Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 271: end


What? I froze.

At this moment, Wen Jiubai disappeared in the huge, dazzling white light, replaced by an earth-shaking roar—a huge nine-tailed white fox appeared out of nowhere, and he just appeared in the center of the city out of thin air.

I looked at Wen Jiubai's prototype and was stunned.

Even though I've seen Kyuubi in my dreams before, it's too different from what actually appeared before my eyes. The majestic white fox is really as tall as a small building with two or three floors, and its nine thick tails flick back and forth in the air. Kyuubi seemed to be troubled by this sudden powerful force, moaning and growling in pain, showing scary sharp teeth.

Kyuubi's footsteps were unsteady, and after taking a few steps forward, he bumped into a crumbling building, and the whole building collapsed immediately, surrounded by the screams of terrified people.

Xu Yingchen laughed wildly, "What a big monster, what kind of leader of an evil beast. In the end, he is not like all monsters, hiding in the dark crevices and surviving! After all, monsters are just monsters, people who have crossed the street. A mouse that people shouted and beat! Next, you can watch how humans kill this vile animal!"

"You—Xu Yingchen!" Anger surged into my heart crazily, and I felt that I had never hated someone so much in my whole life. Want to kill him, no, want to tear him into pieces!

Before my reason could catch up, my body was already acting recklessly. Xu Yingchen's wild laughter stopped abruptly, because the blue folding fan in my hand pierced his chest like a sharp arrow, and blood gushed out, staining the folding fan red.

Blood spurted from Xu Yingchen's mouth, he looked at me and laughed nervously again. That laughter could almost drive me crazy.

"I... die with no regrets." Xu Yingchen let out a weird laugh, and moved his blood-stained lips to my ear and said, "In my lifetime, if I can see this scene again, what is death..."

I inserted the fan blade into his chest again, repeating this action as if mechanically, seeing blood gushing out again and again, until a voice in the distance stopped me.

"Gu Yu, that's enough! He's already dead!"

It is Zhuxuan. I turned around, and at some point, Zhuxuan's group had already run to my side.



It took several seconds for my chaotic brain to realize the meaning of this word. When I came back to my senses, the clothes were all stained with blood, and the folding fan was also stained red with blood, and the fan bone was broken by me. It's completely broken and unusable.

Xu Yingchen lay lifeless on the ground, his body had already become icy cold. What really brought me back to reality from the trance was Wen Jiubai's painful groans.

I don't know when, more and more people gathered around us. The sound of fire trucks and ambulances could be heard, as well as the armed policemen who were marching neatly, rushing over in groups. At the same time, there were even reporters pushing ahead of us.

"Now it's Yancheng News emergency report! After the city was hit by a dark tornado, a huge fox-like unknown creature suddenly appeared in the center of the city! Immediately after the creature appeared, it began to destroy the city. Please look behind me, this creature is enough It is as tall as a three-story building, and it is likely to be an unknown species that has not yet been discovered! Now the mayor has dispatched firefighters and armed police, hoping to control this dangerous unknown creature in time... "

I pushed the reporter away, "Get out of the way! He is not a dangerous unknown creature! He is not the one who destroyed the city, so don't spit blood!"

The reporter who was knocked down by me was startled and immediately shouted: "Police! Police! There is a lunatic here who is obstructing the rescue. Stop him!"

As soon as I finished speaking, two armed police officers held me, one on the left and one on the right, and I couldn't escape no matter how hard I struggled.

"What are children doing here! Get out of here, it's dangerous!"

"It's you who are dangerous!" I struggled, "Let me pass! Listen to me, he is not a dangerous creature!"

However, my voice was instantly drowned out by the gunfire. The armed police stood in a row at the front, raised their guns in unison, and fired at Kyuubi's chest.

Nine Tails let out a wailing cry, and couldn't help hiding back. From the trembling tail, it could be seen how painful he was now.

"It works! More firepower!" The commander shouted.

"Don't! Stop! Listen to me!" I shouted heart-piercingly, but no one could hear me.

Tears slid down my face. Suddenly, what Wen Jiubai said once came to my mind.

—"We monsters are very weak compared to humans. So, don't bully us."

At the moment when I was in a trance, the two armed policemen who were holding me suddenly yelled and let go of their shackles. I turned around in surprise, and Zhuxuan was holding a steel bar that I didn't know where to pick up in one hand, and shouted at me.

