Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 230: The Incident of Liang Kaifeng


Liang Kaifeng saw me as if he finally saw hope, "Can you contact him? Please, please save my dad!"

Several of us looked at each other, a little surprised.

"Your dad? What happened to your dad?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

As soon as Liang Kaifeng opened his mouth to speak, I interrupted him, "Wait, don't say it here. There are too many people in the classroom."

Not to mention that Liang Kaifeng's unlucky face attracted the attention of many students around him, just the five of us getting together is enough to attract attention.

We took Liang Kaifeng to an empty study room in the teaching building, and then he began to tell us the cause and effect.

"My father, please, please save him." I have never seen Liang Kaifeng speak in such a sincere tone, "I know I was not very polite to you before, but..."

"Okay, okay, can you, a big man, stop talking so much." Shi Yitong interrupted him impatiently, and said what I was embarrassed to say, "What's going on? Tell me clearly a little."

Liang Kaifeng nodded, calmed down and said, "My father is probably... dying soon."

"Why?" Su Xiaoyun asked in surprise, "Is your father sick? Or is he being targeted by some enemy?"

When Su Xiaoyun said this, I just remembered that Liang Kaifeng's father is a business tycoon. It is not impossible for him to be targeted by some competitor.

But Liang Kaifeng shook his head, "No. This matter... is unbelievable. I can't even believe it myself. But if it were you, I would definitely believe it. My father, he was given to him by a deal made a long time ago. bound."

"Deal?" I asked.

"Let me tell you first, I don't know exactly what happened. Because I also found out something was wrong afterwards, so I did a little bit of investigation to find out." Liang Kaifeng sat down on a table and said, "Let me tell you a little bit. You may not know that before my father became a business tycoon in Yancheng, he was just a useless waste who didn't graduate from junior high school and worked everywhere. Newspapers, moving bricks at the construction site, he has done all kinds of work. And my mother is just an ordinary rural woman, not to mention going to school, and she doesn't even know a few words."

My two friends and I exchanged a surprised look. real or fake? There is also his father who, as a son, actually said that about himself. It can be seen that the relationship between their father and son is not as good as we imagined before.

"Is this true?" Shi Yitong muttered, "Then I really hope your dad can write a biography, telling us how these poor children became millionaires overnight."

Liang Kaifeng shook his head, "I don't need him to write a biography, I can tell you how he succeeded now. As you said, my dad really became a rich man overnight, the one a year ago I still remember what happened that night. It should have been an ordinary night. My dad took me walking along the street. He was going to sell an antique mirror at home. The mirror was my mother’s dowry. Because of this, they quarreled in the middle of the night. Just as we were walking on the road, suddenly a person rushed over here, followed by another person at a distance, shouting, "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!" Thief!' We didn't react at all, but the thief ran straight in the direction of my dad. I was just about to call my dad to be careful, but the thief suddenly fell flat in front of us. And More than once, when he wanted to stand up, he fell to the ground inexplicably and couldn't get up no matter what."

Shi Yitong listened with gusto, "What happened next?"

"Later, the man who was chasing after the thief came up panting. When he saw the thief fell in front of my dad, he was pleasantly surprised. He thought it was my dad who brought the thief down. He bowed and thanked, The police were called, the thief was arrested, and the wallet stolen by the thief was recovered. Then guess what happened at this time?"

I shook my head.

"After the thief was caught, we found out that the person whose wallet was stolen turned out to be the boss of a company, and the wallet stolen by the thief contained their company's trade secrets. Then to thank my father for stopping the thief—even though he didn't Stop it, that boss gave our family a luxury villa in the suburbs."

"Wow." Shi Yitong opened his mouth wide, "You must be joking."

"It's not over yet. In addition to the villa, the boss also gave my father a job. He was asked to be the corporate director of the company as soon as he came up. Then it didn't take long for the position to soar again. Within two months At that time, my dad became the general manager of the company. Then a week after he became the general manager, the former boss died suddenly in a car accident. After that, my dad became the chairman of the board. All All of this happened within three months."

