Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 30: Back to the old house


I ignored the man surnamed Wang, but squatted down and asked Xiaoying softly, "Xiaoying, is the haunted room you mentioned your room?"

Xiaoying nodded.

"Can I take my brother to your room to have a look?" I asked again.

Xiaoying nodded, took my hand and was about to walk inside. I was about to stand up, but was stopped by a man surnamed Wang.

"What are you doing! Why are you breaking into other people's houses casually?"

I hate this man from the bottom of my heart, but after all, I am under his roof. I suppressed the anger in my heart and said as gently as possible.

"Uncle Wang, I'm just a little worried about Xiaoying. I'm just going to take a look, and I won't do anything."

"No, who knows if you will do it!" The man frowned, and impatiently waved me away, "I think it is enough to open the door for you for Xiaoying's sake, our daughter, we will do it ourselves." Take care! Let's go!"

This quarrel made Xiaoying cry too.

"Uncle Wang, let my brother come in!"

"No, no, no! Let's go!"


For a while, the scene became chaotic. I took the opportunity to walk in through a gap, and saw a pink room along the corridor, which should be Xiaoying's room. I don't know why this family put the youngest daughter's room in the innermost part of the corridor. Even if I don't know the way of yin and yang, I know that it seems unlucky.

But before I could take a closer look at the layout of the room, one hand grabbed the back collar of my coat and forcibly dragged me out.

"You brat! I told you to leave, why don't you toast and not eat fine wine? Stay away from Xiaoying!" The man surnamed Wang said very annoyedly, and threw me aside vigorously.

I staggered in a bit of embarrassment, but Bai directly rushed forward and bit the man.

"Fuck, this weasel is still biting, get out!"

Bai fell to the ground and let out a miserable cry. I hurried to pick him up, and whispered to Xiaoying who was at a loss,

"If there is anything else, just write to the little mouse, understand?"

The teary-eyed little girl nodded, and I was kicked out in such a state of embarrassment.

"Damn human!" Bai twittered on my shoulder, his fangs showing, "How dare you kick me! It hurts so much—"

"It's really embarrassing." I slapped the dust on my body, and said a little annoyed, "Xiaoying's stepfather is too bad. Even if he is not related by blood, he is still his daughter, and he doesn't care about it. And Her mother, too, never came out and said a word from the beginning to the end."

"Humans are really inexplicable creatures." Bai said, wagging his tail, "She clearly wrote on the note that Uncle Wang was very kind to her."

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe that Uncle Wang just doesn't trust us." I scratched my hair and sighed, "It's good now. Next time I come here, I will definitely be kicked out. The first investigation The commission failed like this..."

"It's useless to complain~" Bai patted my shoulder with his little paw as if he had come here, "The most important thing now is to go to dinner quickly, then sleep comfortably, and think about it when I come back thing."

As soon as I said that, my stomach started growling. So I found a noodle shop nearby, and bought a bag of potato chips for Bai to hug and chew. Just when I took a taxi to the school gate, I suddenly remembered something.

"It's over, I... I don't seem to have a bedroom key with me!"

"Why are you always forgetting things, pig?" Bai said dissatisfiedly, "What about your roommate?"

"They told me yesterday that they will go to the Internet cafe all night today, and they won't come back all night." I said dejectedly, "What can I do!"

Am I going to wander the streets with such a weasel tonight

Bai thought for a while, then suddenly said, "By the way, isn't Mr. Wen out? We can go back to the old house!"

"Yes, is it?" I was thinking about asking Shi Yitong for help, but when Bai said this, I was stunned, "But...wouldn't this be too good?"

"What's not so good!" Bai Yue was eager to try, "The bed just happened to be vacant when he wasn't here. It's not like the one who works for him doesn't even have this kind of treatment!"

"But, but..." I stammered.

"But what, let's go! I don't want to sleep outside on the street."

"Didn't you just sleep in the grass?" I complained.

"That's different, different!"

While bickering with Bai, I walked towards the back hill of the school. In fact, even if you don't bring the bedroom key, there are many solutions. You can borrow it from the housekeeper, or ask Shi Yitong if there are any vacant beds in their dormitory, or live in a small hotel outside. But I don't know why I just followed Bai's suggestion and pushed open the door of the old house.

Even if the owner of the old house is not there, the gate is not locked. It should be said that there is no lock on this door at all, but I guess maybe Wen Jiubai has some special method to prevent other strangers from entering.

Passing through the two familiar gates, I found that the flowers that had bloomed on both sides of the road had closed their petals, as if they were asleep. Sure enough, this old house is inextricably linked with Wen Jiubai. Without him, I actually felt that this huge old house was a bit too deserted.

"Bed! Bed!" Bai jumped off me and ran into the room in a flash.

"Hey, wait for me!" Fortunately, I reacted quickly, grabbed the fur on the back of Bai's neck and lifted him up a second before he pounced on the bed, and scolded him like a child, "You first Go and wash yourself, you are not allowed to go to bed without washing!"

"You are so annoying!" Bai Bian pursed his lips, but obediently went to take a bath with his head downcast.

I parted the tulle door and walked into the inner bedroom. I've been here once, but before I could see it clearly, I was kicked out by Wen Jiubai. The first thing that caught my eye was a wooden table. There were several books neatly placed on the table, and there were some yellow papers with spells drawn on them that I couldn't understand. A few brushes are inserted in the pen holder, and there is an inkstone with dried ink beside it.

Table, chairs, wardrobe, dresser and a single bed, that's all there is in the room. It is simple and tidy, and it is hard to see that it is a man's room. If you don't tell me, I might think this is the boudoir of the heroine of some costume drama.

Wen Jiubai's bed was very clean, and the quilt and pillows were neatly folded. I couldn't help stretching out my hand to touch the soft bed, a little lost in thought.

To be honest, it's hard to imagine what it would be like for Wen Jiubai to sleep. He always gave me a feeling of being otherworldly, and I felt a little unbelievable when I thought that he would undress and go to bed like a normal person.

— what am I thinking. My face was a little hot, and I spurned myself in my heart.