Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 221: Destruction and humanity


"It's the same." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

"One, are they the same?"

"Whether it's planned or impulsive, killing is killing, there is no excuse. When you decide to kill someone of the same kind, any reason is irrelevant, the rest... only instinct."

"Is it instinct to kill?"

"It's instinct. That's killing intent." Wen Jiubai lowered his eyebrows. Although he spoke eloquently, judging from his expression, he was not very happy. "The mood of wanting to kill someone is the same as wanting to kill someone." The mood of a group of people is the same. There is no reason, it is just killing intent. If you quarrel with someone, you are angry, angry or sad, it can be called emotion. Even if you want to beat someone, you want to beat him to death Half-death, that is also emotion. But if you think 'ah, I seem to be able to kill this person' when you are halfway through the beating, the moment the thought arises, it has nothing to do with emotion."

"Yes, it's just pure killing intent." -Wen Jiubai said so.

Listening to Wen Jiubai's words, I fell into confusion. Although he fell into confusion, he still reluctantly gradually understood.

"That's why I said that whether it is the motive of killing or finding a job, they are all excuses that human beings have to come up with in order to maintain social stability. The motive will be found after killing, whether it is the police or the murderer. Because if it is not the case, then would be considered a lunatic."

To be dismissed as a lunatic... indeed.

If a person thinks that killing does not need a reason and is an instinctive behavior, he will indeed be regarded as a lunatic by others. Because his worldview is incompatible with society.

"Then, let's go back to the original topic about destroying the world." Wen Jiubai adjusted his posture, making him look even more lazy. "Now you still think that it is impossible for people in the world to destroy the world." The one who destroys the world by destroying the world?"

I'm starting to get unsure. I tried my best to think about all the words Wen Jiubai said, trying to find out the arguments against him from his words.

After all I still don't want to lose hope in the world so early.

"No, I'm sticking with my original statement," I said.

"Oh?" Wen Jiubai narrowed his eyes, as if he didn't expect me to say that, a little surprised, "Why?"

"You said it before. The creation of society is due to the selfishness of human nature, because everyone wants to survive in the world, isn't that right?"

Wen Jiubai nodded.

"Then that is to say, the selfishness of human nature is the root of everything. Many seemingly inconceivable things, including murder, are actually just human instincts covered by social morality. I can agree with this. But destruction The world is different again." I said, "Destroying the world is not the same as killing people. Even if the murderer doesn't get the life of the victim himself, he doesn't get any more benefits, but he doesn't lose anything because of it-uh , If you are caught, it will be another story. But destroying the world is different. This is a matter of paying the price of the culprit's own life? Then, will the selfishness of human nature, or the instinct of wanting to survive, allow him to do this?"

"Gu Yu." Wen Jiubai looked at me with a half-smile, "Although what I said just now, you can't just treat human beings like animals."


"It's true that human beings have animal nature, but they are absolutely different from ordinary animals. If there is any difference, it is thinking. In nature, only human beings can think, recognize time, think about the future, and think about themselves. Where did it come from."

I frowned, "But monsters also..."

"Monsters are nothing but extensions of human beings." Wen Jiubai brushed past my question lightly, and continued the topic just now, "In nature, only human beings can commit active and selective suicide. That is It is said that only human beings can come to the conclusion that they should not live in this world through thinking.”

That's true...

"Then, why do you think that no one will come to the conclusion that the world must be destroyed through thinking?" Wen Jiubai looked at me.

"Will you come to such a conclusion?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course it will. Human beings are such creatures. Although the ability to think gives humans many advantages, it can sometimes lead them astray." Wen Jiubai said, "For example, in the process of thinking, it is very easy for humans to use Partially general."

"A partial generalization?"

"Let me give you an example. Isn't there such a situation around us? A young girl originally had enthusiasm for life and hope for love. But shortly after she fell in love, she was cheated by the boy she loved so much. , what will happen to her at this time?"

