Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 266: Reincarnation


I slapped Wen Jiubai's hand away and stared straight at him, "Don't play sloppy with me at this moment!"

"Okay." Wen Jiubai stood up and patted the dirt on his body and said, "I keep you here because I need to borrow your strength. My current strength alone cannot break such a large-scale seal. I need you to stay and help me."

"Why?" I asked.

Wen Jiubai seemed a little surprised, and turned to look at me, "What?"

"Why?" I approached him, "I don't know anything except sometimes I can see strange things and have strange dreams. I don't know how to use spells or spells. What can I do to help you?" busy?"

Wen Jiubai laughed out loud, and stretched out a hand to me, "Don't look down on yourself so much. You don't need to do anything, just give me your hand."

But I didn't intend to just let it go, and didn't go to meet Wen Jiubai's extended hand.

"No, that's not right. You did the same thing a long time ago when I was commissioned in my hometown Beining. You suddenly asked me if I had any personal belongings with me, and then you used that pen to drive the sprite out of Second Aunt's body .Why?"

"What why?" Wen Jiubai's expression was calm.

"Why do you use my things?" I asked word by word, "Wen Jiubai, let me ask you, do you have anything to tell me?"

Wen Jiubai's expression still didn't change much, he turned his head to look at me, "What about you? Do you have something to tell me?"

The two of us just stood in a stalemate in the dark, as if whoever spoke first would lose. But in the end, it was Wen Jiubai who sighed and broke the silence first.

"What do you know?"

"Qingqiu Kingdom, Princess Qingyu, and the Nine-Tailed Fox." I said straightaway, "It wasn't Taoist Lingxiao who sealed you back then, and it had nothing to do with Yu Ruyi! It was Qingyu who sealed you, but you Never told me there was such a person! Who is she? Why did you never tell me? And why do I dream about her? Are you lying to me?"

Wen Jiubai tried to interrupt me, "Gu Yu, listen to me—"

But knowing that he is like me, how can I give him room to defend

"Are you lying to me?" I asked word by word.

"...sometimes I don't have a lot of options—"

"It's not my problem." I said firmly.

Wen Jiubai finally sighed deeply, and finally looked at me squarely.

"Yes," he said.

"Why?" I pressed.

"That's a very long story." Wen Jiubai sighed.

"Then you cut the long story short!" I didn't let him go at all, "You said you would never lie to me, now what? Are you going to cover a lie with a lie? Tell me the girl Who's—no, tell me, who am I?" I stared into his eyes.

Wen Jiubai was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"Gu Yu, do you still remember the first time you met me?"

I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect Wen Jiubai to ask such a question, and muttered, "Of course I remember. Who can make such a deep first impression on people like you."

Wen Jiubai smiled, and then asked, "Then what do you remember?"

"Su Xiaoyun's cat ran away suddenly. I went through the wild grass on the back mountain to find that cat, and then found your old house." I recalled patiently, "Later I knocked over your house." A teacup, and you say—"

"What did I say?" Wen Jiubai asked.

It was at this time that I was stunned, and that sentence came to my mind, and it became a series of mysteries today.

I suddenly raised my head and looked at Wen Jiubai, "You said, 'You're still so careless', as if you knew me a long time ago."

Wen Jiubai nodded slowly.

"But it's impossible!" I firmly denied, "I swear before that time I broke into the old house, I have never seen you in my life, and I swear I have never seen you in my 19 years of life." What memory gap, so don't tell me that I lost my memory!"

"No, I didn't intend to say that." Wen Jiubai smiled, but I always felt that there was a trace of bitterness hidden in his smile, "You're right, you haven't met me. But I did... see over you."

What? I froze. What is he talking about

"However, to be precise, what I met was not you, 'Gu Yu'." Wen Jiubai said with a helpless and painful smile, "It was the reincarnations of 'Wen Qingyu'."

At this moment, I was completely stunned, and a bad feeling rose in my chest. And my reaction was even calmer than before.

"What do you mean? What is the reincarnation of 'Wen Qingyu'?"

Wen Jiubai closed his eyes, and opened them slowly after a while. He looked at the ground wearily, avoiding my gaze.

"A long time ago, when I was so young that I didn't know anything about the world, she redeemed me. She taught me the kindness and love of human nature. But at the same time, she also sealed my power by sacrificing her own life. .”

I know.

In that dream, I saw everything.

"At that time, she had the power to seal me, but she didn't have a container to hold my power. No, there is nothing in this world that is strong enough to hold all my power." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "Therefore—Qingyu used My own soul, to carry my strength."

"Use... soul?" I was speechless, "Then why..."

"After sealing me, Qing Yu also entered the reincarnation cycle because she endured too much power. She kept her original promise and became my guardian, so every reincarnation will meet me in a different way. However, because All my power is sealed in her soul, which will cause her lifespan to decrease drastically. Therefore, no matter how many times she reincarnates, her lifespan will never exceed—" Wen Jiubai paused, and said in a low voice, "Twenty age."

There was a buzzing in my head, and in an instant, all the doubts and questions I had since I met Wen Jiubai were resolved in this instant.

In this way, everything makes sense.

"So... I am the reincarnation of Wen Qingyu, right?" I swallowed hard a few times, trying to keep my voice steady.

Wen Jiubai nodded, then closed his eyes.

Many intermittent fragments of memory came to mind at this time.

The couplet in front of the old house has always been incomprehensible: life and death have been agreed thousands of times, and you have not known the king and you are farewell.

- "You, you are still so careless."

— "You, always. Every time, every time..."

— "I was just wondering what it would look like when you had long hair."

— "It's just your appearance, which reminds me of an old friend."

"Gu Yu..."

It wasn't until Wen Jiubai called me that I realized that I had been staring blankly at the ground for several minutes.