Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 206: There are foxes in the mountains


Zhu Xuan stroked the golden retriever's head, raised his head and said to me, "Let's just say that, let's go to the old veterinarian's house tomorrow to ask about the situation. Gu Yu, you have the ability of spiritual vision, maybe you can see What is there that I can't see?"

I quickly shied away, "Uh, I don't dare to do that. Naturally, I went to follow Master Bai Ze."

Zhu Xuan laughed, "Okay, let's stop flattering each other. I'll wait for you downstairs in your dormitory tomorrow morning."

I was surprised and said, "Wait, you even know which dormitory building I live in?"

Zhu Xuan winked at me cunningly, "I am Bai Ze. There is nothing in the world that I don't know about."

In this way, I said goodbye to Zhuxuan at the foot of the mountain, and returned to school with tired steps.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, I took out my mobile phone and looked, sure enough, there were a total of more than a dozen calls from Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong. I went back separately, reported that I was safe, and comforted the two anxious friends, saying that I just went to the old house and nothing happened.

He walked up to the dormitory building and knocked on the door of his own dormitory. Then I found that my three roommates also all cast their eyes on me.

"Gu Yu, where did you go this afternoon?" The boss Di Zizhen spoke first, "Do you know that the English teacher almost died of anger and said that he would tell the school leader about your early departure and remember your fault? !"

"Let her remember." I sat down on the bed and said nonchalantly. I'm not afraid of remembering it, anyway, even if the teacher really reports to the school, Wen Jiubai will come forward to help me settle it.

Alas, I despise myself in my heart, when will I become a person who relies on backdoor relationships.

"Boss, look how free and easy Gu Xiaoyu is." Zhou Lang laughed as soon as he heard what I said, and elbowed Di Zizhen, "I said a long time ago that Gu Xiaoyu is a person with a great cause, how could we care about it?" What about the credits?"

I heard the sarcasm in Zhou Lang's words, and said angrily: "Go and shoulder the great cause, I don't want to do it."

Seeing that Zhou Lang had offended me, he quickly apologized, "Uh, no, that's not what I meant. It's just that you've been away from school recently, and you finally came back, so you ran out without saying a word. You said the dormitory Brothers, can you not worry about you?"

Later, Qi Bojian, who had been sitting on the sidelines doing homework, couldn't stand it any longer, and turned around and interjected, "Fourth, second, I want to ask you if there are any ghosts or supernatural things happening recently. incident. After all, we have all experienced it before, so I am worried about you."

I knew in my heart that the worries of the buddies in the dormitory were not fake. But how could I really tell them what kind of crisis Yancheng is in now

I threw my backpack on the bed and smiled, "No, don't worry about it. I just went to the old house in the afternoon. You know, I'm working for the exorcist. But no What kind of haunting, even if there is, it is far away, and it cannot be implicated in our school."

The boys were visibly relieved.


"Gu Yu, don't lie to your buddies."

"Don't worry, what am I doing lying to you when I have nothing to do?" I stood up and urged, "Don't think about it, it's so late, go to sleep now."

"Success. I'll sleep after I finish this game." Di Zizhen turned his attention back to the computer screen.

At night, all three roommates fell asleep. Zhou Lang snored loudly, and Qi Bojian grinded his teeth like a mouse. And I was lying on my wooden bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, my mind was full of what Wen Jiubai and Zhuxuan said.

The chaotic incident is like a ball of wool that cannot be torn apart. It seems that there is something to be seen, but the head of the ball of wool cannot be found.

Wen Jiubai must be hiding something from me. That's what the old fox has always been good at: hiding a lie within the truth, and hiding the truth beneath the lie.

I thought it was weird a long time ago. Why doesn't Wen Jiubai want me to know his identity? Is it just because he is the heinous nine-tailed demon fox

No, that shouldn't be the case. Don't say that I'm not a person with a sense of justice, and even if I really can't accept his evil side, he doesn't need to take my thoughts into consideration, and can directly use his proud beauty and charm to Hooked me. Who told me to fall in love with him no matter what, as shrewd as Wen Jiubai, it's impossible for me not to think of it.

Somewhere, there always seems to be something missing.

Lying on the bed like this, I don't know how long I thought about it, and finally I fell into a deep sleep.

The dream came as expected.


-your Highness.

what happened


I opened my eyes, and I was still a little confused at first. It wasn't until I saw the face of the maid beside me that I realized where I was.

"Xiaocui, what time is it?" I asked.

