Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 238: Illusion and psychological suggestion


"Then, I observed the layout of Liang Kaifeng's villa just now." Zhuxuan said, "This villa is very large, and it is designed symmetrically. It expands in all directions around the central hall on the first floor. The rooms and furnishings on the left and right The displays are basically symmetrical, as is the case on every floor. And there are no eye-catching large buildings near the villa, that is to say, the scenery is roughly similar when viewed from the window."

I looked out of the window as Zhu Xuan said, and sure enough, the scenery I could see from each window was similar, and it was difficult to identify which floor I was on.

"This building itself has an invisible enchantment. As long as you take advantage of this, you can easily steal the sky and change the sky. Let alone monsters, even gods may not be able to discover the mystery." Zhu Xuan winked at me mischievously. blinked.

"Even if this is the case, you can't just use me as an experiment, okay!" I said very dissatisfied, "The scene just now scared people to death!"

"Sorry, sorry." Zhu Xuan apologized to me with a smile, "But only in this way can we see the effect of the experiment."

"It turns out you're tall!"

After Zhuxuan used his little deception, I also explained clearly what was going on to Liang Kaifeng and Boss Xu who was out of the situation, and confessed Zhuxuan's identity.

"So, basically it's like this." I explained, "The monster your father met may be the one that Zhuxuan and I have been looking for. It's colorful."

"But, but..." Liang Kaifeng stammered at me, then pointed to Zhuxuan who was studying something aside, "You mean, he is not human at all? And you, you have been studying since this semester. You have been working for that demon exorcist since the beginning, and that exorcist is not human?"

I scratched my head, "Well, that's about it."

Liang Kaifeng looked like he was about to break down emotionally, "What? But it's impossible! How can there be a beast called Bai Ze in this world, and there can't be monsters that can take people's lives!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "In that world, there shouldn't be people who can still breathe after their heart stops beating, and it's impossible for someone to die with mold on their body?"

"But!" Liang Kaifeng couldn't help raising his voice and pointed at Zhuxuan, "That guy obviously looks younger than me, and his hair doesn't look clean. How could he live longer than me!"

... The conceit of Liang Kaifeng has completely refreshed my three views.

"Damn it, really! If I knew I would be involved in so many troublesome things, I shouldn't have asked you from the beginning!" Liang Kaifeng showed a painful expression, lowered his head and hugged his head, "I should have let that As long as the bastard is dead, it doesn't matter what monster it came from, as long as it doesn't kill me..."

I couldn't stand Liang Kaifeng's useless look, but Xu Yingchen jumped out to be a peacemaker before I said anything.

"Oh, don't say that. Since there is something wrong, just settle it." Xu Yingchen always smiled like that, "You have to have some confidence in your classmates."

Liang Kaifeng gave me a disgusted look, and muttered, "Weirds like them are not my classmates."

My anger suddenly came up, "Liang Kaifeng, what are you talking about? When you were hanging half dead from the electric fan in the school classroom, Shi Yitong and I saved you!"

Liang Kaifeng let out a "hum" and turned his face away.

"Okay, okay, you are really young, and you get angry so easily." Boss Xu smoothed things over and said, "Let's start with the matter in front of us first."

Boss Xu seemed to be calm no matter what kind of things he encountered, as if he would not be afraid of anything. Not only that, but there is still time to persuade the two of us to fight. I was really curious, so I asked him.

"Afraid?" Xu Yingchen smiled and waved his hands, "As you get older and see a lot of things, naturally you won't be as surprised as you young people."

... startled? I suddenly have nothing to say. I don't know how calm the old man is to say such words.

"My old man's knowledge is far beyond the imagination of you young people." Xu Yingchen blinked his eyes, making me confused.

"Gu Yu." At this moment, Zhu Xuan's voice suddenly came over. I raised my head, and Zhuxuan was walking from the other end of the corridor.

"The enchantment has almost been set up, and the last step is still missing. Can you come over?" Zhu Xuan said to me.

"Oh, good." I stood up from the chair and followed Zhuxuan. Zhuxuan led me to the elevator entrance, and gestured with his hand.

"I've already set up the enchantment, it should be enough to deceive people." Zhu Xuan said, "I don't know why, but this building itself has a certain amount of monster power, or else with my strength alone, it shouldn't be possible to arrange such a vast area. A piece of enchantment."

