Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 265: bid farewell


"But—" Wen Jiubai changed the subject, and as soon as he took back the talisman paper that was about to be handed to Shi Yitong, his gaze became fierce again, "I never said it would be easy."

"Ah?" Shi Yitong stared blankly at Wen Jiubai.

"First of all, we are in the womb of the Nian Beast. As long as any one of us is discovered by the Nian Beast, it can erase you from the history of this world without any effort. This is more terrible than death, because when If you die, none of us will remember you." Wen Jiubai looked around us, "Secondly, even if we are lucky enough not to be noticed by this behemoth, we will encounter many things that you can't even imagine Ghosts are blocking the way. The Nian Beast is devouring all the ghosts and monsters in Yancheng, and most of them disappeared immediately, but there are also some powerful ones that were not swallowed, but were trapped in this four-dimensional space just like us."

Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong looked at each other and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"And the most frightening thing is that this space itself will present illusions to block your progress. And none of you have any decent weapons. And now, I also can't provide you with any protection or promise." Wen Jiubai He whispered, "In other words, I need you to risk your life to do this, and most likely, you will not come back."

After Wen Jiubai finished speaking, everyone fell silent, including me.

"The best case is that you complete the mission alive, but it's hard to say whether you can come back alive. But the most likely thing is that before all of you have completed the mission, someone died halfway. The success of this plan The probability is probably less than ten percent."

A deadly silence filled the pitch-black space. Then Su Xiaoyun spoke first.

"Mr. Wen... I want to ask you, is this the only way?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "I've thought about it, but there's no other way. I'm sorry."

At this moment, Shi Yitong interjected again, "What will happen if the plan succeeds?"

"The barrier is broken, the barrier between Yancheng and the outside world is opened, the whole space will not be able to support the four-dimensional body of Nian Beast, and the tornado will be squeezed out by the whole space. Then we can find Ling Xiao, his three-legged cat's kung fu, I alone is enough to kill him." Wen Jiubai said affirmatively.

"But if we can't succeed." Bai interjected at this time, "Nian Beast will devour it endlessly here, and Yan City will be razed to the ground by him soon. After that, the whole city and the whole province will be destroyed in a short time. , even the entire country will disappear. All your relatives and friends will disappear in history, time will be tampered with, and none of us will ever be born on this planet."

"The earth will become a dead star." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

I couldn't bear to listen any longer, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Su Xiaoyun's words.

This elegant and beautiful schoolgirl smoothed the broken hair on her forehead with her fingers, and then smiled at us.

"Then, I guess we have no other choice. Bring it." Su Xiaoyun held out his hand to Wen Jiubai.


"Amulet paper." Su Xiaoyun said in a brisk tone, as if she was just talking about the weather, "Don't worry, leave it to us, we will definitely complete the task smoothly! Of course, if I can't finish it, I will Try to be killed by the ghosts around. After all, if you die like this, you can still remember my appearance, which is much better than disappearing from history directly.”

"Yes, yes, Goddess Su is right." Shi Yitong stretched out his hand for the second time, and said in his characteristic arrogant tone, "It's not difficult after talking for a long time, isn't it just failure or success. Who am I, Shi Yitong? , one will be the top of the two, and the success will be guaranteed. Even if I don’t succeed in the end, won’t I also have a share in saving the world? How handsome is this!”

Then Zhu Xuan also slowly stretched out his hand, his voice was still that cold tone, "Nine Tails, I never liked you."

"I know." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

"Sometimes I think you're the most annoying, brazen, liar in the world. Not just to me, you lie to the world, even to the people you love the most. To protect them, you always strip the world Come down and rub it in the palm of your hand." Zhu Xuan stared at Wen Jiubai and said, "So I don't believe you. So I don't believe in the 10% success rate either."

"And me!" Bai appeared out of nowhere, and stood resolutely in front of Zhuxuan. He has the body of a boy, just like the first time I met him, dressed in white, with a handsome face, and has the unique youthfulness and demeanor of a boy. He also extended a hand to Wen Jiubai.

"The matter of being a hero can't be snatched away by two human boys and a long-haired old monster, right? Of course I want to join in the fun of such a good thing!" He turned his head and said to Zhuxuan and the others, "Anyway , if you belch your farts first, remember to ask me to collect your corpses."

Watching this scene, a warm current surged through my chest. Without thinking about it, I also stood in front of Wen Jiubai, but I didn't expect that just as I stretched out my hand, Wen Jiubai interrupted me.

"That's enough. Since you all want to die so much, I will naturally grant you." Wen Jiubai took out four talisman papers in his arms and handed them to Su Xiaoyun, Shi Yitong, Zhuxuan and Bai respectively, "Su Xiaoyun goes to the east, Shi Yitong goes To the west, Bai Ze goes south, and Bai Ze goes north. That’s it. If you can’t determine the direction, just follow the wall made of wind blades. This place is a regular quadrilateral, and you can’t go wrong if you follow the wall. Then you The mobile phone in your hand should save power as much as possible. In addition to using it to contact me, if you encounter evil spirits with malicious intentions, use strong light to their eyes. Although this cannot drive them away, at least it can make them move Slow, give you room to escape. Got it?"

"Understood." All four nodded.

"Wait!" I squeezed to the front, "What about me?"

Wen Jiubai glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and said, "I need four people in four directions, east, west, north, east, and west. You don't understand this, do you? There are already four volunteers, so you can stay where you are."

"I—" I was so blocked by his words that I couldn't speak.

"Old fox, you're still so selfish." Zhu Xuan looked at Wen Jiubai mockingly.

"Okay." Su Xiaoyun stepped forward to persuade the fight, and then looked at me with a smile, "Gu Yu, let's go then."

"Let's go. Hurry up, a second is a second." Wen Jiubai said.

"However, before I leave, I still have something to say to Gu Yu." Su Xiaoyun looked at Wen Jiubai, who acquiesced to her.

Have something to say? say to me

When I was confused, Su Xiaoyun's mouth came close to my ear. I felt a warm breath blowing against my ears, and her soft breath sounded like a breeze.

"Gu Yu... If this is the last chance, I still want to tell you."

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Su Xiaoyun moved closer.

"Gu Yu, I like you."

I was stunned for a moment, but before I could react and make any movements, Su Xiaoyun had already stood up, walked over to Shi Yitong and smiled as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go, let's save the world!"

"Oh!" Shi Yitong was also infected by Su Xiaoyun's emotions, and shouted to cheer himself up.

The four people walked in four different directions, and I stared blankly at their backs, until all the figures were merged into the dense darkness and could no longer be seen.

This may be the last time I see them. Thinking of this, my heart is full of sadness.

However, this sense of sadness quickly turned into suspicion of Wen Jiubai. I looked at Wen Jiubai whose expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

"You sent them away," I said. "Why? Why did you leave me here alone?"

Wen Jiubai was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, and looked at me teasingly, "I just miss you, can't I be alone with you?"