Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 236: Fake death plan


Liang Kaifeng's father was lying on the bed, his face was as dead as a dead man's, pale and black. The most horrifying thing was that some black and strange things grew on his face and hands, which looked very much like the kind that grew on bread...


Before I could say this terrible thought, Liang Kaifeng spoke it out for me.

"You guessed it right, the thing that grows on my dad is mold." Liang Kaifeng walked forward with a numb expression, and tore away his father's quilt. Everyone gasped.

Liang Kaifeng's father's body, arms, legs... any exposed skin was covered with dense and disgusting mildew spots. Even the quilt covering him was covered with a thick layer of mold.

"Disgusting..." I couldn't help muttering.

"But it's impossible." Standing beside me, Zhu Xuan frowned while pinching his nose, "Your father is already like this, he should have died long ago."

"Yeah." Liang Kaifeng put the quilt back again, "We have been to the hospital and asked for doctors, but no one can explain this phenomenon. Everyone said that my dad is hopeless, and he is still breathing. It's a miracle. But I know it's not a miracle, but a curse. My dad said that he can't die now, and he can only be freed from the pain when the devil finds him."

"Did your father say when it was?" Zhu Xuan looked up at him.

"... Tomorrow, at midnight." Liang Kaifeng gritted his teeth and said.

"That means we still have one more day." Zhu Xuan said with a frown.

Looking at the moldy man lying on the bed, I really can't imagine how Zhuxuan and I can die and survive. But after I told Zhuxuan about my concerns, he sighed and said that he had to try.

"You have to blame your father for this matter. He was too ignorant back then, so he made an unbreakable contract with things he didn't understand." Zhu Xuan said, "Monsters are different from you humans. Monsters don't lie. , and will not violate the contract. No matter how bad their nature is, for them, saying good things is saying good things, and they can never be changed. Therefore, any promises made with monsters are unbreakable , even if you have a big reason, the monsters don't care, they will just do it as they said before."

"Doesn't that mean my dad is hopeless?" Liang Kai said angrily.

"I didn't say that. Can't you just listen to someone finish the sentence once?" Zhu Xuan said dumbfounded, "But, just because these monsters are very simple in terms of contract, we can also use some cunning way to deceive them."

"How to cheat?" Liang Kaifeng's tone calmed down a little.

"Well, we have to play it by ear according to the monsters we face." Zhu Xuan thought, "Some monsters are stupid, you just need to tell him that I am not the one who signed the contract with you at the beginning. Because the low-level Small monsters do not have the ability to recognize the appearance of human beings, and can only judge by their weak breath. But if you want to deal with big monsters, it will be more troublesome, because you have to give that monster a reason of 'the contract cannot be enforced'."

I looked at Zhuxuan suspiciously, "Are you sure you're not talking nonsense just to fool us?"

"Wait, can you explain to me first?" Liang Kaifeng interrupted us impatiently, "Judging from the tone of both of you, you seem to already know what my dad encountered?"

"It's not known, it can only be considered as a guess." Zhu Xuan said, "It's a very tricky guy. Your father may have won the big lottery accidentally. The guy we are going to face is very evil and cunning. Almost got tricked by him."

Liang Kaifeng sniffed his nose disdainfully, and muttered, "Who do you think you are?"

"Do you want to hear my plan?" Zhu Xuan looked at Liang Kaifeng dissatisfied.

Liang Kaifeng shrugged his shoulders.

"The monster who signed the contract with your father will come to visit at midnight tomorrow. Time is running out, so we can only try. Like I said just now, we have to give this monster a reason, and the one who can't carry out the contract The reason.” As he spoke, Zhuxuan suddenly walked to the side of the coffee table, picked up an orange and played with it in his hand, “Imagine, if all of you want to eat this orange, you will fight because of the orange.” What is the reason for you to give up eating it at the same time?"

I couldn't help complaining, "What kind of stupid metaphor are you talking about?"

"Don't worry about it, just answer my question." Zhu Xuan shook the orange in his hand.

"Uh... I don't know?" I looked at him and Orange in confusion, "Maybe I'm not hungry."

Zhu Xuan shook his head, "I told you, you will get into fights over the oranges if you want to eat them."

Suddenly, Xu Yingchen's voice cut in abruptly, "If you eat the oranges before I get them, I will give up trying to grab them."

Zhu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xu Yingchen, "That's right, Boss Xu! If I have already eaten this orange, of course you have no reason to keep fighting, right?"

As Zhu Xuan said, he peeled the orange and put it in his mouth, "Well, it's quite sweet."

Liang Kaifeng immediately yelled in dissatisfaction, "This is my orange!"

With Liang Kaifeng's annoying personality and really not very high IQ, I understand more and more why Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun don't want me to meddle in their family's business.

"The point is not the oranges." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and said, "What Zhuxuan said should be that if Yu Ruyi, that monster, thought that Liang Kaifeng's father was dead, then he would not Have you pursued it?"

Liang Kaifeng opened his mouth wide, "So that's how it is!"

"Uh, but... is it possible to do this?" Xu Yingchen, who was still out of the situation, but somehow kept up with our topic, asked weakly, "Although I don't know if there are really monsters in the world, It sounds too scary. But if we have to deal with monsters... this, is it really so easy to deceive? After all, Liang Youhua still has breathing."

What Xu Yingchen said was Liang Kaifeng's father's name, I looked at Zhuxuan, and I had similar questions. But since Zhu Xuan proposed the plan, then he should have a solution.