Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 224: Yu Ruyi


"Don't scare us! You take a pee and take care of yourself. You are so big, but you are as timid as a mouse. You want to destroy the Qingqiu country, so you come and try to destroy it!"

The man's words seemed to detonate the bomb in Nine-Tailed Fox's heart, the fox's eyes suddenly turned red, and the huge irises hung like two lanterns in the dark night sky.

The nine-tailed fox let out a neigh mixed with sorrow and anger, and then swung its claws down, tearing the burly man who was shouting wildly into pieces in an instant.

At this moment, the picture before my eyes blurred, like snowflakes on the screen of an old TV. Then Wen Jiubai's voice came over.

"Okay, let's stop here. The following scenes are not suitable for children."

I went back to the living room of the old house, and in front of me was Wen Jiubai sitting opposite me. I was panting, and I didn't recover from that illusion for a long time.

"What happened later?" I couldn't help asking an obvious fact.

"What the villagers said not only irritated me." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "They also provoked me. Human beings are such creatures. Once something goes wrong in their lives, their first thought will never be Instead, I blame myself for my mistakes on other things that are different from myself. Everything that is different from myself must be rejected, and all foreign objects that are rejected are evil. It is because I am afraid of human beings that I hide in such a remote place of."

"But the words of those ignorant villagers angered me and made me kill one of their leaders." Wen Jiubai straightened his clothes and said, "It turned out that it was a wrong decision I made. Because the man was killed After I killed them, everyone screamed. They ran away in all directions, shouting 'Monster! Find someone!' And the next day, the original villagers called more people. Holding torches, spears and kitchen knives, they ran up the mountain aggressively. The most ridiculous thing is that these ignorant villagers don't think they are wrong at all. They just blindly follow their own experience and live in their own small world , I firmly believe that they have found the evildoer who caused the disaster, and want to get rid of me bravely and foolishly."

"And soon, my existence was exposed by the villagers to more people. Not only the common people, but even the king knew about it. I don't know if the rumors became more and more exaggerated in the process of spreading from the villagers to the royal family , I only know that not long after, the Qingqiu country issued an order to dispatch troops to fight with me in the mountains. Those soldiers were fully armed, and they had many swords and spears. They didn't give me any room for explanation, just Blindly rushing forward to destroy me, a chaotic evildoer."

"If there was a moment when I was completely disappointed in human beings, then it was probably that time." Wen Jiubai sighed and looked out the window, "I was trapped by their army. They aimed at my eyes and shot arrows. Torches were thrown at me. My fur was charred a lot, and that's when I thought. I've got to destroy this country."

A soreness suddenly surged in my heart, and I was speechless.

I'm not thinking that Wen Jiubai is innocent, anyway, he still killed so many innocent people afterwards. History has severely branded his deeds on the walls of the sacrificial altar and people's hearts.

But it was the first time I knew what happened like this, and it was because of the ridiculous ignorance of those villagers. To say that they are asking for trouble will not hurt my conscience at all.

"What happened next?" I asked.

"Facts have proved that although the human army is large and powerful, at that time, people did not have any good weapons to contend with my strength. The crusade eventually turned into a war. Human beings used it for several years to fight against me, and I also spent several years destroying that country. I became the most troublesome problem in Qingqiu country, and the whole country lived in fear. At this time, Ling Xiao appeared."

When I heard the key words, I couldn't help but raise my head and look at Wen Jiubai.

"As I said, Ling Xiao is not a Taoist priest. There was no Taoism in those days, how could there be a Taoist priest? When I first met him, he was just a little priest next to the princess." Wen Jiubai said lightly Said, "I have never looked at him directly, because he is simply an ant that can be ignored to me. I saw him once when I invaded the palace. He hid under the pillars of the main hall, his whole body rolled Shrunken like a shivering rabbit, on the verge of crying in fear. I could have killed him that time, but I didn't. Because he seemed so inoffensive, I just ignored him."

"Is he that weak?" I asked, "but you said he was the one who sealed you..."

"That's right. Although he is the one who sealed me, he didn't rely on his power." Wen Jiubai said, "It's the same thing. He sealed me with that thing."

"What?" Wen Jiubai aroused my curiosity.

Wen Jiubai fell silent, tapping his fingers on the table, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he spoke.

"Gu Yu, have you heard of Yu Ruyi?"

"Ah?" I was taken aback, "Of course, isn't that a kind of jade ornament? Is it a hairpin or something..."

Unexpectedly, Wen Jiubai shook his head and said, "Think again."

I couldn't help being stunned, searching my mind for what Yu Ruyi was, and then quickly thought of a ridiculous answer.

I couldn't laugh or cry and asked: "Aren't you talking about the jade Ruyi used by the snake spirit in 'Gourd Baby', the one in 'Ruyi Ruyi, follow my heart'?"

Wen Jiubai nodded with a smile, "That's it."

I opened my mouth in surprise, "Are you kidding, it's just a cartoon..."

"No, it's not just cartoons." Wen Jiubai said with a smile, "Jade Ruyi has been a magic weapon in legends since a long time ago. It is said that for those who own it, Yu Ruyi can help you realize all wishes. Owning it, you own the whole world.”

"Is it so powerful?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "Does such a thing really exist? Isn't it against the laws of physics?"

Wen Jiubai laughed, and patted my head with his hand, "You've even seen ghosts and monsters, and you still talk about the laws of physics. But I'm not mentioning such things to make you envious or amazed. Such a so-called magic weapon is actually It's just a curse. It should be said that Yu Ruyi is the darkest and evil magic weapon in this world."