Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 209: deliver medicine


"Oh, I didn't expect..." The old man wiped his moist eye sockets and shook his head, "It's a blessing from the old man III that you take such good care of me!"

"What kind words are you talking about?" Zhu Xuan picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of eggplant and put it in the old man's bowl, "Hurry up and eat, we will send the medicine to Madam after eating."

The old gentleman picked up the bowl with a smile, and sighed: "Oh, it's so delicious, I really want to grow four more mouths."

Both Zhuxuan and I laughed.

After dinner, we took the fried medicine and went to Mrs. Yang's room.

"My wife, this is the medicine prescribed by the master's friend. You drink it and get better soon." Mr. Yang scooped up a tablespoon of medicine from the medicine bowl and gave it to the unconscious old woman. mouth to feed.

"No, it's going to be spilled!" I cried.

Sure enough, the old woman's lips were tightly closed, and she kept shaking her head during the fever. As a result, all the spoonful of medicine was spilled on the bedding.

"You can't feed like this." Zhu Xuan said and came to the bedside, pinched the old woman's jawbone with his index finger and thumb, and with a little force, the old woman opened her mouth.

"Give me the medicine." Zhu Xuan held out his hand to the old gentleman.

"No, no, no, just let me come." The old man hurriedly shook his head, but approached with a medicine bowl, and scooped up a spoonful of medicine soup, "My wife, you must drink it this time .”

The medicine soup flowed into the old woman's mouth along the medicine spoon, and Zhuxuan held the old woman's chin so smoothly that the medicine was swallowed.

"Drink it!"

"It's in good condition." Zhu Xuan also looked very happy, "Go ahead, finish this bowl of medicine like this!"

After Zhuxuan fed the medicine smoothly, the old lady's condition seemed much more stable, she stopped turning her body and fell into a deep sleep.

After that, we sat in the yard and chatted with the old man for a while, and before we knew it, it was almost nine o'clock.

"... Thank you both very much. If there are no two of you now, I really don't know what to do." Mr. Yang sighed and said, "Who knows how such a good life would suddenly come to such an accident? Woolen cloth?"

"Don't worry. Since I promised you, I will definitely investigate this matter." Zhu Xuan comforted, "What's more, I invited this brilliant master."

Zhuxuan held me out again, so I could only laugh out loud in embarrassment.

"Then...you two, it's getting late now. I've already cleaned out the bedroom in the side room for you two. If you two don't dislike it, can you stay here for one night tonight?" The old man was full of expectations. looking at us.

Zhu Xuan and I looked at each other, and Zhu Xuan nodded.

"Okay, it's just that I can observe the situation of Mrs. Zun when I stay here. I won't bother you."

"Oh, how can you call it a nuisance. I'm so thankful!" The old man was about to bow to Zhu Xuan, but Zhu Xuan quickly helped him up.

"Okay, old man, you've been busy all day, go and rest first. Madam, don't worry and leave it to the two of us."

"This, this..." The old gentleman looked at me and Zhuxuan with a look of hesitation.

So I quickly interrupted, "You can go to sleep. Zhuxuan and I are here, don't worry."

"Okay, those two should rest earlier." The old gentleman finally bowed to us, and then left tremblingly. Only Zhuxuan and I were sitting in the yard.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "It's really tiring dealing with that old gentleman."

Zhu Xuan laughed, "What's wrong?"

"He's being too polite to us, too," I complained, "as if we must behave like ancient poor literati, or be rude to him."

Zhu Xuan smiled and said: "The old man regards us as the last straw."

"And Zhuxuan, don't you think it's strange?" I asked, "This family has a very old-fashioned feel. Not only the words used when speaking, but also the furniture of this family is also very old. What era is it?" , There is still a stove in the yard. The refrigerator is also the oldest type."

"What's so strange about this." Zhu Xuan didn't care about it, "Even now, many people still have old habits. Especially the elderly, you let them accept the new society all at once. Things, you can’t just accept them in a short time, right?”

I looked at Zhuxuan suspiciously, "But I see that you, an old man, have adapted to the new society quite well."

"Don't compare me with humans. My learning speed is not comparable to that of humans." Zhu Xuan looked at me helplessly, "Let's get back to the topic. We have been here for half a day, you Did you find anything?"

"Discover?" I was taken aback, and laughed dryly, "You shouldn't be asking me this question, I should be asking you. What can I find out? I can't feel anything except that this family is very old-fashioned. "

"No strange feeling?" Zhu Xuan asked again.

I shook my head.

"That's very strange, because I'm the same." Zhu Xuan frowned, raised his chin and thought.

"the same as you?"

"Yes, just like you, I didn't feel anything wrong." Zhu Xuan looked around and his expression gradually became serious, "But, according to what the old man said before, people can be frozen in the bathroom." Death, there should be a very powerful monster in their house. Before I came to investigate, I thought carefully and eliminated several kinds of monsters. But I didn’t expect to come here, but I didn’t feel any monster at all. This is not very strange ?"

Indeed, Zhu Xuan was right. Although I don't have the ability of Zhuxuan and Wen Jiubai, I still have some sense of evil things. It may also be because I have encountered more monsters. Generally, in places where there are monsters, my intuition will tell me that something is wrong. But this time it felt like nothing.

"Could it be that the monsters here are stronger than we thought?" I asked.

"It should be." Zhu Xuan's brows were tightly furrowed, and he didn't know what he was struggling with.

"It's okay, nothing will happen." I comforted Zhuxuan, "In case of any accident, we can still contact Wen Jiubai. This matter was originally his case, and we just took over temporarily. Don't look at it With Wen Jiubai's appearance, he is quite good at exorcising demons."

Zhu Xuan smiled lightly and shook his head, "You. Only you can speak for him at this time."