"Probably... you will feel disappointed."

"And not long after, she managed to get out of the shadow of broken love and fell in love again. However, when she was expecting the boy to take her out of the sea of suffering, the boy broke up with her on the grounds of personality differences."

"Ah, so pitiful." I couldn't help sighing.

"I didn't ask you to comment on how pitiful she is. What do you think the girl will think at this time?" Wen Jiubai asked.

"Well..." I hesitated, and said, "I should feel very hopeless. I might feel that no man in the world is a good thing. To be honest, my mother has such thoughts."

Wen Jiubai nodded, "That's right, it will be like this. But you see, this girl just met two bad men, but she will draw the conclusion that there are no good men in the world. That's what I said Yes, the limitations of human thinking. Although from a macro point of view, the world is very big, and there are many human beings in the world. But no matter how society develops and how the earth becomes informatized, the world that everyone knows in their hearts is nothing more than It’s just a self-centered world.”

I nodded, that's right.

Although many people like to keep talking about how the world is, most of them only describe the world they have experienced in their lives. People don't understand the fields they have never been in contact with. Even if they know, they only hear about it a little bit.

"However, the arrogance of human beings makes them like to use one-sided information to generalize." Wen Jiubai said leisurely, "When you meet one or two bad men, you will judge that there are no good men in the world; one or two jobs If you are fired, you will think that you are a useless and useless person. Such extreme thoughts are all over human society, so some people commit suicide constantly. Gu Yu, the so-called suicidal thoughts are actually the end of the self's world gone."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's hopeless, it's impossible, it's too useless, and I can't live on." Wen Jiubai said, "If you choose to commit suicide, it's generally because of this kind of view. And the reason why people have such a view is because Because his "small world in which he lives" has come to an end and collapsed. In fact, for the world, there is no hopeless, collapsed and hopeless situation. What collapses is just a small personal world That's all."

I nodded.

"However, human beings often have the illusion that their own lives can affect the world." Wen Jiubai said lightly, "'I am so sad, why doesn't the sky cheer me up?''I am so sad, why the sea Still so calm?' When this emotion deepens, it will become a kind of anger. And when this anger reaches its limit, it may become an impulse to destroy the world."

I looked at Wen Jiubai in surprise.

"Despair for myself, and then turn into despair for the human race, and then turn into despair for this world. If I don't destroy this world, I can't express my anger, I can't express my despair, want to do this The culprit should have thought this way. It was a pure impulse, a pure desire to destroy and kill. But even so, a hypocritical creature like human beings will still give themselves an excuse that can be explained. He will say , I am here to purify the world, to make the world no longer evil, to eradicate evil monsters for the world, and to restore the world to a clean place. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for someone to sacrifice."

Wen Jiubai's eyes were dark and difficult to understand, and he continued: "I don't know how small and powerless human beings are to the world. Killing someone will only destroy that person's family and friends, and have no impact on society. Even if he has the ability to destroy the entire society, there are other creatures on the earth that will thrive without humans. Even if humans use nuclear weapons to destroy the entire planet, so what? For the vast universe Say, it's like losing a drop of water in the ocean, and it doesn't affect anything."

I looked at Wen Jiubai dumbfounded, and asked tentatively: "What you're talking about...isn't the original topic?"

"No, on the contrary, we're finally back to the original topic." Wen Jiubai smiled, "You asked me what Bai and I were doing, and I answered you, I went to save the world."

I suddenly realized, "So, the person you said is going to destroy the world...could it be that Taoist priest named Ling Xiao?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "It's him we've been talking about."

Regarding this Taoist priest who has been working behind the scenes, I always have a feeling of curiosity and fear. It is said that he is the only person who sealed Wen Jiubai, but no matter how insinuating I asked, Wen Jiubai never said a word about this person.

It seems that this time he intends to make it clear to me, my heart is beating excitedly like a child who finally found candy.