Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 252: Qingyu (2)


When Princess Qingyu woke up again, she found herself lying in a dark and cold cave.

The moment he opened his eyes, because he couldn't adapt to the darkness, Qingyu couldn't even tell whether it was too dark around him, or his eyes were blinded by the demon fox.

Qingyu stretched out her arms tremblingly, groping around. She touched the coldness of the stone, and the wet dry grass. It seemed that someone had deliberately placed a layer of hay under her legs. But it didn't make much sense, because her body was still sore, and she didn't know how many large and small bruises she had on her body.

By the way, that fox... Qing Yu's chaotic brain finally remembered something, she was captured to this place by that nine-tailed demon fox. Then she has to escape quickly!

Qingyu immediately stood up. Although it was still pitch black all around, and her knees were weak, it was difficult to even stand up. But she insisted on standing up, groping the wall with her palms and walking forward.

The moisture in the air penetrated into the nasal cavity like a snake, making people very uncomfortable. The cave was deep and dark, and she didn't know how many times she fell and bruised many places, but finally, a faint light appeared in her sight, and the light got closer and became dazzling.

Finally able to escape!

As long as you can escape, there must be hope!

Qing Yu randomly rolled up the long skirt that was in the way, and ran towards that hope. When it was only a little short, suddenly, a huge black shadow blocked all the sunlight at the entrance of the cave.

The moment he saw the giant shadow clearly, all Qingyu's hopes were shattered.

That is the nine-tailed demon fox, even if it doesn't do anything, just stands there quietly, it can scare the timid to pee their pants.

Qingyu screamed subconsciously, took two steps back, tripped over a piece of gravel, and sat upright on the ground, her heart almost stopped beating.

The pair of blood-colored eyes that seemed to have been refined from hell stared at Qingyu, and after a while, Nine-Tailed Fox spoke.

"Do you want to run away alone? What a disobedient little girl."

"No, it's not... me!" Qingyu retorted subconsciously, and then realized that this monster as big as a mountain spoke human words.

speak. Speaking means that it can think, not just a beast.

It is obviously not a wild beast, but it can kill so many countless people cruelly like a wild beast. Thinking of this, Qingyu felt a burst of despair intertwined with anger.

"Let me get out of here!" Qingyu mustered up her courage and shouted, "I want to go back!"

Kyuubi glanced at her, then turned his head boredly, "Go back? Do you think if I wanted you to go back, I would have captured you here in the first place?"

"Then you eat me!" Qingyu stood up vigorously, stretched out her arms and shouted, "Haven't you already eaten so many people? You don't miss me! Come on, eat me!" drop!"

Qingyu stood on a high rock, stood on tiptoe vigorously, making a gesture of sending herself into Jiuwei's mouth. Unexpectedly, when the stone slipped under her feet, she lost her balance and fell down.

The momentary loss of balance made Qingyu startled, but she didn't expect that her clothes would be easily grabbed by one of Kyuubi's claws, she was roughly lifted into the air, and then thrown back to the ground.

"It hurts..." Qingyu felt that all the bones in her body were about to fall apart.

"No." Nine Tails still replied with a lack of interest, as if he didn't want to say a word, so he turned his back.

After that, Jiuwei didn't say a word anymore, Qingyu could only return to the place where she woke up at the beginning, being the prisoner of the demon fox.

The cave was dark and damp, and the water dripped from nowhere, making Qingyu's whole body wet. If you are unlucky, you can kick someone's skeleton while sleeping. In such a place, Qingyu's abilities are completely useless, all she can do is look at the cave ceiling in despair.

But even so, every morning when Qingyu wakes up, there will be a leaf in front of her, with some fruits and berries wrapped in the leaf, and sometimes some dead birds or rabbits. She always ate only fruit, and over time, there was no meat in the food that was brought in.

No matter what that demon fox thinks, it really doesn't want Qingyu to die.

With this in mind, after finally getting fed up with the same fruit every day, once, Qingyu boldly came to the entrance of the cave again.

The glare of the sun made her squint her eyes a little, and then he saw a nine-tailed fox not far away, squatting at a nearby creek, as if it was brushing its hair.

Qingyu put one hand above her eyes to block the sun, while boldly shouting: "Hey! Fox!"

As soon as the Nine-Tailed Fox heard the sound, it immediately turned around vigilantly.

"Go back, who told you to come out casually?" Its voice was low.

"No, I won't go back." Qingyu said forcefully, "Don't you stay in this damp and dark cave every day? Impossible! If I stay like this again, sooner or later I will Hairy ones will die!"

