Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 219: discuss


Wen Jiubai nodded after listening to my description: "What you said is not completely unreasonable."

"Of course it makes sense, isn't this common sense?"

"If it is common sense, it is indeed common sense. As you said, destroying the world will not bring any benefits to people, and the culprit himself cannot escape the fate of destruction. From this point of view, it is indeed a very incredible thing."

"That's right." I replied.

"However, if you think about it this way, what benefits will murder bring to the murderer?" Wen Jiubai looked at me and asked suddenly.

"this… "

I was stunned for a moment, then felt funny again. Why did Wen Jiubai ask such an obvious question

"There will always be benefits. The murderer has a motive." I gave an example, "It's like the husband cheated on him, so he killed the mistress. Or he wanted revenge because he had hatred with the victim. Or There is also a situation where you get property if you kill someone. Killing always has a motive, and if there is no motive, who would kill?"

"But, after killing someone, will the murderer benefit? Not necessarily." Wen Jiubai looked at me sharply and questioned, "First of all, although we always say that the murderer deprives The life of the victim. But in fact, the murderer did not take the life of the victim after killing someone, and the murderer himself will not live a long life just because he killed someone, right? "

I was at a loss, "That being said, but..."

However, Wen Jiubai interrupted me before I could say anything, "If you want to say that the murderer can get other benefits, such as the avenger who kills someone can get revenge, and those who have disputes can solve the dispute by killing someone, I don't think so either. There is a saying called "when is the time for retribution", assuming that the avenger killed his father because of the enemy before, then the avenger killed the enemy, which is likely to cause the enemy's son to resent again Go to the Avenger, and then kill him. In this way, in the vicious cycle, no matter who kills others or is killed by others, neither of the two parties will get any benefits. Let alone liberation, even God For a dispute as big as it is, killing will never solve any problems. Have you heard of the fact that after the cheating husband's wife kills the mistress, the two of them can live happily as before?"

I frowned, and I always felt that there was something wrong with this statement, "Even if that's the case... But, didn't I say that just now, didn't some people kill their fathers in order to obtain family property or something? Is it possible to actually get benefits?"

"No, that's not it." Wen Jiubai said affirmatively.


"If it was you, would you kill the person closest to you for a fortune?" Wen Jiubai asked.

"I definitely won't..." I replied subconsciously, and then hurriedly explained, "But not all people in the world think like me. Besides, I heard that many rich people have very bad relationships with their families. Well, not the closest relationship."

"That's right." Wen Jiubai interrupted me suddenly, and nodded, "In other words, only the children of rich families who are not close to each other can murder their relatives for the sake of property, right? If we say that children from rich families and their parents grew up If the relationship is good, there will be no murders like this, right?"

I nodded in a daze, as if I could only agree with Wen Jiubai's point of view.

"On the one hand, after the old man dies, I will get the property sooner or later; on the other hand, it is the life of my parents who take good care of me and have a close relationship with me. I think if it is such an option, everyone will choose to support their parents well Let's go." Wen Jiubai continued, "Besides, take a step back, assuming that the allure of money and property is really so strong that the murderer will not hesitate to kill his relatives to get it quickly, so what?"

"What... what can I do?" I didn't know how to react, "If you get it, you get it."

"You've got the point again." Although I was completely at a loss, Wen Jiubai seemed to look at me approvingly, "Even if it's a large amount of property, if the murderer kills someone and gets the money, so what? How about it? No matter how much money there is, it will be spent one day. If the murderer himself is a lazy wimp, he will starve to death after the money is spent. If the murderer himself is a diligent and wise person, then Even if he doesn't get this money, he will definitely be able to rely on his own ability to eat in the future, won't he?"

"No, even if that's what you said." I finally found an argument that could refute him, "But in this world, getting money requires a corresponding effort, or a price. People don't work. There is no money to spend, and there is no food to eat. Workers have jobs for workers, and white-collar workers have jobs for white-collar workers. Look, even you, if you didn’t become an exorcist, wouldn’t you have money?”

