Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 237: Room drop


"I've also said that monsters don't rely on vision to identify things like humans do. Well, although it doesn't mean that they don't have eyes, they rely more on breath than vision."

"What kind of breath, it's too vague." Liang Kaifeng protested, "What is breath?"

"Well, it's similar to taste, but different." Zhu Xuan said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Simply put, it's a kind of identity mark that all living things have. Your eyes, the smell of your body, including your personality , movements, etc., can all become part of the 'breath'. It is through such ambiguous things that monsters can identify human beings."

I lowered my voice and whispered to Zhu Xuan: "Does that mean that if one day I have plastic surgery, you will still be able to recognize me immediately?"

"Even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you." Zhu Xuan also lowered his voice and replied to me.

I was choked, and thanked dryly, "Thank you so much."

"However, relying on breath recognition also has its disadvantages. In fact, it is easy to disturb." Zhu Xuan said, "If you want to make people invisible, just cover his eyes. If you want to make monsters invisible, use a similar It's enough that something disturbs his perception."

"Disrupt perception...?"

Several of us were confused.

Zhu Xuan smiled slightly, "Since Liang Youhua here is still alive and breathing. Then we only need to create another Liang Youhua who is dead and not breathing."

Liang Kaifeng opened his mouth wide, "Can this kind of thing be done?"

Zhu Xuan laughed, "As long as I'm here, there's nothing I can't do."

The method Zhu Xuan said is actually very simple, it is just to set up an illusion. After all, he is an ancient divine beast, so I wouldn't be surprised if he could do anything.

But using me as a test case is a bit too much.

"Don't be afraid! Just walk out of the elevator and enter the room as usual!"

Zhuxuan shouted to me from behind the corner.

What the hell is he doing with the plane? I was puzzled, but I could only do what Zhu Xuan said.

I am now standing downstairs on the first floor of Liang Kaifeng's villa. Liang Kaifeng's villa is equipped with an elevator. According to Zhuxuan, I just need to go up the elevator, go to Liang Kaifeng's father's room according to my memory, open the door, and then the task is completed.

To be honest, I really don't want to see that miserable sight and bad smell again. But when he thought that under the disgusting mold, there was a living person struggling on the verge of death, so he could only bite the bullet and complete the task.

The location of Liang Kaifeng's father's room is easy to remember, it is the first room on the left after coming out of the elevator on the third floor. The elevator door closed in front of me, and the number quickly jumped to the third floor. After I walked out, I walked to the door of the room immediately.

"I've found it!" I picked up the phone and said helplessly, "It seems that your spells need to be improved, Zhuxuan."

But Zhuxuan ignored me, and continued on the phone: "It's the last step. Open the door, Gu Yu!"

That's the last thing I want to do. I struggled reluctantly: "Do you have to open it?"

"It must be opened!"

The ghost knows what kind of medicine is sold in Zhuxuan's gourd. But since he said so, I had no choice but to follow suit.

Before opening the door, I took a deep breath, then held my breath, and pushed the door open.

Surprisingly though, I didn't see the black mold that covered the room like before. Moreover, Liang Kaifeng's father was not in bed at all!

How is this going? Did he wake up and run out by himself

But this idea only drifted for a moment before being dismissed. Because, I saw... the dead body of a man.

In a corner of the bed, the man's body was curled up. His eyes were wide open, and dirty thick water flowed out of them, and his limbs were twisted in weird postures, which must have broken even the bones. There was a pool of dark red blood dripping under the corpse, which had solidified and exuded a rancid smell. Not only that... There were also flies, buzzing around the corpse, announcing the end of a certain life.

I took a few steps back almost subconsciously, and by the time I realized it, I had already yelled loudly.

"Dead, dead! How could he be—already dead!"

In hindsight, I looked really stupid. So it's no wonder that Zhuxuan and the others who were hiding behind me laughed out loud immediately.

"Zhuxuan!" I shouted at Zhuxuan in panic, "He's dead!"

Zhu Xuan was still laughing, then he stretched out his hand and waved it, pointing behind me, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Gu Yu, look back again."

I was still in shock and inexplicable, but I turned my head subconsciously. Then I was surprised to find that the corpse that was still behind me just now, together with the scenery in the room, had completely changed. The body disappeared without a trace, as did the quilt and mattress on the bed, replaced by a completely empty room.

I stared at the room dumbfounded, "What's going on here?"

"Surprised?" Zhu Xuan leaned against the door of the room and said to me with a smile, "This is my illusion. It doesn't seem to have completely failed as you said."

"But..." I was confused and looked around, "But the location of the room has not changed? When we came up just now, it was clearly the room on the left hand side of the stairs! You can't move the room in such a short period of time. Shall we replace both rooms?"

"Of course I don't have that much power." Zhu Xuan said with a smile, "I didn't change any structure of the villa either. The problem lies with you, Gu Yu."

"What?" I was even more baffled, "What's wrong with me? I just walked in the same position as before? The first room on the left hand side of the third floor is obviously—"

Zhuxuan interrupted me at this moment, "Is it really the third floor, Gu Yu?"

I froze for a moment, and suddenly realized what Zhu Xuan said.

I immediately ran to the elevator and opened the elevator door, only then did I realize that the number on the top of the elevator was impressively showing "four" instead of three.

"How could this be? Could it be that..." I murmured.

"That's the 'could'." Zhu Xuan looked at me with a smile, "It's just a trick. Just now I used a little trick to slightly change the number display on the elevator, changing the fourth floor to the third floor. And When you take the elevator, it is difficult to tell which floor the elevator goes to just by feeling, right?"

I nodded.