Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 242: Bad news


"Because, I never pretend that I am a good person, and then approach you with malicious intentions, confuse you with clever words, make you get lost in the lies, and lose sight of the truth." Xu Yingchen knelt down and held up his index finger my jaw. This action really made me feel sick to my stomach, and I threw him away immediately.

"You won't succeed!" I shouted viciously, "No matter what you want to do, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. It is impossible for Wen Jiubai to allow you to act recklessly like this, he will rush over and kill you immediately! He is not as kind as me and Zhuxuan, according to his temperament, maybe he will tear you to pieces!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Xu Yingchen laughed exaggeratedly.

"Hahahaha! He? Tore me into pieces?" Xu Yingchen shook his head with a regretful expression, and sighed, "Even at this time, princess, you are still so naive. You don't even know what happened ,Right?"

Xu Yingchen looked at me with a sympathetic expression.

"What?" I didn't understand what he meant.

"Do you want to see that cunning vixen?" Xu Yingchen suddenly and roughly grabbed my wrist with such force that for a moment I thought my arm would be broken by him, "Very well, then let's see What happened to him!"

As soon as Xu Yingchen's words fell, I felt the world spinning, and the scene in front of me was suddenly blurred. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing in the courtyard of the old house.

And not far in front of me, surrounded by many weird people in gray robes. They looked like well-trained soldiers, and each of them held something like a magic staff in their hands, from which faint rays of light emanated, forming a barrier that exuded a halo. And it was Wen Jiubai who was trapped in the center of the barrier.

I've never seen Wen Jiubai in such a mess. The light from those wands seemed to be able to suppress Wen Jiubai's strength, he seemed to be shaking all over, he didn't even have the strength to stand up, and his hands were on the ground.

"Wen Jiubai!" I rushed over without thinking, but unexpectedly, I passed through the body of a gray-robed man without touching anything with my outstretched hand.

This is not true. I realized right away that this was just an image from the past. I can't do anything but just watch.

Soon, a person walked out from the crowd of gray-robed men and walked to the front. He took off the hood on his head, and I immediately recognized that he was Xu Yingchen, or in other words—Taoist Lingxiao.

"Sad. How sad you are, Nine-Tailed Fox." The contempt in Xu Yingchen's eyes made me wish I could rush up and beat him to death, but even if I waved my fists now, I couldn't touch him at all.

"Isn't it painful to not be able to see the one you love before you die?" Xu Yingchen continued to say with ease, "Ah, 'Life and death are bound up and down thousands of times, and I haven't parted with you before I know you', how sensational, How touching! To you, you haven't seen him for six years, right? And now that you're dying, he still can't come to see you for the last time! Oh wait, I almost forgot. Why haven't you seen him in six years? Because he traveled through time through a dream, thus tearing a hole in the timeline. It won't be long before he is seen by the world as a stain that warps time , was slowly erased and eliminated by nature. Oh, but why would he do such a dangerous thing as time travel without knowing it?"

Xu Yingchen bent down, stared at Wen Jiubai's eyes mockingly, and said word by word: "Because of you, you sanctimonious vixen, you forced him to travel through time in order to save his own life. You are the kind Human, you will always live for yourself, no matter how much you pretend to look like a human being, you will always be just a savage beast. And beasts should never live in the human world!"

Wen Jiubai knelt on the ground and remained silent. His expression was indifferent and numb, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

"I have already let you escape, this time you will never try to escape again." Xu Yingchen stretched his hand back, and an attendant immediately held a sword in both hands knowingly. Xu Yingchen held the hilt of the sword, and when the sword was drawn out of the sheath, it made an ear-piercing friction sound, "You beast, from today onwards, you can no longer harm the world!"

Xu Yingchen raised his sword high, and the edge of the sword shone dazzlingly in the sunlight.

"Do you have any last words, old fox?" Xu Yingchen asked with a sneer.

It was only at this moment that Wen Jiubai finally reacted. He raised his head slightly, revealing a barely visible smile.

"Yes, that's right." Wen Jiubai whispered as if talking to himself, "Tell Gu Yu that I will come back."

After hearing this, Xu Yingchen laughed loudly, "Stop daydreaming, Wen Jiubai! You will never, ever come back this time!"

As soon as Xu Yingchen's words fell, the sword in his hand stabbed fiercely, and blood spattered everywhere. He wasn't satisfied with this alone, Xu Yingchen was like a crazy lunatic, slashing and slashing until his whole body was bathed in blood, and then he stopped panting heavily.