"Impossible." At this moment, Zhu Xuan, who had been silent all the time, said firmly, "This is not just explained by good luck. It is absolutely impossible for such an unreasonable thing to happen in this world."

Liang Kaifeng smiled wryly and spread his hands, "Yes, I know that too. But our family was so happy at that time, no one cared if it was normal. We suddenly went from starving to multi-millionaires, Owning an entire business, not only food and clothing, but also several houses, several luxury cars. It was like a sudden stroke of luck, and none of us noticed that anything was wrong. Until... recently, everything became It's not normal."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Since my dad became the chairman, his temper has suddenly changed. Although he was useless and cowardly before, he has always had a good temper and has always been considerate to me and my mother. Even if there were quarrels before, Usually my mom picks it up first, and then my dad just stays silent and lets my mom get mad. But since then, it's been completely reversed. My dad's temper has become very irritable, and his face will suddenly darken from time to time , and then yelled at me and my mother. His way of doing things has also changed completely. He is not polite to his colleagues and subordinates. If someone doesn't agree with him, he will fire him without mercy. No , it’s not so much that his temper turned bad, it’s better to say that his nerves are always tense, always worrying that others will steal this wealth from him. Then, bad things started to happen around us. First, once he Arguing with my mother, he lost control completely, took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, cut my mother's leg, and caused my mother to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Of course, my mother also completely divorced my father after that , I am the only one left, and I have to live a life of looking at his face every day. But it didn’t take long for me to have an accident, and you will know. It was the haunted incident at the school. If Mr. Wen hadn’t been there, I’m afraid It was already a cold corpse."

"But..." I couldn't help but interjected, "The haunted time, I heard that your father entrusted Wen Jiubai to save you. He doesn't sound as cold-blooded as you said."

Liang Kaifeng shook his head, "No, he's not cold-blooded. He just became very irritable. At first I thought he might be suffering from depression, always worrying about things that didn't exist. But after I went through that life-and-death situation, I'm slowly starting to think that some of the gibberish he's been saying might be true."

"What did he say?" Zhu Xuan asked.

"Since he became the chairman of the board, he has often uttered some strange words. Some... Godly words." Liang Kaifeng said, "It seems to be muttering something like 'Heaven has its way', saying that retribution always comes. He even often invites some monks and priests to his home. He never believed in these things before. When my mother divorced him, he looked blank and said that it was his own retribution. And when I got involved in the school haunting, he said the same thing. Said he made a deal, and he was going to pay for it. And then not long ago, maybe a week ago. I went back earlier than usual I got home, and then I heard voices in my dad's bedroom. My mom had already left, and there were only me and my dad in the whole villa. How could there be voices coming from his room? I walked over and thought Ask clearly, and then I heard the voice suddenly disappear. My dad came out of his room and asked me rudely why I approached him in a sneaky way. But that's not the point. The point is, he opened the door, and I I saw that there was no one in the room. And I also clearly saw that my dad's mobile phone was placed in the living room downstairs, not in the room."

"Uh." Shi Yitong frowned, showing an expression of unwillingness to accept, "Actually, thinking about it, maybe your dad is just chatting with people online or something."

"Maybe. But as far as I know, my dad doesn't know anything about technology. The new Iphone he bought can only be used for making calls." Liang Kaifeng shook his head, "And, after that, he became It got even worse. He always had nightmares in the middle of the night, and ran out of the room in the middle of the night, yelling all over the house, shouting what the hell and the like. He drank and smoked more than before, and then once , when he was drunk and was playing drunk and smashing things at home, I rushed over to stop him, and he grabbed my collar tightly. I will never forget that look, his look is like seeing Like a ghost, he stared at me and said, 'I'm going to die, this time I'm really going to die.'”

"So you believed his drunken nonsense?" Su Xiaoyun narrowed her eyes, which was her habitual action when she had doubts about things.