Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 199: cause and effect


"So... I know, Nian Beast is a terrible four-dimensional creature, but what does this have to do with the topic we just discussed?" I was confused.

"My friend made it very clear in his letter that the Taoist priest who sealed me a long time ago is not dead." Wen Jiubai sat down beside the bed, "I don't know how he survived until now, but I always believed that The judgment of a friend. According to his letter, the Taoist priest still has resentment towards me and wants to kill me quickly. And if he is really united with the Nian Beast, then I must die Undoubtedly."

"If the Nian Beast is really as powerful as you said, can a Taoist really control it?" I said in surprise, "Who is that Taoist?"

Wen Jiubai glanced at me, avoided the question, and changed the subject: "This question is not important. The important thing is that once the Nian beast has its eyes on you, there is absolutely nowhere for you to escape. Because the Nian beast is not in the material world." Instead of searching aimlessly, I search for prey in the spiritual world through dreams. And I have no other way, the only way is to lead it to the future."

"Into the future?"

"No one can escape from Nian Beast's search, and I am no exception." Wen Jiubo said in a deep voice, "But Nian Beast still has a weakness, that is, it can't tell the difference between time. In other words, it doesn't know how to kill itself." The one who died was the present me, or the future me.”

From Wen Jiubai's words, I gradually began to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

"So, in order to escape the pursuit of Nian Beast, you let me have a dream that connects to the future, so Nian Beast and your enemies will run to the future I dreamed..."

Wen Jiubai nodded, and said approvingly: "That's right, as expected of my Gu Xiaoyu, his brain turns so fast."

"Gu Xiaoyu, you big-headed ghost." I said angrily, "You just use me like a gun? Why don't you burn incense yourself and dream?"

"I can't cross my own timeline." Wen Jiubai said solemnly.

"You've read too many science fiction novels! Only ghosts believe it!"

Wen Jiubai took my fist and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I will definitely discuss it with you next time."

"Could there be a next time?" I was furious, but there was nothing I could do about Wen Jiubai.

"Okay, stop being a child. Drink the porridge, it will be cold in a while." Wen Jiubai didn't take it seriously at all, and brought the bowl of porridge to me.

I reluctantly took the porridge and drank it silently, while Wen Jiubai just looked at me quietly with downcast eyes, without saying a word.

"So those futures I see... are you really going to die?" I put down the empty bowl and cleared my throat.

"You've already seen it." Wen Jiubai sighed, "So, yes, I will. Someday in the future."

"But, you tell me—you in the future tell me that the future can be changed, and time can also be rewritten!" I said eagerly, "Can't you think of a way?"

"The future can be changed, but there is only a future that has not been seen." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "Once the future is spied on, time is fixed as a fixed point, and the future becomes history, which is an established fact. You have already seen I die, and then it must have happened."

I was dumbfounded, "But..."

"Take it as a mistake I made rashly, forget about it." Wen Jiubai stood up and shook his head, "I'll go wash the dishes."

"Hey, Wen Jiubai!" I straightened up and tried to call him, but Wen Jiubai walked out of the room without looking back.

After he left the room, he never came back. At around seven o'clock in the evening, Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong came to the old house to visit me. They didn't know anything, and they joked with each other with ignorant smiles on their faces.

"So Gu Yu, is your illness better?" Su Xiaoyun looked at me with concern.

My consciousness was still wandering, and I didn't react for a while, "I'm sorry, what's wrong?"

"Wen Jiubai said you have a fever, are you okay?" Su Xiaoyun's expression became more concerned, with a hint of sympathy, "Aren't you stupid with a fever?"

"It's already stupid enough, but it will be troublesome once it becomes mentally retarded." Shi Yitong interjected.

"That's right."

I can't laugh or cry, these two people can only be so united in this kind of time. I patted away Su Xiaoyun's hand that wanted to touch my forehead, and shook my head, "The fever has gone away long ago, I'm fine, don't worry. How about you?"

"Us? What else can we do? I just don't worry about you, so I came to see you as soon as school is over." Shi Yitong said dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you so lively and alive and have nothing to do? It made us worry for nothing. "

"By the way, Gu Yu, here are the notes for the class you missed." Su Xiaoyun also remembered something, and took out a notebook from the backpack on the side, "You, my heart is really too big. I don't know if I miss a class. Please take a leave of absence. Fortunately, I asked a special question, so I can ask for a leave of absence for you."

