Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 207: Haunted veterinarian


I looked at Zhuxuan in surprise, but Zhuxuan just waved to me with a smile and said, "Let's go."

"How did you know I would get up so early today?" I asked after following his footsteps.

"By the way, I'm Bai Ze." Zhu Xuan replied with the same words, smiling and walking forward.

"Where are we going? Does that veterinarian you speak of live far from here?" I asked.

"It's not very far, it's very close. It's only ten minutes' walk away."

Sure enough, just as Zhuxuan said, he walked out of the school, walked around the foot of the mountain, and soon saw a lonely pet hospital. There are no neon lights or eye-catching signs. It seems that the facade is quite deserted, presumably if Zhuxuan was not very anxious at that time, he would not have chosen such a deserted shop.

"Speaking of which, where's Ye?" I looked around, but I couldn't see the golden retriever beside Zhuxuan.

"Oh, him. I wanted to bring him with me, but he still can't fully adapt to his new body. So let him rest in the old house."

My eyes widened, "Did you put Ye with Wen Jiubai?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" Zhu Xuan asked back.

What's wrong with asking... Should I say that Zhu Xuan has a big heart, or should I say that he is too brave. Regarding the relationship between Wen Jiubai and him, he even dared to foster Ye in the old house, and he was not afraid that Wen Jiubai would stew him in dog meat soup as soon as Wen Jiubai got angry.

"Don't worry, he didn't dare to do that." Zhu Xuan seemed to have seen through my thoughts, and patted my shoulder, "Let's go, visit that old veterinarian."

When we walked into the deserted shop, the door was closed, but Zhuxuan opened it with a push, and it seemed that it was not locked.

"Mr. Yang, are you there?" Zhu Xuan shouted after entering the door.

Not long after, an old gentleman who looked to be in his fifties came out of the house. Seeing Zhuxuan, he smiled.

"Young man, it's you. Come in and sit, come in and sit." Then the old man saw me, "Is this your friend? Come in too!"

"Yes, this is my friend." Zhu Xuan said unhurriedly, "He is also the exorcist Taoist I invited for you."

ha? Wait, what is Zhuxuan talking about

And the old gentleman also showed an expression of obvious disbelief, and said suspiciously: "He? He looks like a college student. How could he be a ghost exorcist Taoist?"

Just as I was about to refute, Zhu Xuan spoke first.

"Mr. Yang, don't look at my friend like this, but he has practiced for hundreds of years." Zhu Xuan said solemnly, "Otherwise, how could he maintain such a young appearance?"

"Really, really?" The old man looked at Zhuxuan excitedly.

Zhu Xuan took it for granted, "Of course."

I still wanted to open my mouth to refute, but I didn't want to, the old gentleman knelt down at me with a "plop".

"The living god is coming, our old couple finally waited until this day!" The old man's forehead knocked on the ground, and I was so frightened that I hurried to help him.

But before I could say anything, the old man excitedly grabbed my arm again.

"Live god, you are finally here, you must save me and my wife, save our family!"

I couldn't dodge in time, and looked at Zhuxuan at a loss, but Zhuxuan didn't speak for me, but stood aside and smiled secretly.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and put on an air, "Old man, get up quickly. Well, since I'm here, I can definitely help you. But the premise is that you must know everything about the haunted situation." just tell me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, the person I invited is a man of Taoism, and he will definitely not disappoint you."

Zhu Xuan was still talking nonsense, I gave him a hard look. In desperation, he could only follow Zhu Xuan's words.

Zhuxuan must have promised the old man to bring Wen Jiubai here, but Wen Jiubai couldn't come because of something else, so he made up such a story.

"Old man, please sit down first. Sit down and talk." I helped the old man to sit down. The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and sighed.

"You are here, my wife can be saved. The heavens really have eyes."

Zhu Xuan frowned, and keenly sensed that something was wrong, "My wife? She was fine when I visited last time. Did something happen this time?"

The old man immediately sighed, shook his head sadly and said, "Since you left, my wife has fallen ill."

"I fell ill, what's going on?" I asked.

"The night after you left, our old couple cooked some simple meals and served them on the table as usual. We ate while talking. The old woman was eating very well a second ago, and she was chatting, but next time In a second, a strange thing happened. My wife suddenly convulsed, spit out all the food in her mouth, and then fell to the ground retching and twitching. I was terrified at the time, so I helped her up quickly, and then It was discovered that she suddenly had a high fever, was unconscious, and lost consciousness."