The maid named Xiaocui saluted respectfully and said, "Princess, it's past five watch. It's about time."

The long night finally came to an end. My short life should end here.

"Okay, let's go then." I said calmly.

But the maid kept her bowing posture and did not move, I heard a faint sobbing sound.

Actually for me, crying so sad.

I knelt down, wiped away the maid's tears, and comforted me, "Xiao Cui, don't cry. If I go here in exchange for the peace of my father's entire country, then I will die."

"But the princess..."

"Alright Xiaocui, let's go."

Wearing a gorgeous white dress, I walked out of the inner hall slowly.

There were crowds of people outside the gate of the palace, and the maids stood neatly on both sides of the road, covering the whole road with red petals swaying in their hands. I just stepped on those petals lightly with bare feet. The delicate petals were crushed, and the bright red juice stained the soles of my feet, like human blood. I just walked slowly all the way.

There were countless onlookers, and there were whispers and whispers in their ears.

"The king finally sacrificed his daughter."

"Hey, isn't it right for the king to make some sacrifices for the safety of the country? Don't we just let us little people suffer? Besides, I heard that the princess has some problems."

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"I heard that Her Royal Highness, who was born with yin and yang eyes and the ability to predict the future, is a witch!"

"Oh, I've heard about this too! This is exactly the same ability as that demon fox. It's a crime. Maybe the demon fox will come to attack us because of this demon girl!"

"Oh, it looks like it's better to send it out early. The demon fox will not eat us again after eating the demon girl!"

I walked forward slowly, and the comments of others were just deaf ears. The road paved with petals extends from the palace to the foot of the mountain. There, the altar prepared for me is placed there.

The paunchy father was standing near the altar, crying with snot and tears.

"Father." I couldn't bear it, and called him, "It doesn't matter. This is my daughter's willingness."

Father Wang wiped away his tears, as if he couldn't even speak, just shook his head vigorously. Finally, my name was called.


I walked up to my father, held his hands, and smiled, hoping to give him strength.

"It doesn't matter, the people say that if the fox eats me, it won't eat others. Your country will also prosper from now on."

The father shook his head, sighed, and shed tears, "If there is another way, I will never, I will never send you out!"

I comforted my father, "It's okay. Everything will be fine. From now on, everyone can live a peaceful life."

The father nodded with tears in his eyes, then reluctantly waved his hand, "Sacrifice, start!"

Near the altar, which was still dead just now, there were suddenly many priestesses in white clothes. They wore wreaths and danced barefoot around the altar. When the golden bell rang, many men in plain clothes sang along, the singing was deep and long.

"In the north there are mountains and there are foxes in the mountains; in Qingqiu there are countries scattered and lonely!

There are foxes in the mountains and fox eating Gu; wives and children are scattered by the roadside!

Now I am dedicated to the emperor's daughter; I wish to pray for forgiveness from the fox..."

In the long singing, I slowly stepped onto the high altar. Looking from the altar, you can see the opposite mountain peak from a distance. There has always been a place that everyone fears. But today, we are going to face that mountain directly and lure the evil beast Nine Tails.

In the singing, there was gradually movement. The air became uneasy, and everyone felt the killing intent and trembling. Not long after that, a roar came from the opposite side.

That's right, the nine-tailed demon fox is coming.

When I woke up in the morning, it was still daylight. Dazedly, he took out his mobile phone from under the pillow and saw that it was only half past six. I always feel that I had a very strange dream last night, but when I recall it carefully, I don't remember what I dreamed at all. I just remember what sacrifice and song it was. I lay on the bed and thought about it for a long time, but I didn't remember it. At this time, I couldn't fall asleep even if I wanted to sleep again, so I simply climbed out of bed, brushed my teeth and washed my face lazily.

By the way, Zhuxuan said yesterday that he would come to the dormitory to find me in the morning...but he didn't say what time it was. I took out my phone in confusion, and then remembered that Zhuxuan didn't give me any contact information at all.

Could it be that if I go out now, I can see him

I put on my clothes suspiciously and walked out of the dormitory. Unexpectedly, before I left the dormitory, I saw Zhuxuan chatting happily with the housekeeper of our dormitory.

"Ah, Gu Yu, you're here." Zhu Xuan greeted me with a smile when he saw me walking downstairs.

"You, when did you come here?" I was very surprised.

"Is this your friend?" Because she often stays out at night, the dorm aunt who has always had no good looks towards me actually talked to me with a smile today, "Your friend is really sensible and knows everything. He just came here Soon, he said he knew you would come down in a while."