Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 213: analyze


At this moment, a voice came from the room: "Master! That's already posted!"

Zhu Xuan glanced at me, "Let's go, let's check on the situation of the old lady."

I looked at Zhuxuan and asked hesitantly, "Are you still going? According to what you said, that old lady may have died several years ago."

Zhu Xuan asked back, "If it was you, would you go?"

I looked at him and nodded anyway.

"That's it, let's go."

Zhuxuan felt the old woman's pulse like yesterday, and prescribed medicine. I saw him modifying the prescription for a long time, as if he was thinking of a better solution than yesterday.

"Okay. Go grab the medicine." Finally Zhuxuan finally wrote the prescription and handed it to Mr. Yang.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Mr. Yang took the prescription like a treasure, and just about to go out, Zhuxuan stopped him again.


"What's wrong?" Mr. Yang turned around.

"Ah, it's just... I suddenly remembered something." Zhu Xuan smiled, and pointed to the bathroom next to him, "Sir, you told me that the young master was frozen to death in the bathroom, is this the place?"

The old man nodded, "Yes, it's here. Why, is there something wrong?"

"No, it's fine." Zhu Xuan shook his head, "Just a question by the way. You go buy medicine!"

"Hey, okay."

After the old man left, Zhu Xuan stared in the direction of the bathroom in a daze.

"What's wrong?" I walked over immediately.

"I was just thinking, maybe Ling Xiao trapped us like this because he wanted to play a game." Zhu Xuan said suddenly.

"Playing games?" I repeated.

"That's right. I heard that Ling Xiao is smart and cautious, has a high IQ, and is full of tricks. He must be watching us somewhere now. If you think about it from his perspective, it might be... almost like a game Right?" Zhu Xuan looked at me, "He probably threw us a puzzle game."

"Puzzle-solving game?" I suddenly realized, "That must refer to the haunted and strange things that happened in Mr. Yang's house!"

Zhu Xuan nodded, "I'm afraid it is for us to find out the truth here, otherwise we will be trapped here forever."

"That's all I can think of now."

"No matter where this commission comes from, it feels weird. It doesn't mean that we are trapped here, but the incident itself of Mr. Yang and his family." Zhu Xuan thought, "First of all, Mr. Yang and his family are not What kind of bad people, just a family of ordinary people. For no reason, how could evil spirits come to the door. And it is not ordinary harassment, but must put the family to death. This is the first doubt. Then, according to Mr. Yang It is said that his son was frozen to death by a gust of cold wind while he was taking a bath. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Yang himself was also hit by that gust of cold wind. If his wife hadn't arrived in time, he would have died in the bathroom. "

"That's right." I nodded.

"But Mr. Yang's description is also very strange." Zhu Xuan walked into the bathroom, opened the shower curtain, and pointed it out to me, "Look, there is no shower in this bathroom, only an old water pipe to act as a shower head. These old pipes are iron and, judging from the rust, have been used for a long time."

I followed Zhuxuan, looked at the water pipes for a long time, but didn't see any tricks, "So what's the matter?"

Zhu Xuan shook his head, "Think about it, if this bathroom has been subjected to twice the low temperature that can freeze people to death, will such a dilapidated water pipe be as intact as it is now?"

I suddenly realized that I didn't close my mouth for a long time, "You are so good, you can definitely become a detective."

Zhu Xuan looked at me amusedly, "Okay, even if you flatter me, it won't do you any good."

"But according to your reasoning, is it possible that Mr. Yang is lying?" I asked, "Why is he lying? It shouldn't do him any good."

"I don't know either." Zhu Xuan shook his head and looked at me, "But Gu Yu, from now on, don't believe what you see with your eyes, and don't believe what you hear with your ears. Everything may be false, Everything has value in doubt. Only in this way can we find out the truth."

Next, as we are familiar with, Mr. Yang went to the market to buy the medicine. Then he went to decoct the medicine, and Zhuxuan and I went to the kitchen to cook.

The ingredients are exactly the same as yesterday, no need to think at all, just pick it up and make it. Therefore, there was a long silence between Zhuxuan and I, probably because we each had our own concerns, and no one spoke.

"Okay, I'll just ask Mr. Yang to have dinner." After the preparations, I wiped my hands on the towel and got ready to walk out of the kitchen.

"Wait a little longer." Zhuxuan stopped me, "Don't forget, our speed today is much faster than yesterday. Mr. Yang must not have cooked the medicine yet."

"Yes." I sighed and sat down on the stool. He obviously didn't do much work, but he felt like his body was about to fall apart.

"There's no way..." I muttered to myself, "Can we just pull out that nasty guy from behind the scenes?"

Zhu Xuan also sat down, and gave a wry smile, "There must be a way. But now the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the open. If I act rashly, I don't know what will happen. I only pity me. I was originally an unrelated person, but somehow Being involved in a dispute with my old enemy."

That being said, it is true.

Zhu Xuan had nothing to do with this matter, and he could have ignored Wen Jiubai's affairs. There was no need to help Wen Jiubai take over this strange commission.

I'm afraid... it's because of me. If Zhuxuan didn't know me, it would be impossible for him to accept the commission, and it would be impossible for him to be involved in Wen Jiubai's affairs.

"Don't get me wrong. Although I said that if I didn't know you, I wouldn't visit that old fox in person." Zhu Xuan said suddenly, as if he could see through my thoughts, "But it's definitely not because of you that I took over the commission. If you want to talk about why... it really is kindness at work."

Zhu Xuan laughed self-deprecatingly, "No matter how cunning and evil they are, and how unreasonable things they have done for human beings, I still have hope and expectations for this race. Maybe this is what human beings say I can't bear to have a creature dying in front of me but stand by. Ling Xiao may have seen this in me, so he set up such a trap for us to be fooled."

Zhu Xuan's expression was very calm, even though he was calm, there was a hint of sadness in the depths of his eyes.


Maybe Zhuxuan suffered a lot because of his kindness before. According to the unrecorded legends alone, many human beings' yearning for Bai Ze turned into greed, wanting to take this divine beast as their own.

It's hard to imagine that Zhuxuan has experienced such pain, but he still retains a kindness...

"Kindness." I coughed dryly and muttered, "No matter when it is, it is not a bad thing."

Zhu Xuan looked at me with a little surprise, and then burst out laughing.

At the same time, I felt a hand rubbing my head.

"I know. Thank you, Gu Yu."

My face was hot and I almost jumped off the stool. As soon as I raised my head to meet Shang Zhuxuan's eyes, the latter looked at me with a smile, without any embarrassment at all.

"Again, this Ling Xiao, who is he?" I quickly changed the subject, "He must know you and me very well. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a trap."

"If only I knew." Zhu Xuan sighed, "I have never seen that Taoist priest, and I don't know how powerful he is. If Wen Jiubai were here, the situation would definitely be more favorable to us. But Since he’s not here, we can only do what’s in front of us right now.”

Speaking of what's in front of me...

"Mr. Yang's wife, that old lady, will she die tonight?" I said this in a heavy tone.

"I don't know." Zhu Xuan said, "We still don't know how she died yesterday. It stands to reason that no one has entered or left the room after feeding her the medicine yesterday. Around the room The charms you wrote are also pasted on them. If something unclean comes in, you should feel it."