Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 240: pretender


"It's still more than ten minutes before twelve o'clock." Liang Kaifeng glanced at the wall clock on the wall and said, "And isn't the uncle named Xu the first line of defense? If there is any situation, he will notify us as soon as possible of."

I was still a little hesitant, but the way Liang Kaifeng looked in the direction of his father was really uncomfortable. What he said is indeed reasonable, even if Boss Xu missed something, if there is any movement from Zhuxuan, he will notify me.

Finally, I nodded and said, "Okay then, I'll be right outside the room, call me when you're better."

With that said, I stood up and walked out the door. However, just as I walked out of the room, Liang Kaifeng stopped me again.

"Gu Yu, sometimes I think you are really pathetic."

"Ah?" I turned my head inexplicably, but was stunned by the sight in front of me.

Liang Kaifeng sneered—yes, that was indeed a sneer. He stood beside his father's bed with a sneer, with one palm stretched out, just tightly grasping Liang Youhua's weakly breathing neck. His expression and demeanor were like a god of death.

"Liang Kaifeng, what are you doing!" I screamed out.

"No, it's not just you." Liang Kaifeng thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "You human beings are always like this. You are so sentimental, so indecisive, and your reason will be hindered by such insignificant things as emotion. Judgment. Before I even did anything, you voluntarily gave up your position like an idiot."

I widened my eyes in horror, and gradually understood the truth from his words, "You, you are not Liang Kaifeng, who are you!"

"Liang Kaifeng" giggled, "Look at you, how cute you are. Cute, weak human beings, don't you know what to ask? You know who I am, but you just don't want to believe it. You humans always prefer to believe in your own A sad, stupid dream, and unwilling to straighten up and face the reality in front of me. I just imitated the child's feelings a little bit, and I can trick you into being like this. It seems that the legendary murderer of the nine-tailed fox Humans are nothing more than that.”

what happened

I don't know why he said I was the one who killed the Nine-Tailed Fox, but there were more important things at hand.

"You are Yu Ruyi." I murmured, "When did you pretend to be Liang Kaifeng? Where is the real Liang Kaifeng now! Tell me!"

"No way?" Yu Ruyi let go of Liang Youhua's neck, and walked towards me with interested eyes, "Do you really think that unlucky classmate of yours is still alive now? God, I know You are naive, but I didn't expect you to be so naive."

I swallowed, and as he approached, I took a step back involuntarily.

There must be a delay now. Regardless of whether Liang Kaifeng is still alive or not, if I delay until Zhuxuan arrives, then maybe Liang Youhua's life can still be saved!

"Really?" I raised my voice and forced myself to steady myself, "Can you really kill someone? I don't believe it. Maybe you are such a stern look. Otherwise, if you Follow us, why did you use such indecent deceitful means to win success in the end? Maybe you are too weak to be vulnerable!"

"Liang Kaifeng" had a distorted expression on his face, it was hard to tell whether it was anger or ridicule.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He approached me again and laughed, "Hahahaha! That's ridiculous! You didn't mean to make me laugh, did you! You think I've been acting with you because I didn't Ability to kill people? Stop joking, hahaha...!"

This burst of laughter made my hair stand on end. I instinctively wanted to run away, but found that my legs couldn't even move.

Then, Yu Ruyi snapped her fingers, and then a strange cracking sound of bones breaking came from behind him. I looked back in horror, and saw that Liang Youhua's body had been twisted into a twist in the snap of my fingers, and the disgusting black-red blood spread across the entire bed in an instant.

"Then, your friend's words are indeed still in this body." Yu Ruyi held her chin, her expression seemed to be thinking for a while, "But think about it carefully, there is no need for him to live at all. Well. So—”

Yu Ruyi smiled as she spoke. Then his head suddenly twisted back with a strange force, only to hear a "click", his neck was completely tilted to the back, and then turned 360° like a zombie in a horror movie .

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, Yu Ruyi giggled, and twisted the broken neck back into a crooked front.

"Okay, this is enough. Although the body should rot soon, I won't use this skin for a long time."

The sight was so powerful that I stepped back and sat on the ground, panting in horror.

He can really kill me in an instant!

At that moment, my mind went blank, and all that was left was the purely instinctive fear of being dominated by death.

