Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 260: eye of the storm


Before we could react, Bai Ze jumped up and flew into the sky! For an instant, it felt like being on a roller coaster without any preparation, and my stomach was churning, and I couldn't do anything except grab the giant beast's hair.

Su Xiaoyun let out a scream, and Shi Yitong was not much better, his face turned blue. The gust of wind whistled in the ear, and the flying Bai Ze became the most conspicuous target of the black tornado.

I lay down on Bai Ze's back, and out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a tentacle attacking from one side, and shouted loudly, "Be careful! Right side!"

Bai Ze nimbly leaped forward, narrowly dodged the wind blade, and headed towards the center of the tornado at lightning speed.

Just when we breathed a sigh of relief and thought the crisis was over, suddenly, the black tornado seemed to be angry, showing a strange posture.

Countless wind blades wrapped around the tornado, neighing and roaring. Then, like a sudden eruption, they all flew towards Bai Ze in a menacing manner, as if to kill you.

It's over, it's definitely over this time. My eyes darkened, and I thought desperately. If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have agreed to his crazy move in the first place!

However, Bai Ze seemed to have the ability to read minds. He saw what I was going to say, and shouted: "It's too early to die! You just need to hold on tight!"

As he said that, Bai Ze let out a roar that could shock the world, and directly met those black wind blades. Only after getting so close did I see clearly that the wind blades that attacked us were not wind at all, but wisps of black miasma. These miasmas seem to be alive, and they swim in the air like ghosts, as if they have spotted the nose of whom they want to drill.

"Hold your breath!" Su Xiaoyun was the first to react, stretching out a hand to cover Shi Yitong's mouth and nose, and blinking desperately to hint at me.

"Huh?" I was inexplicable.

"Breathe!" she said angrily, "I don't have any extra hands, okay?"

Only then did I realize that things happened so fast that my mind froze. I quickly covered my mouth and nose with one free hand, and grabbed Bai Ze's hair with the other hand.

Bai Ze rushed forward bravely, first roared, opened his mouth and bit down fiercely, several unkind wind blades dissipated in his mouth, and then he showed his claws again, tearing away the obstacles in front of him into pieces.

However, even so, there are always more and more wind blades attacking, no matter how powerful Bai Ze is, he is still outnumbered. Countless wind blades flew over and surrounded us like rice dumplings. They scratched Bai Ze's fur, cut through the flesh, blood poured out, and the giant beast under us wailed.

No, if it continues like this, even Bai Ze-Zhuxuan will definitely not last long! I was so anxious that I chose the latter between my own safety and Zhuxuan's life and death.

I let go of my grasped hand, and stood up tremblingly on Bai Ze's back, "Zhuxuan! Back up a little!"

Su Xiaoyun exclaimed, "What are you doing!"

Bai Ze also turned around with a surprised face, and I saw him baring his teeth threateningly, "Do you want to die?"

"Okay, it's too late! Trust me!" I said anxiously, taking out the blue folding fan from my pocket. The wind enveloped us, and my hair and clothes were blown into a mess. It won't take long if this continues, we will all be swallowed by this evil wind.

"Okay!" Bai Ze finally compromised, he retreated a certain distance, so as to give me room to display.

At this moment, the incantation that should not have existed in my mind immediately emerged. Even I don't know exactly why I remember this passage, but it blurted out like my innate instinct.

"Five stars cast color, illuminate the dark world. Thousands of gods and sages, protect my true spirit. Giant beasts, subdue five soldiers. Five heavenly devils, die and die!"

The moment the spell fell, a glass-colored ray of light glowed on the cyan folding fan, and several rays of light shot out, each of which directly hit those black wind blades plotting evil. In that instant, the black that surrounded us all shattered like glass products that fell on the ground-"crack".

Both Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong looked at me in surprise, speechless. Even Bai Ze's expression was shocked, and he murmured, "Gu Yu, you... could it be..."

"Stop chatting!" At this moment, Shi Yitong who was looking back shouted, "Something is chasing us from behind!"

Indeed, now is not the time to chat. Bai Ze roared, "Hold on tight!"

"Wait, where are we going?" Shi Yitong asked tremblingly.

Bai Ze glanced at him and said, "The center of the tornado!"


But before Shi Yitong protested, Bai Ze flew up again, throwing off the wind blades and ghosts that were chasing after him, and flew straight towards the eye of the tornado!

