Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 226: back to school


I nodded knowingly and asked, "So, how did it turn out?"

"Bai seems to have found some clues about Yu Ruyi, but none of us are sure whether it's true or just a coincidence. So in the next time, I'm afraid I won't be in the old house often." Wen Jiubai drank He took a sip of tea and said so.

Without thinking about it, I said, "Then I'll go with you."

Wen Jiubai seemed to have expected that I would say this a long time ago, he frowned, and rejected me mercilessly, "No."

I'm like an inflated balloon popped by a needle, "Why?"

"Because it's very dangerous, and you don't know when you might be involved, and die an ugly death." Wen Jiubai said lightly.

I said without hesitation: "I am not afraid of danger."

"I know." Wen Jiubai looked at me with a headache, "But it has nothing to do with you, I don't want to take you there. Because you are weak and incapable now, if I take you there, I will always pay attention to your safety, It would distract me."

I said dryly: "So you want to say that taking me there will hold you back?"

"That's right." Wen Jiubai admitted it mercilessly.

I looked at him in frustration, but I had no words to refute, after all what Wen Jiubai said was right. The current me and the past are probably just a spectator, not only can't help them, but will also drag Wen Jiubai down.

Although this is true, I still feel somewhat sad in my heart.

I don't know if Wen Jiubai saw something from my expression, but his hand suddenly landed on my head and knocked on my forehead.

"However, during the time I'm out, I specifically allow you to be an agent exorcist."

I couldn't laugh or cry, "Executing demon master?"

"That's right." Wen Jiubai said solemnly, "How about accepting commissions on my behalf and solving disasters for others? If someone encounters difficulties while I'm not around, you can't sit idly by."

"Come on." I didn't take his words seriously at all, "You don't need to sympathize with me, okay, I can't live without you. I still have to go to school."


This guy Wen Jiubai suddenly approached him treacherously, with a sly smile like a fox on his face, "Won't you miss me now that I'm gone?"

The guy was so tight I had to reach out and push him away.


"Not at all?"

"When did you become so wordy!"

"I will miss you."

"Sexy fox!"


After finishing the long conversation with Wen Jiubai, it was already night. Wen Jiubai was ready to go out and meet Bai at a place I didn't know to investigate Yu Ruyi's affairs, and I also packed my things and prepared to go back to school.

"In case something happens, you must call me." Wen Jiubai told me.

"I know, why are you like an old lady." I said with a smile, "Besides, I'm going to study hard at school, so there won't be anything wrong."

Wen Jiubai rolled his eyes, "Even if there is nothing wrong, if you feel lonely in the middle of the night, you are welcome to call me."

My face burned, and I pushed him out of the door, "You're the one who talks too much!"

Wen Jiubai laughed heartily, then snapped his fingers, and the heavy wooden door of the old house closed behind us.

I don't know if I was too worried about Wen Jiubai, I didn't sleep well all night after returning to the dormitory. She didn't have any weird dreams, but Wen Jiubai's face always appeared in front of her eyes.

What am I worried about? He's Wen Jiubai. Just to investigate a treasure, what can happen.

Early in the morning, I was woken up by Zhou Lang's shout.

"Get up soon! The sun is drying your ass!" He shouted loudly from below.

"I know, I know!" I flipped the quilt violently, my hair was probably messed up like a mess, "What are you yelling about, it's as if no one can hear you."

Zhou Lang laughed twice, "Okay, if you don't get up, you will be late for class."

I yawned, and lazily rolled over from the bed, thinking about all the things Wen Jiubai said to me last night, and almost fell off the bed.

When I went out, I ran into Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun again without any surprise. I really don't know whether they met me by coincidence, or they just waited there for me to come out.

"Gu Yu! What a coincidence, let's go together?" Su Xiaoyun ran over first and said cheerfully.

I looked at them helplessly, "What a coincidence, you two are waiting here specially, right? I'm so sorry, I got up late today."

Su Xiaoyun chuckled twice, grabbed my clothes, "I've been spotted, Gu Yu is still as smart as ever."

I laughed, "Why, even if I flatter you, I won't give you money. When do I need two fully armed bodyguards?"

"Brother, you don't speak well, what is a bodyguard?" Shi Yitong also walked over from the side and put his arm on my shoulder, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and we don't know where you went. Worry Is that why you came to see you, can't you?"

After Shi Yitong said this, I just remembered that I really haven't seen the two of them for a while.

It should be said that since I had the dream related to Wen Jiubai's death in the future, I have never seen Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun again. After having that dream, Zhuxuan and I were trapped in a time loop. It seemed to me that a long, long time had passed, but in fact it was only three or four days since the last time I met them.

However, since that long period of experience was just my dream, it means that Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun didn't know what happened at all, and they were always kept in the dark by me.

For the first time in my life, I thought it was a really good thing, and I wasn't going to tell them the truth. For no one knows better than I do that the more they know, the closer the danger is to them.

And I must be the last person in the world who wants them hurt.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." I replied vaguely, "A few days ago... Uh, I caught a cold, the flu, and I had a high fever. So I stayed at the old house all the time. Wen Jiubai, you know, he is still a Chinese medicine doctor , so I asked for leave from school these few days."

"Really?" Su Xiaoyun narrowed her eyes suspiciously, apparently not believing what I said, "But Gu Yu, you've clearly been preoccupied these days. It's all on your face, who else do you want to lie to?"