Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 245: Reunion (on)


I walked in that direction, and the scene of two people embracing each other came into my eyes.

I recognize it.

That's Wen Jiubai, the person I'm looking for. And the boy who hugged him was the "Gu Yu" from the past.

Wen Jiubai put up an index finger and pressed it against his lower lip, "Shh, don't talk. There is nothing to be sad about, it's just that the time is up. I've lived in this world long enough, everything will come to an end .”

Yes, I remember here.

It was here that the person I was desperately trying to save disappeared before my eyes.

"No, wait! You can't die!" The past me desperately stretched out my hand to save the person in front of me, "How dare you! It took me so much effort to find you! How dare you die in front of me!" In front of you! If you just die like this, what do you want me to do!"

What appeared in front of me was a vision of the past, and the vision of the past was confusing my brain. Both what has happened in the past and what is happening now.

If I rush over now, will it disturb the timeline again and cause the whole world to collapse

Wow... what was I thinking. I have gone through hell twice, and finally found him, how could I give up at this time

I laughed at my timidity in my heart, but was stunned when I was about to rush forward.

I remember very clearly that at this time back then, I watched Wen Jiubai's body become transparent, even my fingers went through him, and I couldn't catch anything.

But now, when I look at the two of them from the perspective of a bystander, I can clearly see that the person whose body has become transparent and gradually disappeared is not Wen Jiubai, but... me

Yes, the old me was fading away, but he himself seemed unconscious.

Now "Gu Yu" disappeared into the air, but Wen Jiubai let go of his hand instead and stood up.

Although there were indeed mottled bloodstains on his body, and he looked injured, but there was no sign of disappearing at all, and he was very energetic.

I came out of the shadows, met Wen Jiubai's eyes, opened my mouth, but couldn't speak.

By the way, masks.

I reached out and slowly took off the mask on my face.

"Is this... hallucination?" I murmured. I don't even know why I would ask such a sentence.

Then I saw Wen Jiubai showing a dazed expression the moment I took off the mask.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on my head, and I was chilled from head to toe.

He... doesn't remember me

But this is also a matter of course. Having said so much, I still haven't caught up, and I don't actually regret it in my heart. Because to be honest, I can't remember exactly what happened before.

Even my own memory has changed so much, let alone others. In the end, probably everyone in the world no longer remembers my existence.

This actually also-

At this moment, Wen Jiubai's voice suddenly interrupted my wild thoughts.

"No, it's not a hallucination."

His voice was sonorous and powerful, as if he wanted to pour all his strength into it, he called my name.

"Gu Yu."

Before I could react, Wen Jiubai suddenly walked towards me quickly, and then took me into his arms.

It was the first time that someone hugged her so hard that it felt like her ribs were about to be broken.

Just when I opened my mouth and didn't know what to say, I felt a little wetness on my shoulder. It's tears.

I heard Wen Jiubai whisper in my ear: "You are not an illusion. Finally, after so long, I finally found you."

What are you doing...

My eye sockets also began to get a little wet, which should be my lines.

Suddenly, without knowing why, my memories all came back.

Wen Jiubai, the old house, Yancheng University, Xu Yingchen, and all those weird cases that I have experienced, flooded into my mind like a tide, as if I just woke up from a dream, as if I had a premonition of impending death just now It's an illusion.

what is going on

But before I had time to ask Wen Jiubai, there was a creaking sound from above our heads.

what happened? I looked up and saw that the stone dome above our heads had cracked for some reason, creaking under the weight.

"Run!" Wen Jiubai was still the same Wen Jiubai, he reacted immediately, grabbed my wrist and ran forward.

Just a few steps after we ran out, the entire corridor behind us collapsed, revealing a dark void.

"It's dangerous." I stretched out my hand and wiped the sweat on my forehead. If I had been one step late just now, the falling rock would have hit my foot.

I turned my head to look at Wen Jiubai's face, he was also a little out of breath, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Be careful, here is different from the world on the ground, everything is invisible." Wen Jiubai reached out and brushed a strand of hair from his temples behind his head, "That is to say, the buildings here may collapse because of your inner turmoil. It is also possible that because of your fear, ghosts were born to block our way."

