Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 217: The end of the event


"I'm sorry, we passed by and got lost when we came here. I just saw such a family and wanted to go in to ask for directions. I'm sorry to scare you."

"This, is that so." The young man pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked, "But this place has been abandoned for many years, and no one has lived in it for a long time."

My heart skipped a beat, but before I could express my worries, Zhuxuan rushed ahead of me.

"When was this house abandoned?" Zhu Xuan asked, "Do you know if there was an old lady living here?"

"Old woman?" The young man was stunned for a moment, "You are talking about Grandma Yang Yuxiang, right? She has been my neighbor for many years."

Zhu Xuan's eyes lit up, "Yes, that's the name!"

The young man laughed, "What, so you know her, so it's no wonder."

"Then Grandma Yang, is she still in good health?" Zhu Xuan hurriedly asked.

The young man had a very embarrassed expression, "Well, she has passed away, that's why the house was abandoned."

My heart suddenly sank. Could it be that we spent so much effort and went through a repeated cycle for two days, but in the end we still failed to save the old woman's life

"Last winter, the year of the old man's eightieth birthday." The young man said again.

Zhu Xuan immediately raised his head and asked, "Did you die last year?"

"Yes." The young man seems to have opened up the chatterbox, talking eloquently, "Grandma Yang has suffered a lot in her life. When she was young, her family arranged for her to marry her to her grandfather. I heard that when she got married, she would rather die than marry her." In the end, I was forced to obey. Later I heard that when she was fifty years old, her only son and her husband both died suddenly. She was the only one who survived, and no one knew what it was What's going on. Occasionally, when asked about something good, Grandma Yang is unwilling to say more. She just said that two teenagers saved her life at that time. The savior talked a lot. He said that one was wearing a white dress and the other was wearing a sweater. Ah, speaking of which, the two of you dressed up today are very similar to the two teenagers she mentioned."

As I listened, I smiled. Looking back, Zhu Xuan's eyes just met, and he also showed a smile.

"In this case, let's go." Zhu Xuan said.

"That's right, let's go. It's time for us to find Wen Jiubai."

With that said, we turned around and set off in the direction of the old house.

"Hey, hey! What are you going to do? Didn't you say you got lost? Why didn't you ask for directions? Hey!"


In this way, Zhuxuan perfectly solved the entrustment of the veterinarian who was in disorder in time and space. The time that had been reincarnated and repeated before finally returned to normal.

However, after the incident ended, the behind-the-scenes man who played boring games with us still did not show up for a long time. It's useless even to investigate around the house, this mysterious time repeat experience seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

Zhuxuan and I had no choice but to give up the investigation in the end, go back to the old house, and tell Wen Jiubai about this bizarre incident.

"I see."

This was the first sentence that Wen Jiubai said after listening to a series of my narrations. It was completely lukewarm, so calm that there was not even a ripple.

"Why did you react like this?" I said angrily, "Are you listening carefully?"

"Of course I'm listening." Wen Jiubai raised one eyebrow, "That is to say, you and Zhuxuan only seemed to go out for a day, but actually stayed together for three full days?"

I looked at Wen Jiubai dumbfounded, "Wen Jiubai! What time is it, why do you still care about such insignificant little issues?"

"It's not insignificant." Wen Jiubai shot sharply at Zhuxuan, who was rubbing the dog's hair, "You actually stayed with that kind of person over there for three days, of course I should care about it. Maybe What will he do to you?"

Before I could speak, Zhuxuan replied coldly.

"Really? I think it's more worrying for Gu Yu to stay with someone like you all the time."

Here we go again, here we go again, I thought with a headache. As long as these two people get together, they can always smell the dense smell of gunpowder in the air.

If these two people have a disagreement and fight, I think I am the most dangerous. I thought sadly.

"It's serious." I interrupted the two of them before they quarreled, "Wen Jiubai, this is a matter of your life. What do you think is going on?"

"Who knows." Wen Jiubai used this vague term again, "Just like what you said, that person wants to play a game with you."

"No, Zhuxuan and I think that the person that person wanted to trap was actually you. It is very likely that he found out that he had caught the wrong person, and then let us go so easily." I interrupted Wen Jiubai in a hurry Said, "In other words, you are the real target of the mastermind behind the scenes."

However, Wen Jiubai nodded nonchalantly, "I know about it. It's been very clear since I first received that letter, isn't it?"

Hey, you are the target! Do you have any self-awareness as a goal

At this moment, Zhu Xuan said leisurely from the side, "Gu Yu, for a person like this, you should let him go. The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs, if he really wants to die, you can't stop him. "

I looked at Zhuxuan helplessly. At this juncture, big brother, don't make any trouble, okay

I don't know if Zhuxuan read the message in my eyes, smiled, and stood up.

"It's getting late, so I won't stay here any longer. I'm leaving, Gu Yu, see you by fate."

I was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Zhuxuan meant, "Goodbye by fate is..."

Zhu Xuan laughed, "Don't worry, we will definitely see you again. Since I was involved in the incident, I won't stand by and watch. When I should appear, I will appear again."

I breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and watched Zhu Xuan just like the previous two times, without leaving any contact information, and disappeared from my sight.

Now only Wen Jiubai and I are left in the old house. I sighed in my heart, and turned my head to prepare to discuss with Wen Jiubai the serious matter of him being targeted.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned my head, Wen Jiubai showed an expression of obvious dissatisfaction, with his chin raised slightly, and asked eccentrically, "You really miss him."