I took the note in embarrassment, "I'm sorry for making you bother."

"Hmph, it's good to know. Remember to take the time to make up all the notes." Su Xiaoyun said with folded arms.

I opened the notebook that Su Xiaoyun had just handed me, and it was filled with notes, which made my head feel dizzy.

I don't know if Shi Yitong saw my distress, and came over to pat me on the shoulder carelessly, "Don't listen to her, it doesn't matter when you copy the notes. You haven't had dinner yet, right? Let's go to the back door to eat dumplings go."

When Shi Yitong mentioned this, I realized that today I seemed to have eaten nothing but the bowl of porridge Wen Jiubai brought me, and my stomach was growling.

"Okay, let's go eat then." I readily agreed.

"Let's go!" Shi Yitong immediately took my hand and ran out, "I didn't eat much for lunch, and now I'm almost hungry!"

"Hey, you two!" Su Xiaoyun said angrily from behind, "How do you two know how to eat, and you can't do anything!"

"Food is the god of the people, do you understand?" Shi Yitong turned around and made a face at Su Xiaoyun while running.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the two of them joking and talking back to each other like this.

Just as we were about to walk out of the gate of the courtyard, Bai suddenly got out from some corner, and he seemed to be taken aback when he saw us going out together.

"Gu Yu, are you going back?" Bai asked.

"Ah... almost, let's go to eat. Then I probably have a bunch of leftover homework to make up." I smiled wryly.

"But Wen Jiubai—" Bai seemed to blurt out, and then swallowed the words, "Uh, it's fine. You go, have fun."

"What? What happened to Wen Jiubai?" I asked.

"It's okay, he's fine. You go to eat."

I opened my mouth and wanted to ask another question, but Shi Yitong at the side tugged at my arm again.

"Let's go Gu Yu, let's talk about something tomorrow. Now let's go eat first!"

I was helpless, and I couldn't resist Shi Yitong, who was full of enthusiasm for food, so I walked out of the old house with half-pushed and half-hearted.

Looking back, the old house has been submerged in the black night, just like all the ordinary old houses, sitting there quietly.

nine-tailed fox.

Nine Tails of the White Fox of Qingqiu Mountain.

The gel pen twirled around at the fingertips, and finally dropped down cautiously. The pen outlines on the paper, starting from the head, the nine-tailed fox's ferocious face, sharp canines, sharp claws, slender body, and the nine tails behind it that symbolize strength and evil.

I rested my chin in one hand, and scribbled and drew on the title page of the textbook with the other. My drawing skills are actually not very good, but somehow, the appearance of the nine-tailed fox statue is deeply engraved in my mind and I can't get rid of it.

After drawing the appearance of the nine-tailed fox, the tip of the pen paused, and added a stroke in front of the nine-tailed fox, drawing a woman in a white dress.

Yes, this woman. The text recorded on the wall said that she was the princess of Qingqiu, but her father regarded her as a sacrifice to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

But Wen Jiubai never mentioned the existence of this woman to me from the beginning to the end. This can't help arousing my curiosity. Somehow, my subconscious mind told me that this woman is not ordinary.

What is the story behind her

The tip of the pen moved from the woman's body back to the Nine-Tailed Fox. I stared at the big swinging tail of the Nine-Tailed Fox, and couldn't help being stunned.

In the dream, what the future Wen Jiubai told me was still in my ears.

—"The nine-tailed fox kills and eats people, even women and children. Blood can dye a hill red every day."


— "Like I said, because of boredom."

The relentless words sent a chill down my spine, but most relentlessly, deep down, I found that I didn't care.

From the first day I knew this man, I knew he was dangerous. But instead of staying away from him, I got closer to him.

Recalling when Wen Jiubai confessed his crimes to me, I didn't feel angry, at most there was only a trace of sadness, maybe it was towards those innocent people who died, or maybe it was towards myself.

There are always too many secrets about Wen Jiubai, even if I spend my whole life, I probably won't be able to find out the truth. But in the dream, I knew for the first time that even he was not invulnerable.

What about the demon fox with nine tails? He is still like a living person, who can cry and laugh, be sad and happy, love and hate. He will be hurt and he will be sad. It's just that maybe because he lived so long, he learned to disguise himself from head to toe.

He is by no means indifferent, but because he is afraid of getting hurt, he has learned to put a layer of camouflage on top of his smile.