Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 264: Enchantment


"Okay, now is not the time to say these things." Wen Jiubai suddenly interrupted us, as if he wasn't the one who kissed and hit me for no reason just now, "How did you get here?"

Just look at it, Wen Jiubai put on a typical "business" tone again, even if I gouged him hard with my eyes, he still looked like he didn't care.

Su Xiaoyun saved the awkward and tense atmosphere, "We came with Zhuxuan. We were still in school, and the sky suddenly darkened. When we found something was wrong, Zhuxuan appeared. Then we I saw Gu Yu running from the direction of the old house. Zhuxuan said that this tornado is a crack torn by the Nian beast, and if there is no way, the whole city of Yan will be swallowed up by it."

Wen Jiubai nodded, and looked at Zhu Xuan with a hint of sarcasm, "Very correct judgment, Mr. Bai Ze. Is this an excuse for you to bring three humans here to die?"

"You!" Zhu Xuan was so angry that Wen Jiubai's words made him half dead, he took a step forward on the spot, as if he was going to tear him into pieces. Fortunately, the few of us caught him in time, but not only did Wen Jiubai not restrain himself, he even became more sarcastic.

"If you want a few of them to die, you can use poison and poison. You don't need to choose such a cruel method?"

"Wen Jiubai! You are enough!" I yelled, and the scene was calmed down for a while, and both of them fell silent.

"No matter how unreasonably you make trouble, I won't let you die alone!" I walked up to Wen Jiubai and made eye contact, "And do you think it's safe outside? You should really see how Yancheng has changed now. What happened! Just as we were talking, people kept dying outside! Could it be that you let me, Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong stand by and watch such a thing?"

Wen Jiubai did not back down, but took a step closer, "That's much safer than staying by my side."

"Mr. Wen." At this time, Su Xiaoyun pushed me away, walked up to Wen Jiubai, and said seriously, "I know that we may not have that much ability, and we may not be able to help you much. But I think that as Gu Yu My friend, we should at least have the right to know what happened in the city we live in, right? If you can’t satisfy us on this point... I don’t think you have any qualifications to be the exorcist of Yancheng.”

Su Xiaoyun's words seemed to have touched something in Wen Jiubai's heart, and his eyes changed for a moment. It was also at this time that I realized that after I learned that Wen Jiubai was a nine-tailed demon fox, I almost forgot his original identity.

He is, and has always demanded himself with the standard of a demon extermination master who eliminates harm for the people.

"Okay." Wen Jiubai finally relaxed his expression, only his sharp eyes still scanned us, "Xu Yingchen, that is, Taoist Ling Xiao. He cast an enchantment in the entire range of Yancheng, separating Yancheng from the rest of the world. The corners are completely cut off. Not only is the sun blocked, but everything is blocked from going in and out."

"That is to say, we can't escape even if we want to escape now?" Shi Yitong said in despair, "But why did he set up this enchantment? Is it good for him to let so many innocent people die? ?”

"He wanted the Nian beast to come over." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "The legendary Nian is a monster with a huge mouth, he can swallow all matter, even time. I don't know if Xu Yingchen's brain is burnt out , but he intends to rely on the Nian beast to devour all the ghosts and ghosts in the city, and the death of human beings is just an incidental sacrifice. I have been chasing Xu Yingchen since he opened the barrier, but he suddenly opened a crack and released Nian The beast is something I didn't think of - logically, he shouldn't have such great power."

Seeing Wen Jiubai frowning and thinking, Zhu Xuan and I looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.

I cleared my throat and said, "Zhuxuan lost an arm."

Wen Jiubai turned his head and nodded, "I noticed. I'm still wondering when you guys will tell me."

"My arm was broken by Taoist Ling Xiao." Zhu Xuan subconsciously grabbed the empty sleeve, "In order to snatch Yu Ruyi away."

"What?" Wen Jiubai's pupils shrank, "Yu Ruyi? He took it away? What's going on?"

"It's a long story. We were deceived by him." Zhu Xuan sighed, "He should have used that wishful force to open the crack and release the Nian Beast. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before Yancheng will The whole thing will be razed to the ground."

"—As long as he has this enchantment." Wen Jiubai interrupted Zhuxuan, "Nian Beast is different from other monsters, just like making a line collide with a plane, the collision of four-dimensional and three-dimensional requires a closed space, that is, This enchantment set up by Ling Xiao."

"That means, if we break the barrier he set up, Nian Beast can go back to his hometown!" Su Xiaoyun said excitedly.

"In theory, this is true. But it's not that simple." Wen Jiubai said, "In order to ensure the safety of his monsters, Ling Xiao set up a very strong barrier. Imagine a thick and heavy tempered glass cover is now The cover above Yancheng cannot be broken by simple and brutal attacks. It is necessary to find a point on the entire cover that bears the weakest force, and it is the starting point of the entire barrier, the source of power for the entire barrier... "

Before Wen Jiubai finished speaking, Shi Yitong yelled, "What? This, how is this possible! It's not an ordinary glass cover, this cover covers the whole city, how long will it take us to find that so-called point? "

Wen Jiubai showed a smile, folded his arms, "Look, what is the place we are standing on now?"

Shi Yitong stared stupidly, and then slowly realized, "Oh!"

"Now, I need your help." Wen Jiubai suddenly took out four written talisman papers from his pocket and said, "I need four people to find the east, west, north, and south four pieces of paper in this dark space where you can't see your fingers." Then stick the talisman paper on the ground. I will stay where I am, and when you stick the talisman paper, I will start to chant the spell to break the barrier. Do you understand?"

Shi Yitong was the first to reach out to get Wen Jiubai's talisman, "I see, I understand, isn't this simple? Let me do it!"