Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 223


"Hey, old three and old five, come here, come here!" After a while, the sharp-eyed village chief spotted the two new arrivals, and immediately bent over and took a few steps forward, dragging the two of them over.

"What's the matter?" The third and fifth children were puzzled, so they had to follow the village chief.

"Yeah, is there anything here?" Lao Wu glanced in the direction of the dark cave, but saw nothing, "This is just an ordinary cave. Could it be that everyone is hiding here to catch bears? "

"Shh! Don't talk!" The village chief immediately raised a finger nervously to keep the two of them from talking, and then turned his gaze to the huge cave.

At first there was no movement, but when everyone fell silent and looked at the cave with breathless concentration, there was a sound coming from the cave.

A puff sound similar to the breath of a beast came from the cave. The reason why I say "similar" is because the sound is so loud that it's hard to imagine how big a creature it is.

"Come out, come out!" The village chief said with fear and excitement in a low voice.

Sure enough, as soon as the village chief finished speaking, the third and fifth children saw a huge white animal slowly coming out of the dark cave.

It was a huge fox with white fur and red eyes. Although its height could not be clearly judged due to the distance, according to the third child's visual inspection, it was at least as tall as the two-hundred-year-old willow tree at the entrance of their village. so high. No, it might be higher than that.

As the white fox walked out of the cave, the villagers were shocked again. Because behind the white fox, there are actually nine tails blooming like flowers.

"Did you see it?" the village head said in a trembling voice, pointed to the nine-tailed fox and said to the villagers behind him, "It's this monster! It's this monster that makes our land useless! If we don't Kill this monster, and the rain will never come!" Chapter 15 A Day of Reincarnation

Immediately there was a low sigh from the crowd.

"But, but, the villagers have seen it, that monster is so huge, how can we do anything about it?" Someone questioned.

"There is no other way, should we just sit and wait to starve to death?" the village head said excitedly, "Even if there is no way, we have to find a way!"

So just like that, the villagers returned to the village and began to discuss how to deal with the huge fox monster.

In the end, the village elected the strongest man, who went first with torch and spear. Followed by all the light and strong men in the village, the elderly and children walked at the back of the line.

Just like that, all the people in the whole village were mobilized, anxiously heading towards the cave where the Nine-Tailed Fox was.

The villagers set off at midnight, and they planned to stab the nine-tailed fox in the heart with a spear while it was sleeping. In this way, the village will definitely return to good weather and good harvests year after year.

The strongest man walked ahead with a spear in his hand, but the closer he got to the dark cave, the more timid he became.

"Hurry up, the demon fox is ahead!" The village head urged behind the man.

"I, I know, don't rush!" The man said with a slightly trembling voice, "Be careful to wake up the demon fox."

"Don't make so many excuses, you are obviously afraid!"

"Nothing! How could I be afraid!"

Just when the two started to quarrel, there was a roar in the cave. Immediately afterwards, the demon fox's head poked out from the cave.

The villagers screamed in fright, and the strong man in the front even sat down on the ground in fright.

This is of course. At this time, the third child and the fifth child finally saw the true face of the nine-tailed demon fox.

too big. I said it was as tall as an old willow tree before, but I saw it from a distance. Now, when I face this monster up close, I find that it is at least as tall as three big willow trees!

This frightened all the villagers in the village. They ran and hid, and the rest of them who sat on the ground were all scared and didn't know how to react.

It was at this time that the leading man seemed to have finally remembered his mission at the last moment. He didn't know where the courage came from, grabbed the spear that fell on the ground, and screamed "Wow!" The demon fox rushed over.

The spear pierced the demon fox's front paw, and blood came out. The demon fox let out a roar, but it didn't attack as the villagers imagined, but retreated back in fear.

The man who threw the spear was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic.

"It's scared! Look, the beast is afraid of us!"

"Really?" The villagers who had fled and hid before popped up one after another, looking curiously at this side.

The burly man picked up the torch on the ground again, shouted loudly, and waved the torch at the nine-tailed fox indiscriminately. And the Nine-Tailed Fox really roared, and backed away again.

"Give us back our fields, you monster!" the man plucked up his courage and shouted.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, the villagers became more courageous and threw hats, clothes and other useless things at Nine-Tailed Fox one after another.

"Yes! Stop your spell!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Give us back our food!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox looked a bit embarrassed under such insults and siege. Its huge nine tails swayed weakly in the air, neither advancing nor retreating. So it simply jumped up the hill and ran towards the depths of the woods.

"It wants to escape! Don't let it escape, everyone!"


"This bastard must be slaughtered!"

In this way, even if the Nine-Tailed Fox ran into the deep mountains, he still couldn't get rid of these arrogant villagers. Some bold villagers started chasing the nine-tailed fox with weapons such as kitchen knives and sticks.

The Nine-Tailed Fox was finally forced into a corner, and a group of villagers shouted ferociously.

"I didn't hinder your farming!" The nine-tailed fox was probably driven into a hurry, and opened its mouth threateningly, showing its sharp teeth.

"It spoke!"

"This beast can actually talk!"

"Kill it! Kill it quickly! It really is a monster!"

"I didn't do anything! Why did you do this!" Nine-tailed fox growled while backing away, trying to avoid the harassment of the villagers.

"Don't talk nonsense with this beast!" shouted the leading man, holding up his torch and spear, "Kill it!"

"I'm doing it for your own good!" Nine-Tailed Fox growled, "I didn't know there were humans living nearby. If you leave now, I will leave too. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what will happen?" the leading man asked loudly.

"Otherwise, your country will be completely destroyed by me in an instant." The nine-tailed fox narrowed its eyes menacingly, and let out a low growl from its throat.

There was silence in the air for a few seconds, and then the villagers laughed loudly. The leading man laughed the hardest.