"Let's go! This place is covered by me and Bai, you go to him!"

I looked behind in surprise, not only Zhuxuan. There are also Bai, Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun, they are all trying desperately to hold people back and explain. Even if they knew it would be futile to do so, they still shouted stubbornly.

they are my friends. At this moment, I suddenly realized this deeply.

"What are you still doing in a daze!" Zhu Xuan yelled at me, "Hurry up! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

I immediately turned around and ran forward, through the crowd of onlookers, through the ambulance team carrying the wounded, and rushed forward.

Wait, Wen Jiubai! You wait for me! You must not just die like this!

The armed police team in the front row suddenly burst into screams. The nine-tailed fox seemed to be unable to control himself due to the pain of the injury and the burden on his body, and he knocked all the armed policemen to the ground with one tail.

The commander in the front row took out the intercom in a panic, "No! Ordinary ammunition and tranquilizer guns won't work at all! The scene is out of control, when will the military come over?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I rushed directly past the armed police in the front row, hugged one of Nine-Tailed Fox's tails tightly, and crawled towards him with all my might.

Nine Tails let out a growl and flicked its tail trying to throw me off my body.

But I clung to the fur on his body, even though he made me dizzy and didn't let go, I insisted on continuing to climb up.

"Wen Jiubai! It's me! I'm Gu Yu! You idiot!"

I shouted with all my strength, Wen Jiubai seemed to have heard it, and the struggling movements were no longer so obvious. I took the opportunity to crawl along his tail to his back.

Kyuubi's back is very warm, and the soft fur is very comfortable to the touch. However... Such soft fur was full of single holes made by guns, and blood overflowed from the wounds, staining the pure white fur red.

I climbed up to his neck, hugged him tightly, and murmured: "Wen Jiubai, it's me. I'm Gu Yu. Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you of."

The surroundings became quiet, and for some reason, the armed police stopped shooting. Maybe it was because he found that I had climbed onto Jiuwei's body, but in short, Wen Jiubai calmed down bit by bit.

"Gu Yu..."

I heard him call my name hoarsely, and tears welled up.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here. I'm here. It's over. I killed Xu Yingchen. He is dead. He will never trouble us again."

"You killed him?" Wen Jiubai asked hoarsely.

I buried my face in his fur and nodded.

"Idiot." Wen Jiubai scolded, "He's not worth your life."

"I know." I laughed and put my face on his neck, "but it's all right now, it's all over now. I tell you, when you recover, we will leave this city. We can go far place, we can live in seclusion, no one knows where we are. Or... Or we can travel around, Shanghai's Xiaolongbao, Hunan's flavored shrimp, Hubei's hot dry noodles, and, there is Peking duck, I have always I want to go to Beijing to eat authentic roast duck!"

"You only have one year to live." Wen Jiubai said weakly.

"There are many, many things that can be done in a year!" I said anxiously, "There are 12 months in a year, and there are 30 days in a month. We can do many, many things! I swear, I swear we will have fun Very happy very happy!"

A muffled laugh came from Wen Jiubai's throat, "I believe in you."

I hugged Wen Jiubai's neck tightly, and pressed my face near his ears, tears streaming down and soaking his fur, "Wen Jiubai, please, please... I love you, I really, really love you .”

Wen Jiubai turned his head slowly and somewhat stiffly. His eyes were still shining like obsidian, with a watery glow.

He said softly: "If this is the last chance. Gu Yu, I—"

Just at this moment, a deafening boom came suddenly. I was shaken off of Wen Jiubai's body, and fell straight to the ground from a height of several meters. The eyes are full of flames and dust raised by the explosion. I heard a heart-piercing roar, and then Kyuubi's heavy body fell heavily to the ground.

"... The military arrived in time! The invulnerable unknown creature still couldn't stand the power of the bomb and fell down! Thanks to the desperate army, the crisis in Yancheng has been resolved!"


... wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it no matter what.


"Here's a kid down here! Hello, where's the ambulance?"


It's like sinking into the deep sea, eyes can't see, ears can't hear.

Wen Jiubai... Wen Jiubai...

Obviously, she should not feel any temperature anymore, but she can still feel the hotness of the tears running down her cheeks.

"Gu Yu! Let him go!"

How nice it would be to end like this forever.