Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 211: A day of reincarnation


I was taken aback, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case. No matter how disgusting I smelled before, I was only dizzy at most, and I have never been poisoned.

"However, there are also monsters that can use miasma to kill people." Zhu Xuan continued, "there are not many, but I know a few. This kind of monsters are very dark and have deep resentment. Once they are entangled, they will die." It's hard to escape. But if it really was one of these monsters that killed the old woman, we should feel it anyway."

I nodded and agreed with Zhuxuan's statement.

"This is very strange. Judging from my current feeling, the death of this old lady is just like..." Zhu Xuan frowned, with a hesitant expression.

"Like what?" I asked.

Zhu Xuan looked at me hesitantly and said, "It's like murder."

"Murder?" I didn't understand Zhu Xuan's meaning for a while.

"I mean, the murder of the old woman always feels more like a murder committed by a human being than a monster."

I looked at Zhuxuan in surprise, "You mean... the old woman was killed by someone, not a ghost? But, you said that the old woman was poisoned to death by miasma..."

Zhu Xuan nodded, "Yes, that's why I said things are weird. If humans want to commit murders, it's much easier to use human poisons. Like cyanide, arsenic, or snake venom, it's easy to kill people No, to deal with such a frail and sickly old woman, you can kill it with any weapon, and there is no need to spend so much trouble."

The more I listen to it, the more confusing it becomes.

"What the hell is..."

"I don't know." Zhu Xuan shook his head and sighed, "Either there are monsters who are smart enough to poison people like humans, or there are some reasons why someone has to take such a lot of trouble to kill people. I can't judge now, just It can be said that things have become difficult. If this continues, Mr. Yang may be killed by a murderer waiting for the opportunity to lurk before the Nine-Tailed Fox rushes over after finishing his work. First the son, then the wife, and finally... "

I stood up immediately, "I'll call Wen Jiubai."

"Okay." Zhu Xuan nodded. When I was about to leave, he stopped me again.

"Gu Yu, go and rest after the phone call."

I was taken aback and asked, "What about you?"

"I don't need to sleep. If I have this time, I'd better protect Mr. Yang." Zhu Xuan also stood up and comforted me, "Is there anything you can talk about tomorrow, listen to me, okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, but nodded and agreed.

Back in the room, I immediately dialed Wen Jiubai's number, but unexpectedly I couldn't get through.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty..."

Strange. If Wen Jiubai turned off the phone or didn't receive it, it shouldn't be the voice reminder, right? Is there a problem with the mobile voice reminder

I dialed twice again, but the prompt tone I heard was still an empty number prompt.

How is this going

I held the phone, hesitating whether to tell Zhuxuan about this. But looking at the time, it was already very late.

Forget it, I yawned and thought, as Zhu Xuan said, if there is something, let's talk about it tomorrow. It's not too late to investigate again tomorrow. Anyway, Zhuxuan can't sleep, and if something happens, he will definitely wake me up.

In a daze, he closed his clothes and fell asleep on the narrow bed without even taking off his clothes.

Consciousness is a little fuzzy, and I don't know when I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, I was woken up by a gust of cold wind.

What's going on... Where's my quilt

I frowned and turned over, only to find that my body was pinched by hard edges and corners.

Only then did I really open my eyes.

I didn't sleep on a bed, and I didn't have a comfortable quilt on me. On the contrary, I was actually lying on the cold ground, and the thing that just hit me was a small stone on the ground.

I woke up with a start and immediately jumped up and looked around. That's right, I'm not indoors right now, but lying under the sky with the cold December wind blowing. To be precise, it was standing in front of a certain family's door.

- Take a closer look, isn't this family the same Mr. Yang's we visited yesterday? There is also the words "Pet Diagnosis and Treatment" hanging on the door.

what is going on? Why did I suddenly change from the warm bed inside the room to lying outside the door blowing cold wind

"what happened… "

Before I could recover from the shock, a voice came to my ears. Only then did I realize that I wasn't the only one lying down on the cold bricks for no reason, Zhu Xuan was also lying on the ground beside him, sneezed as soon as he woke up, and looked around in confusion.

"What's wrong? Hey, Gu Yu, did you play a prank?"

I doubted me as soon as I woke up, and I said angrily: "I just woke up a few minutes earlier than you. What's going on? Didn't you say you don't need to sleep last night? Why did you lie outside the door?" ? What should Mr. Yang do!"

"I don't know either!" Zhu Xuan also said angrily. He looked around and didn't know what happened by looking at his expression, "I was going to keep guarding Mr. Yang last night, but suddenly I started to feel sleepy, and fell asleep at some point. But I don’t have any memory of falling asleep outside the door.”

"According to what you said, could it be that Mr. Yang moved the two of us out of the door in the middle of the night? What is this, sweeping us out?" I asked suspiciously.

Zhu Xuan frowned, and just about to say something, the door in front of us was opened. It was Mr. Yang who poked his head out from the crack of the door.

Mr. Yang first looked at me with strange eyes, and then looked at Zhuxuan, this time he showed a pleasant smile.

"Oh, aren't you the little brother who came here a few days ago? Come in and sit, come in and sit." Then the old man saw me and greeted me enthusiastically, "Is this your friend? Come in too!" "

Isn't this... what the old gentleman said when we first met yesterday

Zhu Xuan looked at me in surprise, and then at the old man.

"Mr. Yang, what happened yesterday?" Zhu Xuan asked bluntly, "I should have fallen asleep during the night watch, but why did I come to the gate?"

Looking at Mr. Yang's surprised expression, I seemed to understand something.

"Yesterday... You didn't come here yesterday, young man." Mr. Yang said inexplicably, "And this friend beside you, I just saw him for the first time today."

Zhu Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent immediately, and exchanged a glance with me, both of us had a bad premonition in our hearts.

"Go in." Zhu Xuan said in a low voice.

After entering the room, Zhu Xuan ran towards the side room without saying anything. The old man was taken aback and tried to stop him but failed.

"Boy! Oh, what are you doing there!"

"Uh...well, he's a prophet." I stopped the old man and said nonsense, "So he can predict what will happen to your house. It's okay, let him go and see."

I followed Zhuxuan all the way to the side room, and saw Zhuxuan quickly came to the bed and lifted the old lady's quilt.

Although the old woman's face was a bit ugly, her chest could clearly be seen floating up and down. breathing.

The old woman is still alive.

How is this going

"Up to now, there is only one explanation." Zhu Xuan whispered as if he had seen through my thoughts, "Time has been messed up."

I looked at Zhuxuan in surprise, "You mean... the day we experienced yesterday, did it all over again?"

"If you don't believe me, just check the time on your phone."

I quickly took out my phone and looked at the time on the screen, my heart sank to the bottom.

December 23rd. Same date as yesterday.

"How could this be..." I muttered, "Is this the murderer who killed the old woman? I don't understand. What's going on?"

"Would the murderer who killed the old woman go out of her way to bring her back to life?" Zhu Xuan asked back, shaking his head, "And, would he have such a great ability? I don't think this is part of the incident. what people do."