"We are going to die!" While Shi Yitong was crying in embarrassment, we followed Bai Ze and plunged into the thick black smoke.

The roar in Cai Cai's ear, Shi Yitong's scream, and Bai Ze's roar all disappeared the moment they entered the darkness.

It was as if I had been thrown into a pool of warm water, unable to see or hear.

I have never experienced such a sense of liberation, and nothing can restrain me anymore. The body seems to have sunk into the water, getting deeper and deeper...

I can't see my fingers, not even a ray of light. Bit by bit, his consciousness melted into the darkness, so blurred that he couldn't think about anything.

It's very warm in here. How long can I stay here? As if returning to the mother's body, soaked in the warm amniotic fluid.

If only I hadn't left. but…

"Gu Yu! Hey, Gu Yu!" This was Su Xiaoyun's voice.

"Is he all right? Did he pass out? Do you need artificial respiration?" This was Shi Yitong's voice.

What? Artificial respiration

I straightened up and sat up, opened my eyes, Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong who were around me were startled, and took two steps back.

"You're fine!" Su Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief, and then complained, "Don't scare us if you're fine! I thought you passed out!"

"What's wrong?" I pressed my temples, feeling that my confused mind was not enough, "Where are we? What happened?"

"Did you fall down on your head and fell stupid?" Shi Yitong sat on the side with a loud voice, "Have you forgotten? Now we are in the center of the tornado. Otherwise, why do you think it is so dark here?"

After Shi Yitong said this, I noticed that it was really dark around here. Both Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong turned on their flashlights with their mobile phones, otherwise it would be impossible for me to see their faces clearly. I also hurriedly touched my pocket and took out my phone. When I was about to turn on the flashlight, I found that the screen of the phone had been broken into pieces. It seems that it was smashed in the chaos just now.

So I looked around with the light in Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong's hands, and it didn't take long to find that Zhuxuan regained his human form at some point, and was lying beside him covered in blood.

His appearance was so miserable that the first time I saw him, I thought he was dead, and I was so scared that I ran over to call his name.

"Zhuxuan, Zhuxuan! What's wrong with you, wake up, don't die here!"

"Okay, okay, who are you cursing to die?" Zhu Xuan opened his eyes in the next second, and rolled his eyes at me, "If I die from such a small injury, am I ashamed to call myself a divine beast? ?”

I breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, listening to Zhuxuan's tone of voice is not bad. However, Xu Yingchen had one arm broken first, and after suffering so much torture, Zhu Xuan's expression still remained unchanged. I really don't know whether to thank him or sympathize with him.

"It's just a flesh wound, it should heal soon." Zhu Xuan said lightly, and stood up from the ground.

Your injury doesn't seem to have anything to do with the word "recovery", okay? I endured it, but I suppressed this sentence and smiled.

"Don't break your head." Zhu Xuan stretched out his hand and poked my forehead and said, "You fell into a coma after you came in, and we waited for you for a long time before you woke up. Don't be fooled by the fall ?”

"What are you talking about!" I knocked off Zhu Xuan's hand, raised my head and looked around. It was pitch black as far as the eye could see. Even the top of the head is airtight, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of the howling wind, as if it came from far, far away.

"Are we, really, in the eye of the tornado right now?" I asked.

"Yes." Zhu Xuan said succinctly, and took out his mobile phone to light up the surrounding area, "But as I said before, this tornado is not a tornado at all, but a storm produced by the Nian beast tearing apart the real space. Therefore To be precise, where we are now is the belly of the Nian beast."

I was so scared that my legs went limp, and Shi Yitong also screamed: "Nian, the belly of the Nian beast? Wait, what's going on? Are we in the belly of a monster now?"

I don't know where Shi Yitong's words hit Zhuxuan, but he couldn't stop laughing after listening to it, completely ignoring our nervousness.

"Well, it's not wrong for you to say that." Zhu Xuan said with a smile in his eyes, "As long as you define the Nian Beast as a monster, then we are indeed in the belly of the monster. But if we put it another way, we are now It is at the junction of the third dimension and the fourth dimension, and it is a gap that separates from the real space."

Shi Yitong was puzzled and confused, "What? No, big brother, did you go to the wrong set? This is a ghost story, not a sci-fi movie!"