"No, not right."

Unexpectedly, even if I made such a clear argument, Wen Jiubai would refute it without hesitation. I can't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Your order is wrong." Wen Jiubai picked up the teapot at the side, shook it, as if checking how much tea was still in it, and then poured out a cup, his lips submerged in the hot steam.

This guy Wen Jiubai has only ever known to drink tea by himself. He never poured me tea when I was with him. I saw that there was still a teacup in his hand, so I took the cup over angrily, and poured myself a cup.

"At the end of the day it's just a lie. It may be true that if you don't work you don't have money to spend, but is it true that you don't have food?"

"Of course." I said, bringing the teacup to my lips.

"No, that's just a simple misunderstanding." Wen Jiubai narrowed his eyes and said lazily, "Just like your current misunderstanding."

—What misunderstanding? I thought so in my heart, but before I could say it, I choked on the tea and coughed desperately.

There is no other reason, it is because the tea is too bitter.

Looking at me, Wen Jiubai couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Is it bitter?"

"It's so bitter!" I swallowed the half sip of tea with difficulty, stuck out my tongue and panted like a dog. I've never drank anything so bitter, I could feel my tongue go numb.

Wen Jiubai laughed mercilessly, although he was just smiling as usual, but to me it was an evil ridicule.

"You should be thinking just now, why don't I pour tea for you every time I drink tea, and feel dissatisfied that I have neglected you?"

"It's, it's not..." I argued without convincing.

"Actually, my taste buds are very insensitive. In other words, they are not as sensitive as you humans." Wen Jiubai put down the teacup in his hand and said, "Although I don't eat, it doesn't matter, but if I do eat, either the pungent taste or I can’t taste it, according to what you said, it’s because the mouth is very heavy.”

"It should be very heavy." I said emphatically.

I didn't expect to know such a trivial matter by accident, so I also understood why Wen Jiubai seldom prepares food in the old house, and seldom eats with me.

In the past, I tried my best to invite him to dinner, but was ruthlessly rejected by him time and time again. Now that I think about it, I was really stupid when I was still sulking all by myself.

"But, it's because you tried that that you know the truth, right?" Wen Jiubai suddenly changed the subject and said, "If you haven't picked up the teacup and tasted it, will you always misunderstand that I deliberately didn't pour tea for you? drink, or ignore you so I don't pour you tea?"

"this… "

I hesitated for a moment, thinking about it carefully, probably it would be like this. Because Wen Jiubai has that kind of character, it's normal for me to think so. But this level of misunderstanding—

"But this level of misunderstanding won't have any effect." I argued, "Anyway, you have always been such a rude person, even if I misunderstood you about this matter, it won't affect my respect for you." The judgment of a person's character will not affect the relationship between the two of us, nor will it affect... "

It won't affect my feelings for you.

"That's true." Wen Jiubai smiled in his eyes, wondering if he understood my subtext, and continued, "It should be said that life is actually full of such understandable misunderstandings. Many misunderstandings will never be solved in a lifetime, but At the same time, it does not affect people's lives. If you have to say it, misunderstandings that affect people's lives are very rare. For example, "If you don't work, you won't have food" is understandable, and everyone has misunderstandings."

Back to the previous topic again. I listened as attentively as I could.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, are there really people in Chinese cities who starve to death without working? Have you ever heard of such a case? No." Wen Jiubai asked and answered lazily, "Even if It is a homeless man without a job, squatting in the corner of the bridge to beg for food, writing something about how poor he is, the money for begging for a day is enough to eat several pancakes, right? It's so pitiful, maybe I can buy a hamburger. Even if it's because of self-esteem and I don't want to be a homeless person, the society also has social security for the unemployed, right? Because if you let this kind of unemployed wander around, it is easy to cause trouble As for social problems, if the police find such people, they will also deal with them. No matter how bad it is, in China’s humane society, there are many freeloaders who can’t find a job and use money from their parents or relatives to make ends meet. All in all , except for remote areas or villages, in this day and age, it is difficult to starve to death in the city."