"Wen Jiubai!!" My eyes were in darkness, if it wasn't for the explosion of hatred in my chest, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand still.

However, I can only stand and can't do anything. Then he watched helplessly as Xu Yingchen grabbed the dead Wen Jiubai's hair, forcibly pulled the lifeless him up from the ground, and laughed wildly as if he was holding some kind of trophy.

"Xu Yingchen!"

Anger quickly filled my entire chest like a torrential river, and the power that erupted at that moment made me break through Xu Yingchen's control and escape from this terrifying image. I might have been crazy at that moment, but there was nothing in my blank mind except the thought of killing him.

Kill him. At this moment, I just want to break his neck with my own hands!

Then there was a "click", and before I could react, severe pain came from my shoulder. Xu Yingchen easily took the fatal blow that I thought I was going to fight for, not only that, but my arm was also severely twisted. I was still not reconciled, so I changed my other hand and wanted to pinch his neck, but before I could touch him, he flew up and kicked me to the ground, rubbing my chest with his toes .

"Don't worry, it's just a dislocation." Xu Yingchen looked at me with a funny and sympathetic expression, "You know, I could have asked Nian Beast to help me change the timing a little bit so that your arm will be scrapped like Bai Ze. But I still can't bear it, after all, you are a princess, different from those two old monsters. You are very precious."

I curled up on the floor, my nostrils filled with the disgusting smell of blood, and every cell in my body screamed for pain. No matter how much I want to struggle at this moment, how much I want to kill the bastard in front of me, but the fact is that I can't even move a finger.

How beautiful my fantasy is, how desperate the reality is. I thought everything was starting to go right, I thought hope was just around the corner, when this goddamn bastard suddenly came out halfway and told me that none of what I was dreaming of would ever come true.

And Wen Jiubai was...killed by such a bastard.

"I will never spare you, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I will not let you go. As long as I live, one day I will kill you, I will definitely kill you." I gasped He said in a low voice.

"I don't understand." Xu Yingchen showed a puzzled expression, he put his feet off my chest, squatted down and stared at my face, with a hint of curiosity in his tone, "Why are you still so obsessed with that bird?" Old fox? As you can see, he is not strong at all. He has already been killed by me, which is easier than killing an ant. Besides, this is not the point. After watching the video, don’t you find that he has been cheating You?"

Xu Yingchen pinched my face and forced me to look at him, "Look, you must still remember the previous dream, right? Yancheng University disappeared, and all your classmates disappeared. And you are in the Time and space disappeared out of thin air for six years. All this has already begun, that old fox—Wen Jiubai has not seen you for six years. And do you know the reason for all this?"

Seeing that I didn't answer, Xu Yingchen said to himself again: "Because Wen Jiubai recklessly sent you into the time stream in order to save his own life. In this world, except for the Nian beast born in the four-dimensional space Besides, no one can interfere with time, not even through dreams. Reckless interference with time will only be rejected by time itself, and then treated as a stain by time, which will be slowly cleared from this world. Soon, Before long, you will be forgotten by everyone you love, and slowly disappear, never to be born from this world. And all because that old fox wants to kill you!"

"Bastard! How dare you say that about him!" I roared angrily, "Even if he really wants to kill me, it's not your turn to speak! I won't let your plot succeed, you have used Yu Ruyi I've sealed him once, and I won't let you go out with that kind of thing again to cause trouble!"

"For harm?" Xu Yingchen repeated these four words word for word, and laughed out loud, "Is that what he told you? Me, using Yu Ruyi for harm? I also used this to seal him? Liar !"

"I trust him." I said with difficulty.

Xu Yingchen was angry and funny, he squatted down in front of me again, the jade ruyi in his hand was dangling in front of my eyes, "God, princess. You pathetic fool, I didn't seal him! The person who sealed the demon fox is You, not to mention that it has nothing to do with this Yu Ruyi! I am holding it now because it can only exert its true power in my hands!"

What? I froze, what did he mean? What do you mean... I sealed the demon fox

Xu Yingchen seemed to be irritated by my reaction, and stood up suddenly, "You are so disappointing, princess. I thought you would be the only one who could understand me. I thought you would help me! I didn't expect you to be so bewitched by that demon fox that you can't even tell right from wrong! In this case, you can indulge in your own ridiculous fantasy town. And I have greater things to do!"

Volume Five