"

"Stop, stop, I know this too." I made a "pause" gesture to Wen Jiubai.

Wen Jiubai looked at me suspiciously, and simply asked, "Well, tell me first. What have you been through?"

I took a deep breath and shook my head, "I don't know, my mind is still a mess. I don't know if I can figure it out..."

"I know. You just say it." Wen Jiubai looked at me quietly.

So, I tried to tell Wen Jiubai everything that happened after we got off the bus as concisely as possible, including the dream of the fog and ghosts we had, and when we found out that the school was abandoned, I found Boss Mao and jumped into it. The gap between Yin and Yang and so on.

After finishing speaking, Wen Jiubai's expression was heavy, I couldn't see what he was thinking, so I stretched out my hand and shook it in front of his eyes twice.

"Hi, are you okay?"

Only then did Wen Jiubai come back to his senses, and shook his head, "It's okay."

"So... what's going on here?" I asked, "Why did I meet you... and you don't look like you know anything?"