Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 44: letter of entrustment


All night, I couldn't fall asleep for a while. I just sat on the bed blankly and looked out the window until the morning sun in the east slowly rose.

In the morning, I called the school to confirm. My mother actually asked me to drop out of school, using the lame reason of not being able to pay the tuition. Not only that, even the dormitory has been withdrawn, and after the November holiday, I will not even be eligible to sleep on my own bed.

My life came to an end at this moment, and the only thing left was the helplessness of obeying others and the arranged path.

Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun should have left school long ago, so I simply sent them a text message as a notification. When I was packing my luggage, the only regret I felt was that I couldn't say sorry to these two friends.

When I walked out of the school gate with my luggage, I felt a little confused in my heart.

Are you really going to... leave the city

Too sudden, too fast. It was as if someone had jerked me out of a sweet dream, and I was still half-awake and unwilling to accept reality.

With an indescribable mood, I looked back at the school, and when I was about to leave, I was stunned.

A few meters behind me, stood a figure. The long hair, long gown, and slender figure are all too familiar. That was Wen Jiubai.

The subconscious told me that I shouldn't be looking at him at this time. Anyway, I'm leaving this city soon, so don't get involved with anyone, and leave quietly. But my legs couldn't move, and I stood there stupidly until Wen Jiubai walked in front of me.

He still had the same expression that couldn't see the ups and downs, and looked me over from the beginning to the end indifferently, and then he took my luggage very naturally, walked straight forward, and only said, "Let's go .”

- Let's go? This person is right!

Wen Jiubai walked faster than me with his two long legs, and I had to trot a few steps to catch up.

"Hey! Tell me clearly, where are you going!"

"Go to the station." Wen Jiubai looked back at me very naturally, "Isn't the train at 2 o'clock in the afternoon?"

Hearing this, I became even more angry. I don't know what kind of magic Wen Jiubai used to somehow know my itinerary. That's fine, but this person ran over without even saying a word. Is this the proper etiquette for giving someone away!

"Okay!" I forcefully snatched the luggage from Wen Jiubai, and glared at him, "I didn't ask you to see me off! What are you doing, did you come here to see my jokes!"

"You are the one, what are you talking about." Wen Jiubai stopped and looked at me, "I didn't say I was going to send you off, did I?"

"What?" I felt even more baffled, "Then you are going on a day trip to the train station!"

There was a blunt thorn in my tone, and I didn't even know why. It seems that whenever I meet this guy, he always has a way to make me angry.

"I'm going to Beining too." Wen Jiubai said leisurely, "It's also the bus at 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

That tone seemed natural. I couldn't help getting angry.

"Wen Jiubai, are you enough! I'm not in the mood to listen to your jokes now! This is not a joke, I'm leaving. I may never return to this city again, you know!"

"I know." Wen Jiubai didn't mean to be angry at all, but instead stretched out his hand and pulled my luggage. His hand is very strong, and I pulled it hard without pulling him.

"I came here because I knew it. By the way, I've never lied to you, not once."

Wen Jiubai's eyes were very serious, so serious that I began to think about this question subconsciously.

From the matter of the ghost in the coffin, to the matter of Bai later, even after Wang Zhong's death...he also truthfully told me about the plan.

It's not just not lying, it's honest and terrible. This person may be very cunning, and it may be hard to figure out what he is thinking. But things that don't lie may be true. And only now did I notice that Wen Jiubai was indeed carrying a moderate burden on his shoulders, probably for traveling.

Seeing that I fell silent, Wen Jiubai gave me a helpless look, pulled my suitcase and continued walking.

Did he really drop by to Beining? How could it be possible, this is too much of a coincidence.

"It's true." Wen Jiubai seemed to see through my thoughts, and said lightly, while taking out a letter from his arms and handing it to me, "I have received the commission."

"A commission?" I took the letter suspiciously, "...a commission from Beining?"

"That's right, the content is on that letter, you can read it."

The envelope was the cheapest one, and the word Bei Ning was clearly written on the mailing address. The sender's name was written very scribbled, and the surname Zhang was barely recognizable.

I unfolded the letter paper, and the letter was very long, so I read it as I walked.

To Mr. Wen:

Long time no see, stay safe. I hope you will be in good health even in Yancheng, and your life will be better than Nanshan.

But this time I am writing this letter, not to exchange pleasantries, but to ask for something. Although I heard that you have retired to the mountains and forests, but this happened, you are our only lifeline.

It started with the death of my father a year ago. My father had been seriously ill a long time ago, and he was half-paralyzed for eleven years, suffering from madness and pain all the time. Until last year, the old man was finally liberated from the pain and drove west. The old man's mental state has never been very good. Before he passed away, he once said through gritted teeth, "In just one year, I will drag that stinky old woman to hell with me!"

The person in my father's mouth is my mother. The relationship between my father and my mother has always been very tense, especially after my father became seriously ill. But at that time, our children only thought it was the crazy words of the old man, and no one cared.

It has been a year since my father passed away, and just when everyone thought that life would be passed smoothly, something really happened to my mother.

Mother's health is not very good. So in September, I took my mother into my home. Strange things happened at this time.

About the third day when my mother came to our house, she woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and walked around the room. At first I just thought she was going to urinate and couldn't find a toilet, but later I found out that was not the case. She just walked around the room blankly, with a very restless expression. Later, it turned into lying in the corner, turning the lights in the room on and off, turning them off and on again. Very weird. But I didn't think much about it. I just settled my mother that night and fell asleep soon.