Qingyu observed Jiuwei's expression, and found that there was a hint of emotion in his eyes, and immediately struck while the iron was hot.

"I just want to come out to get some air! It's really stuffy inside, and it's still damp." Qing Yu tried her best to express an aggrieved look, pulling her dirty skirt with her hands, "Look, my clothes are already dirty like this, won't you let me wash them?"

Kyuubi followed her gaze, and finally nodded, agreeing.

"It's just washing clothes." Nine-Tailed Fox finally said, turning his head and leading Qingyu towards the creek, "Follow me closely."

Qingyu's heart was pounding in her chest, she walked into the creek under the gaze of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The cold water in the stream made her shiver subconsciously, and then she felt refreshingly cool.

Indeed, she has not felt the wind and current for a long time.

Qingyu squatted down and began to scrub the mud and dirt on the skirt in the water. She looked up at the nine-tailed fox, and found that the latter was staring at her intently.

"Hey, Fox! Turn your head away!" she cried. "I'm going to undress!"

Nine-Tailed Fox narrowed his eyes, "I'm not interested in your naked body at all."

"You!" Qingyu was angry and anxious, "That's not okay! Do you really want to see a girl take a bath at home? Perverted! Turn your head away!"

The nine-tailed fox was probably frightened by the princess's violent temper, so he didn't have anything to refute her for a while. Kyuubi showed its sharp canine teeth threateningly, but finally gave in under Qingyu's stare.

Seeing the Nine-Tailed Fox turned around unwillingly, Qingyu's scrubbing movements began to slow down.

The fox actually turned its head away. Qingyu's heart was beating fast, she glanced at the nearby forest, which was not too far from the creek, as long as she ran into the forest, even a nine-tailed fox would find it difficult to catch her due to the complicated terrain.

Just lightly—don't let it notice.

Qingyu stared at the back of the Nine-Tailed Fox, then lightly moved her hands, picked up the skirt soaked in the water, held it in her hand, took a deep breath, jumped out of the water suddenly, and headed towards the forest. Direction to run!

In this way, maybe it will be successful! Qingyu thought excitedly, but just as this thought flashed through her mind, it was instantly shattered by the sharp claws of the nine-tailed demon fox behind her.

Unlike Qingyu's fantasy, she hadn't run a few steps before she was pressed to the ground by the sole of the fox's foot.

There was no need to turn around, the angry roar of the nine-tailed fox came from behind Qingyu.

"You really want to run away!" Nine-tailed Fox's beast pupils burst into anger.

It really doesn't work.

Qing Yu felt a little hopeless in her heart. The nine-tailed demon fox is really too powerful, let alone her alone, it is an evil beast that can destroy an entire country.

That kind of power is simply not something humans can fight against.

Under such circumstances, Qing Yu shamelessly turned over, lay on her back on the ground, and stared at Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Yeah! I just want to run away, so what are you going to do with me? Eat me? Then you come, anyway, I don't have a few good pieces of meat on me, and I'm all bruised and purple by you, you Take it if you want to eat it!"

As she said that, Qingyu closed her eyes, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Nine-tailed fox was so angry with Qingyu's posture that his paws slapped dust on the ground, "Get up!"

But Qingyu was like a hooligan, with her limbs stretched out into a big font, but she just wouldn't get up from the ground.

"I won't get up! If I get up, you'll lock me into that gloomy cave again! I'd rather die than stay in there forever!"

Nine-Tailed Fox fell silent when he heard this. For a moment, Qingyu wondered if she really made this big guy angry, and it was about to eat her.

But in the next second, Nine Tails spoke in a low voice.

"Is it really that humid in there?"

Qingyu opened her eyes, and found that Nine-Tailed Fox's expression was still very calm, it didn't look like she was angry at all, but there was even a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Of, of course!" Qingyu yelled incredulously, "There are stone pillars dripping water everywhere, and there is no light at all, it's all black, you can't see anything!"

The nine-tailed fox made a frown-like expression, curled up its hind legs, sat on the ground, and looked at Qingyu.

"I don't know." Nine-Tailed Fox whispered, "I've lived in this place for a long time, and I haven't felt damp. And my eyes can see in the dark."

Although there was a moment when Qingyu was surprised by the politeness of the nine-tailed fox, it was quickly replaced by the anger of being locked in the cave for several days.

"You can't feel it because you have hair!" Qingyu shouted angrily, "Not all creatures can be as invulnerable as you, okay! Stay in there for a few more days, and my eyes will go blind Even the wound will rot away!"