Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 201: Confession


"Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai suddenly asked at this moment, "Tell me honestly, how long have you memorized the manuscript?"

My mind was broken by a sudden sentence, and I raised my head angrily, "Wen Jiubai!"

Wen Jiubai laughed with a "puchi", his eyes were as cunning as a fox's. I stared at him angrily, but after a short stare, I was infected by the atmosphere and laughed out loud.

Once the smile is opened, it is out of control. Wen Jiubai laughed out loud, and my stomach ached from laughing too.

After a while, Wen Jiubai finally restrained his smile, leaving only the corners of his eyes smiling. He stood up from the table and waved to me.

"Gu Yu, come here. I have something to show you."

"What?" I stood up.

Wen Jiubai turned and left the dining table, and I followed him through the lobby and into the porch.

At this time, the sky had turned dark, and the sky was rendered in dark ink. The moon hadn't come out yet, but the stars were already faintly visible.

Wen Jiubai raised his head, looked up at the sky, suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed to the south of the sky and asked, "Gu Yu, can you see it?"

"What?" I raised my head subconsciously, following Wen Jiubai's gaze.

"There, in the south of the center of the sky, can you see a constellation?" Wen Jiubai asked.

I looked in the direction Wen Jiubai said, and I saw a constellation of stars, but with my eyesight, I couldn't see any constellations from the stars all over the sky.

I had no choice but to say resentfully, "I can see the stars, but I can't see the constellations..."

Wen Jiubai gestured patiently in the air with his slender fingers, "It's the end of December, Aries is to the south of the top of the head; Taurus is to the east of Aries; further east, you can see Gemini."

I tried my best to squint my eyes and look like Wen Jiubai, but not only couldn't tell the difference at all, but I was dazzled by these densely packed stars.

I shook my head, indicating that I still didn't recognize it.

Wen Jiubai glanced at me, smiled, lowered his arms, and said in a low voice, "In the eyes of the Greeks long ago, the constellations were formed by various animals, and this is the origin of the names of the twelve constellations." .In astronomy, with the sun as the center, the trajectory of the earth around the sun is called the "ecliptic". The ecliptic plane includes the orbits of all planets and constellations, and there is exactly one constellation within every 30 degrees. , a total of twelve constellations, which we call "zodiac signs". In fact, the word 'zodiac' means 'zoo' in Greek, but when astrology was introduced to our country, the ancients If you think that the sun is great, then the place where it rests must be a magnificent palace, which is why it is called 'Zodiac'."

Out of nowhere, Wen Jiubai started lecturing again, and what he said made me confused.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

Wen Jiubai shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just... I've been wandering in this world for thousands of years, people always come and go, the only thing that remains the same is the stars. The stars were like this before I was alive, and they will be like this after I die .It’s just that there is permanence in the way of heaven, and if it does not exist for Yao, it will not perish for Jie.”

I didn't make a sound, I looked at Wen Jiubai quietly, and my hunch told me that he had something important to say.

"Sorry, I lied to you before." He turned his head to look at me, showing a helpless smile.


"Let me tell you, I asked you to have that dream and peek into the future because I can't cross my own timeline. That's a lie." Wen Jiubai whispered, "Actually, it's best for me to do this myself. Okay, but when it came to me, I was scared."

"Afraid? Afraid of what?"

"Afraid of seeing my own death." Wen Jiubai sat down cross-legged in front of the porch, and said quietly, "What you said is absolutely right, anyone will be afraid of their own death. As for me, I am not only afraid, I Just terrified."

Wen Jiubai in the dream also said this sentence.

"If you did something bad in life, you will be punished after death." Wen Jiubai said with a wry smile, "These words are usually used to scare children, but when death is really approaching, anyone will ask the question : Have I ever done anything wrong in my life? Only then can I die with peace of mind. As for me, heh, it goes without saying that I know it well.”

As Wen Jiubai said, his gaze moved into the distance, "Ask me if I am not afraid of death? Of course I am, even I would. But what can I do? I am already a dying person, maybe this is the best part of the story It's over."

I blurted out and asked, "Wen Jiubai, do you take this as a trial for yourself?"

Wen Jiubai looked a little surprised, he turned around and frowned.

