Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 255: Qing Yu (5)


The moment the butterfly flew up, there was a breeze blowing over. Qingyu's long hair was blown by the gust of wind, like a black waterfall, and like delicate vines. At that moment, she seemed to be the most beautiful creature in the world.

"Ah, what a pity." Qing Yu lowered her head in frustration, "It flew away."

Kyuubi looked at the direction where the butterfly was flying away, frowned, showing an incredulous expression, "There's nothing to regret, it's just bugs that can be seen everywhere."

Qingyu didn't know why, but became excited again.

"Can it be seen everywhere? That's right, then it's fine. Because, that," she said with some embarrassment, "I've never seen a butterfly before."

Kyuubi raised his eyebrows, "Haven't you seen it?"

Qingyu nodded, "Yeah. I haven't seen the real thing, I've only seen it in paintings. Although the butterflies in the paintings are also very beautiful, I have always wanted to see what the real butterflies look like."

Kyuubi was a little surprised this time, "Lie, how could you not have seen such a common thing?"

Qing Yu smiled embarrassedly.

"It's true. Because I have never stepped out of the palace. Although there are gardens in the palace, my father never let me see them. My scope of action has always been only my own room and corridor. Although Father said it was done to protect me, but…”

Qing Yu smiled helplessly.

"What's the difference between that and house arrest?" Nine-Tailed Fox frowned.

Qing Yu was not angry, but laughed instead, "Even if you say that, this is my life."

"Hearing you say that, then you have nothing to miss about your previous life." Nine Tails said.

"That's right." Qingyu murmured, "Anyway, I can't go back now. Living here with you seems to be a good thing."

Kyuubi obviously didn't expect Qingyu to say that, immediately turned his gaze to her, wanted to ask something, but hesitated to ask.

Living with human beings, Kyuubi has never thought about the possibility of this matter, until Qingyu said it carelessly, Kyuubi vaguely realized that there seemed to be a little joy in his heart.

In the long time, Kyuubi has never been accompanied by others. He walks alone, lives in seclusion among the dangerous mountains and forests, and is feared by all other monsters and animals. He has never felt lonely, just drifting with the passage of time day after day, and there has never been anyone who can talk to him calmly and without fear like Qingyu.

However, Qingyu didn't notice Kyuubi's ecstasy, but started a new topic on his own.

"Hey, having said that, you are so powerful, can you turn into a human?"

Qingyu's words made Jiuwei stunned, "Why?"

"Hey?" Qing Yu was also taken aback by Nine-Tails' rhetorical question, "What, why? Isn't this a matter of course? Because you are such a big one, sometimes I have to shout and lift It’s too inconvenient to come to see you at first! Besides, doesn’t it mean that monsters will transform into human forms after they have cultivated to a certain level? Why do you still look like a beast even though you are so strong?”

Qingyu's theory made Kyuubi feel unbelievable.

"Why do all monsters have to become human after they cultivate?" Kyuubi said disdainfully, "It's just your human arrogance. Humans are obviously the weakest species, but no creature can compare to your arrogance. you."

"What? That's not it!" Qingyu argued, "My grandmother said that human beings are the most intelligent and spiritual creatures in the world. Without human beings, all monsters would not exist, landscapes, flowers, birds and plants It will also be eclipsed."

Kyuubi still insisted on his point of view, "Human beings are just arrogant. Anyway, your race is not like this for a day or two."

When Kyuubi finished saying this, Qingyu's expression changed obviously, revealing a somewhat sad expression. Kyuubi felt a little guilty, he didn't really want to make Qingyu feel bad, but at this moment he really didn't know how to communicate politely.

Fortunately, Qing Yu quickly returned to normal, as if the sadness just now was just Jiuwei's illusion.

"It's disgusting, I didn't expect you to be such a stubborn person." Qingyu pouted and said, "What about the name? You can't really call it Jiuwei, right? I always call you 'Nine Tails'" Nine Tails ’, it really felt like calling an animal.”

This description made Kyuubi wrinkle his nose.

"Nine-tailed fox is just a name you humans gave me without authorization." Nine-tails said, "I was born between heaven and earth, so I don't need such things as names."

"But you have me by your side now." Qing Yu pouted, "I don't care if you had a name before, I have to give you one now."

This little girl is simply dumbfounding. Kyuubi tilted his head to one side, not wanting to talk to her anymore. But Qingyu began to think of a name with great interest.

"Hmm... If you are Nine Tails, how about calling me Xiao Jiu?"

Kyuubi flicked his tail and ignored it.

"No, it sounds too much like the name of a puppy. You are such a big one, and it doesn't match."

—Fortunately, you still know.

"It should be a more generous name." Qingyu thought hard, "Then, how about Jiuhua?"

Before Kyuubi could react, Qingyu vetoed it on her own, "Well, no, no, no, although it sounds nice, but it always feels like the name of a brothel girl. I should think of a more refined one. name will do."

Kyuubi felt a headache.

"Let me think about it... Then, how about Jiuming? It sounds the same as Jiuming." Then again, Qingyu vetoed it before Jiuwei could react, "No, it's too ordinary. Um-"

Qingyu rested her chin with her palm, thinking seriously.


Kyuubi was really impatient this time.

"Otherwise, there are so many cypresses growing here, so it's called Jiubai?" Qingyu spoke again after an unknown period of time. Seeing that she was about to overthrow again, Kyuubi hurriedly interrupted her before she could speak.

"Just this one!"

"Ah?" Qing Yu tilted her head to look at Nine-Tailed Fox, "This? Do you like this?"

Ninetails nodded, and said reluctantly, "That's it, it sounds good."

"That's it!" Qingyu said happily, "If you like it, then call it this! Jiubai, Jiubai."

Kyuubi finally breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly Qingyu said next, "Then what kind of surname should I give you?"

Wen Jiubai felt his head hurt again.