Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 248: flee


Wen Jiubai must be crazy!

The monster looked very hungry, and ran towards us with a roar, and the sound of its huge footsteps made the entire corridor tremble. Even the monster's sharp claws almost grabbed me, and finally brushed against the corner of my clothes.

"What are you doing! If you don't run quickly, you will be eaten!" Wen Jiubai yelled at me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me back from the shock.

"You're the one doing it!" I retorted loudly while trying to escape, "What are you talking about escaping, now we both will be buried in the mouth of this monster!"

The two of us ran forward desperately, but this maze was winding and complicated. No matter which direction we ran, all we saw were exactly the same walls and endless corridors.

If this goes on... sooner or later we will be overtaken by that terrifying monster!

Moreover, my physical strength was far worse than that of Wen Jiubai. After running a few steps, I had already started to feel that it was difficult to breathe, and my lungs ached as if they had been filled with lead.

"I can't, Wen Jiubai...I'm already!" I squeezed the words through my teeth with difficulty, and my footsteps began to weaken, "We will, die here!"

Without looking back, I knew that the monster was getting closer and closer, and I could even feel its foul-smelling breath.

Suddenly there was a howling wind, and before I could react, Wen Jiubai threw me down. I heard the sound of claws piercing flesh. Taking a closer look, sure enough, Wen Jiubai blocked the monster's claw for me.

The monster didn't succeed, it roared very violently, and immediately opened its mouth to bite Wen Jiubai. Wen Jiubai immediately turned around and gave the monster a hard kick in the face.

The monster retreated a few meters in pain, Wen Jiubai took this opportunity to escape, pulled me up and ran forward.

I was out of breath and said: "Wen, Wen Jiubai, no, I really can't run anymore!"

"Then do you want to die?" Wen Jiubai asked bluntly.

"No, but..."

"There is an exit from this place." Wen Jiubai suddenly turned my face and looked straight into my eyes and said, "You have to believe that we will escape, don't be discouraged, you will definitely be able to!"

The monster behind him was approaching, how could Wen Jiubai have the leisure to say such a thing!

"I do not know what to do!"

"No, you know!" Wen Jiubai said very firmly, "You have to trust me! You have to trust us, you will definitely escape today!"

"Even if you say so—" I yelled.

However, the current situation does not allow us to bicker like this. If we continue to linger, we will really be eaten by this inexplicable monster.

I tried to imagine while running away.

I believe that there must be an exit ahead. As long as we run any further, we're bound to see a... er, stairs going up

It's really hard to think of something like this!

However, what we didn't expect was that not long after we ran forward, a staircase really appeared in front of us, it was like a miracle!

"Go up, hurry up!" Wen Jiubai shouted loudly.

Is there any need for you to say that? Of course I didn't even think about it, so I ran towards the stairs. However, at this moment, there was a sudden sharp pain in my back, and then my feet were dragged off the ground and into the air!

"Gu Yu!" I heard Wen Jiubai scream, it turned out that I was picked up into the air by the monster's claws.

What, is he worried about me

What would he think if I died here

I used to think that if I was killed, I would never think that I would still think about these dispensable things when I was about to die. I couldn't help but spurn myself in my heart.

Just when I was in a daze, I suddenly heard a monster's wailing from behind me. After my whole body shook violently for a while, I fell from the monster's sharp claws and hit the ground hard.

Damn, it hurts so much!

But he was saved. I immediately raised my head, and found that Wen Jiubai jumped high on the monster's tail, his body was still in the posture of attacking, and one of the monster's arms was completely cut off, and blood was spraying out like a broken faucet .

But what was strange was that Wen Jiubai didn't hold any weapons in his hand. It was as if he had cut off that arm with air.

"Gu Yu! Are you injured?" In the next second, Wen Jiubai came to my side, helped me up, and asked eagerly.

I nodded with difficulty. When I was caught at first, the monster's sharp claws should have pierced my back, but now I was thrown like this again, it felt like all the bones in my body were broken.

"Okay, let's go!" Wen Jiubai pulled me up involuntarily, without the slightest hint of "compassion and pity", and ran towards the stairs while pulling me.

Although we didn't have time to look back, I can say with certainty that when we ran to the stairs, the monster's fangs were only a dozen centimeters away from us. Be its meal.

"Hurry up!" Wen Jiubai shouted. We had already run up the stairs, and the higher we went, the brighter the light ahead became. I mustered up my strength and ran up, and the light surrounded us.

It was like a miracle that we survived. That was the only thought left in my mind at the time.

The light enveloped us, and the brain couldn't react to what happened for a while. I didn't realize that I should open my eyes until a familiar voice called my name.

"Gu Yu! Hey, Gu Yu! Mr. Wen!"

This voice is White's voice. That's right, it's white!

Then I heard Wen Jiubai's voice again, his voice came from the position beside me, and it was a little weak.

"Oh, you weasel, how come you are so slow. What are you dawdling on the road?"

I slowly opened my eyes. Here... is not a crack in the underworld, nor is it an old house. There are broken old buildings all around, and wild birds are chirping somewhere.

We are now in the ruins of Yancheng University.

"Really, yes, no, good, meaning, thinking, ah!" Bai said angrily, dragging his voice. To my surprise, he was not a weasel, but a boy I had only seen a few times. He was wearing white arrow sleeves, and he was dragging an oversized cloth bag with great difficulty, "After all, you are dragging such a heavy thing, and you expect me to run as fast as an arrow!"

As expected of Bai, even in such an inexplicable situation, he can easily talk poorly.

"Stop complaining, go in quickly! Do you want to die here?" Bai urged.

This sentence is really familiar enough, I laughed in my heart.