"Why do I keep playing with you like this?" Yu Ruyi folded her arms and slowly approached me like an arrogant king. "The answer is very simple. Because you are so interesting! To be honest, there is no one in this world. The most interesting thing is to watch things like 'hope' slowly and slowly fade from human eyes. Yes, just like you now!"

Yu Ruyi suddenly became inexplicably excited, "How is it? The feeling of being cheated by a friend is very hopeless! Seeing your friend being killed in front of your eyes is very hopeless, right? No, no, this is nothing, the most terrifying thing is , such a terrible thing happened, but you are like a toad lying on the ground, unable to do anything except croaking in despair! But—”

Yu Ruyi suddenly lowered her tone, "It doesn't matter anymore, because you are going to die soon!"

As he said that, he raised his hand up, and immediately planned to kill me like he killed Liang Youhua.

It's over, maybe I'm really going to die here this time!

However, at this moment, there was a loud shout in the air.

"Gu Yu, get out of the way!"

This voice is!

I dodged to the side subconsciously, and felt a "sough", a burst of sharp sword energy whistling past my ears as if about to pierce the air, and then Yu Ruyi let out a scream, some warm Liquid splashed on my face.

"Zhuxuan!" I was surprised and delighted.

I saw Zhuxuan's clothes fluttering, holding a long sword, and his gaze was as sharp as a wild beast. The moment I spoke, he flew up again, and the sword edge attacked Yu Ruyi again at a speed that I couldn't see clearly!

"You!" But the enemy's reaction was not inferior. After being hit by a sword, Yu Ruyi quickly jumped to the side and hid.

"Ha, Bai Ze! You finally can't see your pet being killed by me." After Yu Ruyi stood firm, she took the time to pat the dust that didn't exist on her clothes, and looked at Zhuxuan mockingly, "It's been a long time See you, my former master who broke the contract."

"Ex-master?" I cast a puzzled look at Zhuxuan, but Zhuxuan ignored my question and kept staring at Yu Ruyi.

"I underestimated your IQ. I thought that a lowly creature like you wouldn't come up with the idea of camouflaging and lurking." Zhu Xuan frowned, and the long sword in his hand was tightly clenched, sharply Said, "I sealed you up! How did you escape? Who helped you? Or—"

Yu Ruyi snorted from her nasal cavity, "Help me? Bai Ze, why are you still so arrogant after so long? Me? Need someone to help me? No! I escaped by myself. Out of your disgusting dirty enchantment!"

As he said that, Yu Ruyi became excited, and he even took two steps closer to Zhuxuan, "Bai Ze, look at your sanctimonious appearance, pretending to be a righteous and dignified person. Have you forgotten that you Could it be that you couldn't bear the temptation in your heart and concluded a contract with me, and then suddenly regretted it afterwards and sealed me? You really belonged to me, the beast Bai Ze! Don't think I will forget the shame you brought me!"

Seeing Yu Ruyi suddenly rushing towards Zhuxuan, I shouted: "Zhuxuan, be careful!"

With a sound of "clang", the dagger in Yu Ruyi's hand collided with the long sword in Zhu Xuan's hand. Neither side would give in to the other, and the murderous aura exploded in the air like a tangible one.

"Don't get carried away, non-human things should have the appearance of non-human things! Be honest!" Zhu Xuan shouted sharply, and with a sudden block of the long sword, Yu Ruyi's attack was deflected.

"You're still so arrogant!" Yu Ruyi smiled ferociously with Liang Kaifeng's face, and I couldn't look directly at him, "Do you think you can be stronger than me if you have a human-like face? It is absolutely impossible for me to be as negligent as last time this time! I will smash you to pieces so that you will not come back to destroy my plan!"

"By the way, Yu Ruyi, have you ever heard rock music?" Suddenly, Zhu Xuan said this.


Yu Ruyi's expression and reaction were similar to mine, "What?"

"Rock music." Zhu Xuan didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and even asked seriously, "Have you not? Never? You have been in this world for a long time, but have you never heard rock music?"

Yu Ruyi stared with a pair of big eyes, the eyes mixed with astonishment and murderous aura, it seemed a little funny.

"If you haven't heard of it, it's good to try it. They have a singer named Wang Feng, which is quite popular." Zhuxuan talked, "But if you want to listen to real rock, the British Queen's Band is still There are only a handful of them, but their lead singer died a long time ago, which is a pity. Human life is short."

"What are you doing!" Yu Ruyi obviously couldn't understand what Zhu Xuan was doing, and roared angrily.