Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 220: Excuses and motivations


Thinking about it this way, what Wen Jiubai said is not unreasonable, it is indeed the case.

"Probably, lack of food is just a way of saying?" I tentatively said, "It is used by people to describe the hardships of life or the difficult situation they encounter..."

"It's just an exaggeration, is that what you want to say?"

I nodded.

"That's why I said, your order is reversed." Wen Jiubai sighed, folded his arms and said.

I was even more confused, "Where is the reverse? There is no reverse."

"According to what you said, if people don't work, they don't have money to spend, and they don't have food to eat. In other words, do people need money first, and then people start working?"

"Isn't it natural?"

"No, that's not the case." Wen Jiubai said firmly, "People have the desire to work first, and the desire to work comes first, and then with the progress and development of society, work will produce benefits such as money."

I was even more inexplicable when I heard it, and asked stammeringly, "Yes, is that so?"

"Of course. Although 'work' is something unique to human beings, it is essentially a means of earning a living, no different from the hunting of wild animals and animals. At first, human beings also relied on hunting to survive, but later , Humans living in the Central Plains have gradually discovered that they don’t need to hunt, they can fill their stomachs by growing food and raising livestock. Planting and raising are much safer and easier than hunting, and they are sustainable development, no need Worrying about starvation in the future. And so work was born. Then as the tribe or tribe got bigger, the lazy cells in the 'rich' with plenty of food came into play. They didn't have to worry about food and clothing, but they still wanted to continue Produce more food, so employment is created. In this way, society is composed of rich people who have enough food and poor people who don't have enough food. Poor people who lack food can "work" from rich people. When it comes to food, that’s when the concept of work equals food comes into being, right?”

I nodded, the primitive society in the past... probably like this.

"But in the final analysis, the saying that work is equal to money is actually a fantasy of people. If the poor work hard to earn money to support their families and to feed their families, those people have no worries and can take care of everyone in the family. members." Wen Jiubai pointed out, "Is this the case with your family, or the family of your two friends? For such a family, why do many people still work hard?"

From Wen Jiubai's guidance, I gradually understood what he wanted to say, "This is because if you don't take it seriously, you will lose your job. If you lose your job... although you won't starve to death, you will lose that better life."

"Is that so." Although Wen Jiubai said a question, but in an unquestionable tone, "It's not so much that people work hard to make money, it's better to say that they don't become inferior people, it's to keep The current life, or to live a better life. Even the poor, there is this kind of competition that does not want to lose to relatives in the neighboring village. So this is what I want to say: it is not so much a reason as an excuse .”

"What excuse, what reason?" I asked confusedly.

"People don't have food if they don't work. This is just an excuse." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "It's just a kind and gentle excuse for human beings to give their competitive spirit. You also mentioned before that if I don't become a demon exorcist, I also have no money. Although this is a fact, for me, the important thing is to get rid of the identity of a demon master, no, it should be said this kind of life itself. Money is just an incidental thing. I chose to work, not Work chose me."

That said, it is true. Wen Jiubai is different from ordinary people. Things that others dream of are just incidentals to him.

"In the same way, killing people is the same." Wen Jiubai said word by word.

"What does this have to do with murder?"

"The motive for murder is just an excuse that people imagined after the fact." Wen Jiubai said something that had nothing to do with him.

"Excuse—" I didn't know what to say for a while, I just thought it was crazy, "The motive for killing is an excuse? How is it possible, no matter what—"

"It's an excuse." Wen Jiubai interrupted me before I could give a general idea with poor vocabulary, said firmly, and repeated, "The so-called motive for killing is just an afterthought. It’s only when things become rationalized that they try to make up explanations.”


"On the surface, killing people is an unbelievable thing, right?" Wen Jiubai looked at me with a surprised expression, and said flatly, "Killing people is not allowed no matter from the law or moral point of view. The law will punish the murderer , and morality would condemn him. In the grand scheme of things, killing is cannibalism, and if everyone killed, there would be no society. So no society would encourage killing, right?"

I nodded, "Of course. Killing people is not allowed no matter which country you are in."

"But, there is a war." Wen Jiubai said this as if talking to himself.

"Huh? But war is a different situation, right? It's for the country..."

"Gu Yu, what if you and I think about it differently?" Wen Jiubai interrupted me and asked, "What if you jump out of the 'human' circle and look at the human race? Observe their thousands of years of history and behavior, What conclusions will you draw?"

I was dumbfounded, and I had a terrible conclusion in my mind, but I didn't dare to say it.

But Wen Jiubai said it instead of me: "That is, human beings have been killing each other for thousands of years, right?"

Can't answer. Because what Wen Jiubai said was the truth.

"Killing is illegal, but in the war years, no matter how many people are killed, it is encouraged by the state, isn't it? So, it is also a misunderstanding of people that killing is a crime. It is the same as working equals making money , is a huge misunderstanding."

I was so stunned that I couldn't speak, and felt that under Wen Jiubai's sharp words, my three views were about to be shattered.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that killing people is a good thing, but something that should be done. I'm just explaining the reason to you." Wen Jiubai shook his head, "In the final analysis, the law of not killing people exists in society Among them. If there is no society, there can be no such laws. But why does society exist in the world? Many people think that mutual tolerance and mutual support are human instincts.”

"Isn't it?" I asked back.

"I didn't say that. This is indeed the instinct of all social animals, but don't forget, why are there differences between social animals and solitary animals in nature?"

I opened my mouth, "That's because... animals that live in groups are generally weak and cannot defend themselves against the attacks of natural enemies, so—"

"That's right." Wen Jiubai gave me an approving look and said, "So, in the final analysis, the reason why people support and help each other is fundamentally for their own benefit. Because I want to survive and not be eaten by natural enemies Fall, so humans chose to live in groups, huddling together. That is to say—"

Wen Jiubai's eyes were sharp: "Society came into existence, fundamentally, because of the selfishness in everyone's heart."


"Individual interests are prior to society. No matter what the government's education is, this is the fact. Everyone is born selfish and born for their own interests. This is the most normal biological instinct. The feeling of being ashamed of this is actually just influenced by social culture and moral standards." Wen Jiubai continued, "And society is used to change people's thinking."

"Change, change your mind?"

"That's right. If society wants to survive, someone must abandon their own interests and protect the interests of the majority. If not, everyone will only think about themselves, and society will not be able to maintain." Wen Jiubai explained, "Thus, the theory of 'human nature is inherently good' came into being in this process. The society taught people that helping others is good, and killing and robbing is evil, so in the long social life, people gradually turned these rules into culture, It has become a 'moral code' that must be followed in the heart. Therefore, under such influence, the murder has become an 'unbelievable' incident that society cannot tolerate."

I gradually understood what Wen Jiubai meant, and felt a strong fear in the process of understanding.

Good and evil, do these two things not exist in the world at all

Are these two things just big lies told by people in order to maintain the giant "society"

Well, killing... is a bad thing that will cause the collapse of society, so it is forbidden no matter where it is. Is that so

"Because it's unbelievable, people will always give it various reasons." Wen Jiubai picked up the teapot and shook it again, but this time there was really no tea in it, "Love killing, vendetta killing, neighborhood disputes, Incompatibility between superiors and subordinates... There are any reasons, no matter how unreasonable, it doesn't matter, because those motives exist only to give an explanation to the society. But Gu Yu, you have to know that there is no such thing as murder. Reason."

Even at this point, I still want to argue.

"I know that many homicides are stress homicides, and some are self-defense. This kind of incident may be just a spur of the moment, and you can explain it with your reasons. But there are also careful and detailed planned homicides..."