"Didn't you see a doctor then?" I asked.

The old man said with a sad face: "Oh, what doctor are you looking for? We all know that this is not a disease at all, but a ghost. How can the doctor see this ghost?"

"But..." I wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Zhu Xuan's eyes.

"But that being said, I still gave the old woman some antipyretics. Of course, not only did it have no effect at all, but she retched continuously and forced to spit out all the pills." The old man shook his head while sighing, " It has been two days since my wife had a fever, and she hasn't even had a drop of water!"

Zhu Xuan immediately stood up and asked, "Where is the old lady now?"

The old man was taken aback by Zhu Xuan's sudden movement, "Just, just lying in the side room."

"Take us to see."

We followed the old man to the side room, and sure enough, there was a wrinkled old woman lying on the bed. She was flushed and had trouble breathing, and even a layman like me could tell at a glance that she had a high fever.

It is very dangerous for a person of such an age to have a high fever. According to the old man, she even had a high fever for two days without eating or drinking.

It would be great if Wen Jiubai came. He understands medical principles and will definitely be able to save the old woman. Just as I was thinking this way, Zhu Xuan behind me made a sound.

"Let me have a look."

The old man and I made way for Zhuxuan. I saw Zhuxuan's face was serious, he held up the old woman's wrist, put three fingers on the pulse, and started her pulse.

That's right, Zhuxuan is Bai Ze. In ancient Chinese legends, Bai Ze has always been in charge of all kinds of herbs, and he is proficient in the principles of everything, let alone medicine.

"The pulse condition is fairly stable, but the high fever persists for no reason. I'm afraid it has something to do with the unclean things in the house." After a while, Zhuxuan turned around and said to us, "So this high fever is fake. There is no danger to her life."

After hearing this, the old gentleman breathed a sigh of relief. But before this breath was relieved, Zhu Xuan continued to speak.

"But if things go on like this, it's not the high fever that destroys her, but the lack of water. She will soon die of thirst and hunger."

"What?" The old man turned pale with fright, suddenly looked at me, and suddenly begged with snot and tears, "Master, please, please find a way to save my wife! I have lost my Only son, I can't lose my wife anymore, master!"

After the old gentleman said this, I was embarrassed to remember that I had been positioned as a master by Zhuxuan just now. Now the poor old man has cast all his hopes on me.

"Uh, yes... As I said just now, I can definitely help you. As for Mrs. Zun's condition, this..." I stammered and turned to Zhuxuan for help.

"Master, why don't you paste some ghost-exorcism talismans in the room first to suppress the Yin Qi." Zhu Xuan said.

Good job bamboo house! I knew you wouldn't abandon me!

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and said with certainty: "Yes, let's put a demon-suppressing charm in this bedroom first. Maybe it can improve your wife's situation."

"Okay, okay, this is no problem!" The old man said hurriedly, "I'll get you a pen, ink, paper and inkstone right now!"

The old man turned around and went to the back room to get his pen, ink, paper and inkstone. As a result, I panicked again, and hurriedly called Zhu Xuan in a low voice.

"Hey, Zhuxuan! How do you write this spell? Zhuxuan!"

But after calling several times, Zhuxuan didn't answer. I saw that he was squatting in the corner, frowning and studying something.

I was even more anxious, "Zhuxuan! What are you doing? Hurry up and help me!"

But Zhuxuan ignored my question and muttered, "It's strange... this is really strange."

I had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in my heart and ask, "What's strange? Isn't it just a corner, what's so strange?"

"No. Gu Yu, come and see." Zhu Xuan turned his body slightly, pointed to a wet stain in the corner of the wall and said to me, "Look here, there is a large piece of wet water stain in the corner of the wall."

"What's so strange about the water damage?" I became even more impatient, "This house is so dilapidated and in disrepair for a long time, isn't it normal for it to leak when it rains?"

"I know. But that's the problem." Zhu Xuan frowned, "It hasn't rained in Yancheng for at least half a month. Where did the water stain come from?"

I was baffled, and just as I was about to speak, the old man's voice came over.

"Master, master. I brought you things, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, all here. You write talismans!"

The old man held a tray in his hand, looked at me expectantly, and put the things in front of me.

"Uh..." My palms were sweating, and I called out in a low voice, "Zhuxuan, Zhuxuan!"

But Zhuxuan didn't respond to me at all, as if he was still immersed in doubts about the water stains in the corner.