Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 31: bed and phone


I shook the mess out of my head, took off my coat and threw myself on the bed. The mattress of Simmons is very soft, with a faint smell of sandalwood, it is very comfortable to lie on. Only then did I feel tired from a day of tossing around, I yawned, and was about to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, my mobile phone rang at this time.

I randomly grabbed my phone and squinted to see: Wen Jiubai.

I scratched my hair angrily, and I couldn't really ignore the "boss" call, so I sat up and put the phone to my ear.


"Oh? Answer it, I thought you were already asleep." Wen Jiubai's teasing voice came from the other end of the phone. I don't know why the background sound is so noisy. It's already this time, but there are still many people walking around and talking.

"Why are you calling even though you know that!" I was furious when I heard that.

"I miss you." Wen Jiubai said relaxedly.

Here it is again, this person always speaks so casually, never knowing how much teasing and truthful his words are.

"You are clearly thinking about the progress of the entrustment."

"As expected of me, a guess is right. So how about the entrustment?"

I sighed, and told Wen Jiubai what happened today in as much detail as possible.

"... That's how things are. That house looks very wrong, giving people a gloomy feeling. The little girl's room is also at the end of the corridor. But after this trouble, maybe next time I go It's very difficult."

"What does the little girl's room look like, have you seen it clearly?"

"I only saw a part of it. Before I could see it clearly, I was dragged out by her stepfather. It was a very pink room, very small, only as big as our toilet. The room was shaded, and there was a small bed. There's a mirror on the wall. That's all there is to see."

"Mirror..." Wen Jiubo said thoughtfully, "There is a mirror in the shade, so there is indeed a possibility of being haunted."

"Then what should I do?" I said a little irritably, "You don't come back, how will Bai and I deal with the haunting incident? I'm not a demon exorcist."

"Let's find a way to investigate again. If it's just a troublesome lonely ghost, you can drive them away with saliva or canine teeth. If it's not good enough, use the spell drawn on my desk." Wen Jiubai said lazily, " Now I can't go back, at least I have to stay for three or four days."

"Where are you now?" I still couldn't hold back my curiosity and asked.

"I am now in City C, helping to investigate a case of rape and murder of a young girl."

City C? The famous city with high crime rate? I couldn't help but said, "Murder incident? I thought you were an exorcist, why did you suddenly become a detective?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. Officer Yan and Dr. Yang here are my old acquaintances." Wen Jiubai said in a "normal" tone, "I'm just doing my friend a favor."

Officer Yan? Doctor Yang? This Wen Jiubai really knows all kinds of weird people.

"Then you should also pay attention to safety." I sighed and turned over on the bed. The soft mattress and bedding made a fine friction sound.

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then there was a crackling laugh. Wen Jiubai asked with a smile, "Gu Yu, are you in the old house now?"

Hearing this sentence, I suddenly panicked, and my phone almost slipped.

"Uh... well, yes." I said bravely.

"On my bed?" There was more teasing in the other end's tone.

"It's because I didn't bring my bedroom key today!" I explained loudly, "Then my roommates all went out again, and then that guy Bai said he would come to live in the old house. Yes, it was the weasel who said he would come It has nothing to do with me!"

"Why are you so nervous? I didn't tell you not to sleep."

"... Oh." I was a little embarrassed.

"There may be rain tonight, and the weather will turn cold. Remember to cover the quilt at night."

"Oh..." I was too embarrassed to know what to say.

"Then that's it for now. Remember to tell me if there is any progress in the commission. Rest early, good night."


After hanging up the phone, I sat on the bed blankly, only to realize that at some point my heart was beating fast and my palms were covered with beads of sweat.

Ah—I really want to find a seam in the ground to get in! Damn Wen Jiubai! !

I threw the phone away, wrapped myself in the blanket and buried me.

"Hey, Gu Yu. What are you doing?" A voice came from outside the quilt, probably because Bai had finished taking a shower at some point.

"Speak, what are you doing?" Bai jumped on the bed and jumped a few times.

"Don't talk, go to sleep!" I poked my head out from under the quilt viciously, and turned off the light with a "snap".


The next day, as Wen Jiubai said, it was raining lightly and the temperature dropped several degrees. As soon as I woke up, I even sneezed several times.

Looking at the time, it was already half past seven. The old house was still some distance away from the school, so I quickly got dressed, grabbed my coat and ran to the teaching building.

This class was combined with science and engineering, so Shi Yitong sat next to me as a matter of course. But Su Xiaoyun was not seen until the class bell rang.

"Speaking of which, Goddess Su seems to be on sick leave." Shi Yitong said, "It seems to be a cold or something."

"That's right, the temperature difference is so big today. I'm going to catch a cold." I rubbed my nose.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see you all day yesterday. Could it be that you were recuperating in the dormitory? No way?" Shi Yitong looked worried.

I quickly waved my hand, "It's not that serious. I was away yesterday because I was entrusted with Wen Jiubai's investigation."

"Wen Jiubai?" Shi Yitong took a while to react, "Ah, is that Mr. Wen?"

"That's Mr. Wen." That annoying and arrogant Mr. Wen.

"Really." Shi Yitong immediately approached with a very interested look, "Another commission? What kind of commission."

I had no choice but to give Shi Yitong a rough account of the cause and process of the incident. But I didn't expect this guy to completely miss the point after listening to it.

"What? Your weasel—it's a monster!"

Shi Yitong's voice was too loud, causing several people around to look this way, and I was so scared that I quickly pressed his head off.

"Hush! You're still in class, what are you doing?"

"No, no, I'm just too surprised." Shi Yitong looked at me with staring eyes, and said after a while, "There are really monsters in this world!"