Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits



But who knows, the next night, my mother still woke up at night, not wanting to drink water, nor to go to the toilet, but just walking around the room without thinking, and there was a strange whimpering sound from her mouth. It took me a lot of effort to settle my mother down, but even when she got into bed, she didn't show signs of falling asleep. Instead, she frowned and her legs kept kicking.

On the fourth day, my mother, who was going crazy, couldn't control it by myself. She started yelling, scratching at people with her nails, scratching walls and trying to throw herself off the bed. I quickly called other people in the family to help. The family suspected that the mother was targeted by something bad. We have a saying here that ghosts are afraid of evil people. So my younger sister acted as the villain, scolded my mother fiercely with a stern face, and my mother barely calmed down under the joint efforts of several people.

We thought it would end like this, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But unexpectedly, that night, my mother suddenly got up from the bed, slammed her head straight on the window, and smashed the glass all over the floor. Our family lives on the fifth floor, and this happened just yesterday. If I hadn't heard the voice in time and rushed over to grab the old man, I don't know what would have happened now.

Mr. Wen, this incident makes me feel very scared. Now my family members have gone around to ask masters to do exercises for the family, but I don't believe in those low-level Taoist priests on the street anyway, so I thought of you at the first time.

Although I haven't contacted you in many years, and I don't know if you have changed your address, I decided to write to give it a try. If you receive this letter and agree to accept the commission, please rush to Beining as soon as possible.

I will never forget your great kindness.


The letter ended here, and Wen Jiubai and I just walked near the train station.

I held this letter in my hand and looked at it repeatedly. I always felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable sense of familiarity between the lines in this letter, but I couldn’t say it was familiar.

"Your reputation has spread quite far. Even Beining has people who know you and write to you." I muttered while reading the letter, but I couldn't help thinking about the content of the commission in my mind, "This client's My father died of paralysis, and my mother became crazy. Strange to say, my grandfather also passed away last year, and he also suffered from hemiplegia for several years, and he didn’t die until last year—”

Halfway through my speech, I suddenly froze, then quickly picked up the envelope, staring at the dazzling signature. And Wen Jiubai looked at me and showed a meaningful smile.

"Zhang Shanqiu?" I suddenly raised my head to look at Wen Jiubai, "Is the person who sent the letter called Zhang Shanqiu?"

"It seems so." Wen Jiubai said with a smile.

"Zhang Shanqiu is my second aunt's name!" I angrily threw the letter into Wen Jiubai's arms, "No wonder the tone and handwriting of this letter are so familiar to me, it's clearly our family's business! How dare you even talk about accepting a commission? Obviously it was on purpose!"

"You can't say that. I didn't write this letter myself, nor did it float from the sky at random." Wen Jiubai had an innocent expression on his face, "This is an ordinary entrustment, and then it was sent by me. Next."

"Believe in you, there will be ghosts!" I replied angrily, turned around and was about to leave.

"Gu Yu!"

As soon as I turned around, I felt a strong hand grabbing my wrist. Wen Jiubai's deep voice sounded behind me.

"I'm very sorry."

I don't know what happened. After hearing this sentence, all the anger and resentment I had just dissipated in an instant, and I couldn't get angry anymore.

Maybe subconsciously, I have been waiting for his apology.

"Perhaps I did have selfish intentions in accepting this commission. If you leave Yancheng without saying a word, I will never accept it." Wen Jiubai's hand was still tightly holding my wrist.

"...Okay, I get it, let go of your hand." Although there was still anger in my tone, I couldn't get angry for a long time.

"So, do you agree?" Wen Jiubai showed a harmless smile.

"Same, agree to what?"

"Let's go home and meet our parents~"

"See you!" I punched up.

This guy really hasn't changed! It's always like this!

Just playing around like this, the two of us finally arrived at the train station safely, entered the waiting room and waited for the bus. I've always had an aversion to places like train stations. Even now, I can't get used to it.

Crowded crowds, harsh sounds of dragging luggage, countless strangers poured into this small space, giving each other cold faces. Wen Jiubai walked into the waiting room in front of me and sat down, while I followed behind him, just about to sit down, but my seat was unceremoniously snatched by a man who looked like a migrant worker.

I stood there in embarrassment, but that bastard Wen Jiubai actually burst out laughing.

"It's really bad luck." Wen Jiubai patted his knee generously, "How about you sit on my lap?"

"No need! I'll be fine standing up!" This bastard dared to say such things in public, it really made people angry.

"Well, since you said so, I won't force it anymore." Then the guy raised his legs contentedly and occupied the entire seat, "What do you think about the entrustment?"

"That's your next commission, why should I consider it for you?" I said without thinking.

"Well, that being said, this entrustment did happen in your family. Don't you care what happened? Your mother probably let you drop out of school and go home because of this. Let's do it."

I fell silent. Thinking about it this way, when she received the phone call yesterday, she seemed to have said, "Such a big thing happened at home", but I was too restless at the time, so I didn't pay attention to what she said.

"You seem...not very familiar with family affairs." Wen Jiubai looked at me and said meaningfully.

"It's not unfamiliar, it's just that I don't care much about it." I sighed and recalled, "I did have a grandfather who passed away. He was an old man with a bad temper. From as long as I can remember, he got weird. He was sick, paralyzed in the lower half of the body, and had to be taken care of when he ate, drank and lazed. At the beginning, the family was willing to take turns to take care of him, but he didn’t expect his illness to drag on for more than ten years. Gradually, all the children had to work and take care of them. , are gradually alienated from my grandpa. The heavy responsibility of taking care of grandpa falls on my grandma.”