Although Wen Jiubai didn't disappear just now, his condition didn't seem to be the best either. Are you still injured

I grabbed Wen Jiubai's wrist, and the warmth from my fingers made me more or less at ease. But Wen Jiubai trembled when he was caught by me, and moved my hand away calmly.

"Wen Jiubai, what's going on? I remember that when I first came here through a dream, you should have disappeared in that place just now? No, no, it's not right that I still have a clear memory now. Xu Yingchen said, because I have crossed the timeline, my existence itself should be erased by time. Just now I felt it myself, my mind was blank and I couldn’t remember anything. At that time, I was sure that I would I'm going to disappear, but why as soon as I see you... "

"Ask one by one, so that I can answer one by one." Wen Jiubai sighed and said with a headache, he looked around, and sat down against the corner of the wall after confirming his safety, "First of all, I am still This is because I have never disappeared, neither in the past nor in the present. I will disappear in your memory, it is only because you are disappearing."

"Huh?" I didn't understand at all.

"Listen well, I won't disappear. At least not in this place." Wen Jiubai patiently explained, "How should I put it, you just need to think about it a little. I'm a dead person , and this place contains the souls of the dead. On the contrary, it is the living who are rejected by this place. Therefore, the time you came here through a dream, that is, the you I met just now, it was not me who disappeared , but you. Your bond with the future is gradually blurred, and your spirit and body are gradually separated from this world, so the appearance of me you see has also become blurred."

I was surprised to see Wen Jiubai calmly stated a series of facts.

"Then... In other words, you haven't disappeared at all. If that's the case, why do you say 'dying people' and 'everything has an end' to the past me?"

"Of course, this is for you to send a message of 'I'm dead' to the old me when you go back. Otherwise, I won't be able to cope with the current situation with ease." Wen Jiubai roughly explained a sentence, and put the topic on the topic. Bringing the past, "Now to answer your second question. The answer is 'yes'."


"Although I don't know what Ling Xiao told you, he probably didn't lie." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "Traveling through time is a very dangerous thing, especially when it affects the future. When two timelines appear When there is a disagreement, in order to restore the timeline, the world will automatically regard the traverser as a stain and begin to erase him from the world."

I stared at Wen Jiubai dumbfounded, a little in disbelief that he just admitted it so frankly.

"Then you really... did you know about this from the beginning?" I unconsciously raised my voice, "Did you betray me without hesitation in order to save your own life?"

"Ah, yes." Wen Jiubai's expression remained unchanged, he turned his head away, and said in a cold voice, "It's not the first day you know me, don't you know what kind of person I am? ?”

"You!" Just before the anger surged up, I was restrained. I took a deep breath, almost letting my reason slip through my fingers.

Of course I know what kind of person Wen Jiubai is. No, it should be said that because I know him well, I know that no matter how selfish and cold-blooded he is, he will never expose me to such danger casually.

The fact that I'm standing here, unscathed, is a good example.

"Then I don't quite understand." I asked sharply, "Why can you remember so clearly when I don't even remember who I am? Not only did you call out the moment I took off the mask, My name, and I still have the strength to deliberately deceive me in the past. Why is this?"

I approached Wen Jiubai and looked straight into his eyes, "Xu Yingchen—Taoist Ling Xiao told me that you haven't seen me for six years because of the change in the timeline. Why haven't you forgotten me during such a long time?" Who am I? And, why did I recover all my memories the moment I saw you?"

Wen Jiubai didn't look back at each other like before, but his eyes wandered, unwilling to look at me.

"In this world, no one will really disappear." He whispered, "The real disappearance and death is not the decay of the body, but the loss of memory. As long as someone still remembers the dead, then he is not a real person. dead, because at the spiritual level, he is still alive in the memory of some people. Therefore, a living person cannot be erased from the timeline so easily. In other words, as long as there is one person who remembers you, you It won't disappear completely. If someone can remember all your life clearly, then you can be 'resurrected' even if you are 'dead'. Even you should be able to understand this truth."