Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 42: dream again


"Speaking of which, it's going to be a holiday soon, right?" Su Xiaoyun said to us while eating ice cream.

I was taken aback, "A holiday? What kind of holiday?"

"National Day holiday." Su Xiaoyun slapped me on the head and complained, "Have you lost your soul these two days, and even forgot such a big thing as the long holiday?"

Eleventh holiday... I thought about it, and then I remembered that today is the 30th, and tomorrow is October 1st.

"It seems to be the same." I touched my head in embarrassment, "It seems that the teacher said in class today that there will be a holiday, but I forgot."

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just like this, he doesn't care about anything." Shi Yitong waved his hand, with an expression of nothing to do with me.

"What are your plans for Eleven?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"Of course I'm going home to accompany my grandma, and my parents will be back on November." Shi Yitong replied naturally, "What about you?"

"My roommate invited me to hang out in Hangzhou, and I plan to go with them." Su Xiaoyun smiled, then turned her head to me, "Gu Yu, how about you?"

At this time, I haven't kept up with the rhythm of their chat, "Ah? What?"

"Eleventh, don't you have any plans for the eleventh holiday? This is a seven-day long holiday."

"Uh... I probably don't have any plans." I said hesitantly, "I should just stay in school and do nothing."

"No way? Really, aren't you going home?" Su Xiaoyun seemed surprised.

"Ah, Gu Yu..." Shi Yitong suddenly jumped out to help me smooth things over, "His home is too far away, it would be troublesome to go back, right Gu Yu."

"No, isn't Gu Yu's family in Beining? It takes half a day by train to get there." Su Xiaoyun said seriously.

"Ah, that, that is..." Shi Yitong scratched his head, flustered, and seemed to be trying to find an excuse for me.

I am a little helpless, although I am very grateful to Shi Yitong for his help, but this is too exaggerated, and it is not a big deal, there is no need to hide it from my friends.

"I don't want to go back." Before Shi Yitong could say anything else, I said.

"Don't want to go back?" Su Xiaoyun was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to understand something, "Could it be..."

I nodded, "I don't have a good relationship with my family. So instead of going back, I might as well find something to do at school."

"So that's the case." Su Xiaoyun nodded, and didn't ask too much, "Then you should take good care of yourself when you are alone at school!"

"How old am I, how can I not take care of myself well."

"That's not necessarily the case, you boys just don't know how to take care of yourself in life!"

Chatting all the way, we were about to break up at the fork in the road. Su Xiaoyun left first, but Shi Yitong still looked at me worriedly.

"Gu Yu, it really doesn't matter if you're alone, right?"

I felt a little helpless, "Forget about Su Xiaoyun, why are you like this."

"Oh, it's because you are in a special period. I'm a little worried." Shi Yitong asked tentatively, "Otherwise, you can come to live with us, my grandma will definitely welcome you."

I quickly shook my head, "No, didn't you say that your parents will come back for the holiday? How can I disturb your family reunion on such a rare day! Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore."

Shi Yitong nodded awkwardly, and then asked, "You...really not going home?"

I shook my head and said in a low voice, "If possible, I don't want to go back to that kind of place for the rest of my life."

Shi Yitong didn't say anything, just patted my shoulder and left. He and I used to be classmates in junior high school, so he knows a little about my family, but even Shi Yitong must not be able to imagine the twisted relationship between me and my family.

don't want to go back. Not only that, but just by imagining it a little bit, my stomach starts to churn.

In the evening, roommates left one after another. Some went on a trip, some went home, they all went together, and they all had smiles on their faces when they left. I was the only one left lying on the bed bored, after playing games for a while, I don't know when I fell into a deep sleep.

After Wang Zhong was killed, I seldom dreamed, and my sleep was always very light, but this night, for some reason, I fell into a strange dream again.

I was standing in a yard, which was not big, with a thick willow tree in the center, and some obviously funeral utensils scattered around the yard.

Isn't this... the yard of Shi Yitong's house

Why am I in his yard

Not only that, but there was also a man standing under the big willow tree, his long gown fluttered in the wind, and his peach blossom eyes shone brightly in the moonlight.

That's right, that person is... Wen Jiubai.

"'San Ri Mo, Zhen Xiang Geng', the so-called 'Zhen' hexagram, is a very interesting hexagram." From a distance, I heard him say calmly.

It seems like I have heard this sentence somewhere, but I can't remember where I heard it for a while.

I approached Wen Jiubai and frowned, "Wen Jiubai, didn't I say I didn't want to see you? Why did you appear here?"

Wen Jiubai crossed his arms, held a paper fan in his right hand, and looked at me with a smile, "This is not necessarily the case. This is your dream, and what should or should not appear in this dream is up to you Nah."

Yes, isn't this my dream? Why does this guy appear in my dreams again

"You have something you want to know." Wen Jiubai said with a smile.

I? Wish to know something

Yes... He's right, I have something I want to know. And subconsciously think that only Wen Jiubai can tell me about this.

I fell silent, quietly looking at Wen Jiubai's shadow. At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and silver-white lightning split across the sky. Even so, there was only rumbling thunder, but not a single drop of rain.

"Among the gossip, the hexagram in the northeast direction is an earthquake, and the earthquake is thunder. This hexagram is formed by overlapping the same hexagram, and the double thunder sounds together, which heralds a huge change in life." Wen Jiubai put his arms into his sleeves He laughed and said, "Those who have obtained this hexagram, if they work hard, they can accomplish a lot. But everything is just a superficial beauty. Under the glamorous skin, there is rotten flesh and blood. If you don't pay attention, you will be lost forever."

Rotting flesh...

"I don't understand." I said bluntly, "What a huge change, what a great achievement. If you said this at the beginning, I could barely admit that it meant my encounter with you. But now I have given up, what a strange force Chaos God, I don't care about what ghosts and ghosts say! Besides, this has nothing to do with me, and now I have to return to my normal life!"