"Enchantment? Where is it?" I looked around in confusion. Obviously all the layouts are the same as before, no changes can be seen.

"If you can see the change, then it's not called an enchantment." Zhu Xuan showed a sly smile, then snapped his fingers suddenly, and a door on my left was opened.

I was taken aback, but when I took a closer look, it was just an ordinary empty room.

"Is it really just an ordinary empty room?" Zhu Xuan's low voice brushed against my ears like a feather, "Gu Yu, look carefully, there are corpses there."

I blinked my eyes inexplicably, and then opened my mouth wide in surprise.


In such an instant, a corpse suddenly appeared in the room that was originally empty. No, no, "suddenly" doesn't seem very accurate either. It was as if the corpse was already lying there, but I didn't find it when I looked over it, and then I suddenly found it after Zhu Xuan's reminder.

But how is this possible? It's not a coin or a key that fell on the ground. How could it be possible that you didn't find it when you first looked at it

But such an incredible thing happened right in front of my eyes. Then, Zhuxuan's ghostly whispers appeared in my ears again.

"It's not just here."

As soon as the words were spoken, all the rooms in the corridor were opened. The doors opened one after another. For the first time, I knew that Liang Kaifeng's villa had so many identical rooms, and in so many rooms, all of them had exactly the same scene.

The man's rotting corpse lay beside the bed, and the flies buzzed and flew around the corpse.

I couldn't help screaming out, and at this moment, a voice brought me back to reality.

"Gu Yu, Gu Yu? Open your eyes!"

I opened my eyes suddenly, gasping for breath, as if in this short period of time, sweat soaked my forehead. When I came back to my senses, Zhu Xuan's face was only two centimeters away from me, and I screamed and pushed him away in fright.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Zhu Xuan laughed in satisfaction, "It seems that the enchantment setting is not bad."

Enchantment? By the way, the ones I just saw...

I turned around hesitantly, but found that there were no room doors opened in the corridor, let alone a row of lying corpses. I was mentally prepared, and suspiciously opened the nearest door on the left, only to find that there was nothing inside.

"Then just now, was it your illusion?" I looked at Zhuxuan and asked.

"It's not very accurate to say illusion." Zhu Xuan raised his chin slightly, which showed that he was still very confident in his achievements. "Although I can also use illusion, it can only be in a small part. This enchantment should be said to be The result of the combination of illusion and psychological suggestion."

"Psychological hint?" It seems that we have to discuss some advanced things again.

"Yes, it's psychological suggestion. This is the most wonderful sorcery invented by you humans." Zhu Xuan said, "Whether it's monsters or humans, when they perceive the outside world, they only use the 'self' part to collide with the environment. In this way, perception is impossible. But in reality, such things as 'self' are often limited."

"Uh, limitations?" I barely kept up with Zhuxuan's thoughts.

"Yes, because the external environment is very vast. Whether it is a human or a monster, they are just a grain of sand in this large environment. For example, the eyes can only see at most 188 degrees in front of them, and the ears can only hear 100 degrees. There are limitations to the sound of about 10 meters away. Even within these ranges, there are often situations that cannot be perceived by us." Zhu Xuan said, "For example, the thing you are looking for is clearly under your nose. , but I just don’t know why, but I can’t see it anyway. You must have encountered such a thing before, right?”

I nodded, this kind of thing happened to everyone.

"But in this case, the eyes have actually 'seen' a long time ago. What doesn't see is the brain." Zhu Xuan pointed to his head and explained, "For example, when thinking about things, it is easy to ignore what is in front of you. things, or when you are concentrating on your work, you may not be able to hear the sounds around you. It is the brain that really controls the ability to receive information, not the five senses. The human brain is as easy to be deceived as the perceptual system of monsters. .Even if the eyes see and the ears hear, but as long as the central processing system—the brain doesn’t believe it, then even if it exists, it will be mistaken for non-existence. This is the so-called psychological suggestion.”

I began to understand what Zhuxuan meant, and nodded, "That is to say, as long as the brain is given hints, even non-existing things can become existing, and existing things will be mistaken for non-existent by the brain, right?"

"That's what it means." Zhu Xuan explained, "Of course the scene in the room you saw just now does not exist. But because of what I said, your brain firmly believes that there is something in the room." corpse, then even if the eyes don’t see it, the brain will respond accordingly. Of course, if I add a little trick of my illusion to it, it will be perfect.”