"But this is not your trial at all!" I felt a little ridiculous, and said to him seriously, "Maybe the Taoist priest who wants to kill you is indeed your old enemy, but you are definitely not alone in this matter." Human affairs. That elusive Taoist priest misled Su Xiaoyun a few years ago and almost made Su Xiaoyun possessed by a parasitic soul; when sealing the Gu carving, the Taoist temple was destroyed, probably because of that guy. Ah, also, you are not here When the three of us were attacked by an angry beast in Diecui Mountain, it is basically certain that it was his fault!"

"Wait, what happened to you guys in Diecui Mountain?" Wen Jiubai was taken aback and interrupted me.

"It's not important, you listen to me first." I shook my head and continued, "So what I mean is, this is not about you alone. Not only me, but also Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun have been implicated now .This is not a trial against you alone. That Taoist priest must not just want to kill you. Otherwise, he would have come to you alone, and he would not do such sneaky things in private. thing."

Wen Jiubai frowned.

"And no matter what his purpose is, he is already hurting innocent people. Gu carvings and anger beasts, just these two evil beasts alone have killed many innocent people. You can't deny this, can you?" I asked.

Wen Jiubai nodded.

"So that's what I mean, it's not about you alone." I looked at him with burning eyes, "Wen Jiubai, I know you as Wen Jiubai who is an exorcist, not Wen Jiubai, a nine-tailed demon fox. As long as You still admit that you are an exorcist, so you have to accept the client's entrustment, right? Then I entrust you to investigate the matter of this Taoist priest carefully, and before he ruins Yancheng, we will Grab him and stop him!"

Wen Jiubai didn't waver in the face of my excitement, but looked at me quietly, "You say that because you haven't seen my real appearance, if you have seen me..."

"I don't care!" I interrupted Wen Jiubai excitedly, and took a step forward, "I've thought about it, no matter what kind of heinous fox you used to be, how many reckless things you have done, listen carefully—— Yes, I don’t care! You can call me ignorant or blind, but I’m just pretending to be deaf and dumb, I don’t care!”

Wen Jiubai looked at me in amazement, and my blood boiled, and I continued to shout loudly, "Do you want to know why? Do you know why? Because of Wen Jiubai, I fell in love with you! I don't know when it started, maybe I was Go crazy, but I would rather you hurt innocent people than fall in front of me covered in blood!"

I was gasping for breath, and the previously suppressed emotions burst out at this moment. Sadness and pain hit my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. My eyes were wet, and I tried desperately to stop the tears from falling, but to no avail.

"I saw you disappear in front of me with my own eyes, dissipating like a puff of smoke. That scene has been lingering in my mind for a whole day, chasing after me like a nightmare. I don’t want to go through that kind of thing anymore! And what about you? You are completely indifferent to your own death, as if you don’t even want to struggle, have you ever thought about my feelings?”

Wen Jiubai looked at me in surprise, but my nose was already red from crying in front of him.

What a shame. I turned around to avoid Wen Jiubai's gaze to calm down, but unexpectedly Wen Jiubai suddenly grabbed my shoulder, then bent down and kissed me just like that.

For a while, my brain was in chaos, and I couldn't think about anything for a while.

Wen Jiubai's kiss was very gentle, but very firm, as if to tell me not to worry, gently invading my territory.

"Wen Jiu..."

He didn't even let me speak, his tongue swept across his mouth. At first I struggled a few times tentatively, but soon I was hugged by Wen Jiubai, and I became a puddle of paste.

"Sorry..." After an unknown amount of time, Wen Jiubai let go of me and whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't consider your thoughts, and I let you down."

I stared at him with red eyes, "You have always been so selfish, you will always only think of yourself! I don't care who you are, I only know that you are a big liar who doesn't consider other people's feelings!"

"Yes yes yes." Wen Jiubai smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Treacherous old fox!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Stupid... Mmm!"

I wanted to continue cursing, but Wen Jiubai imprisoned me even more tightly, and his dishonest lips moved down my neck.

Now I started to panic, you know we are standing in front of the porch of the old house, God knows if the weasel will come out suddenly. If that guy saw it, it would be as if I was openly molested by Wen Jiubai!

So I started to struggle, "Wen Jiubai! Okay, that's enough, don't do this!"