Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 53: place of birth


"It's not really known, it's just a guess." Wen Jiubai smiled, and changed the subject calmly, "However, your family's attitude towards outsiders is not friendly."

"I've been used to it for a long time." I sighed, "Our family has always been like this. On the surface, we seem to be kind, but secretly we always play tricks on each other, and we both want to fuck each other."

"So that's how it is." Wen Jiubai murmured, "Human affairs are really troublesome."

"You're talking like you're not human," I sneered.

"I never said I was human either." Wen Jiubai smiled.

I was blocked by his words, but suddenly remembered something, "Wen Jiubai, speaking of it, I remember you said it before?"

"What?" he responded casually.

I sat up straight, "Didn't you tell me when we first met that monsters are born from the human heart, so you rarely see them in big cities?"

Wen Jiubo thought for a while, then said, "That's right."

"Then why did such a strange thing happen in our family?" I asked eagerly.

"I said very few, but I'm not saying there are none at all." Wen Jiubai folded his arms and looked at me, "In fact, things like ghosts have been wandering around us all the time, the only difference is whether someone pays attention to it or believes it. .”

I frowned, "What does this mean..."

"Let me give you a very simple example." Wen Jiubai put down his hand, and said slowly, "If there is a little girl who sleeps alone in the middle of the night, she often feels scared, and feels that something is staring at her in the dark. Can't sleep. What would you say to her now?"

"Well..." I mused, "I'll probably tell her, 'Don't worry, there's nothing in the room' and turn on the light to let her know."

Wen Jiubai nodded, "That's right. If you tell the little girl like this every time she feels scared, she will gradually believe that ghosts don't exist. The ghosts in the room will also be exorcised like this ...but, on the other hand, what if you told a little girl every time she got scared, 'There's a monster under your bed that will eat you if you don't behave'? "

"Then... she will become more and more afraid."

"Not only that, but this fear will give birth to the monster under her bed, making that monster gradually take shape and become a real monster." Wen Jiubai said, "And if this fear is allowed to continue, it will become unmanageable The situation is over."

"However, there are so many children in the world who are afraid of the dark, but I've never heard of a monster crawling out of a child's bed." I asked suspiciously.

"What the scared little girl sees is not necessarily the same scene as what you see." Wen Jiubai looked at me with deep eyes, "Before Wang Zhong died, didn't you also see him turn into an evil ghost?" Did you see the scene? Do you think other people will see that scene?"

I was taken aback, Wen Jiubai's words brought back bad memories in me. Just thinking about that scene makes my stomach churn.

"Your honey, my arsenic. Everyone has different fears, favorites, and sorrows. The so-called ghosts are also born in this kind of gap." Wen Jiubai looked at me, "For example , if I say, there is an evil spirit hidden in the car we are sitting in now, and it is lying on your back with blood on its face—"

I stood upright all over my body, and immediately looked back. But there is nothing behind.

Wen Jiubai laughed, "Don't be afraid, I lied to you. But even if what I told was a lie, there must still be a trace of grudge in your heart. This grudge is the breeding ground for demons."

I was a little frustrated, "Even if you said so much, I still didn't understand a word that should not be understood."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just need to know that wherever there are monsters, there must be people behind them. If you want to get rid of the monsters, you must first wipe out the hotbed that gave birth to them." After saying this, Wen Jiubai said He turned his face to the car window, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

It didn't take long for us to go back to the hotel, tidy up our things briefly, and then I went into the bathroom to take a shower. While flushing, I kept thinking about what happened today and what I should do in the future.

I want to return to the City of Words. The inner longing has never been stronger than it is today.

Only two days after I left Yancheng, I began to miss Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun, as well as my roommates in the dormitory, and even classmates who only met once. Did they all know about my dropout? Will they worry about me

Or... are they out having fun now and not paying attention to me at all

After much deliberation, if he wants to return to Yancheng University, the only way to go is to bow his head to his mother and admit his mistake.

Even if I can go out to find a job by myself, working part-time and studying will definitely not save enough for tuition fees, and I can only barely make ends meet. And if I choose to go this way, I'm afraid I will drive away the things at home, and I won't even be able to see Wen Jiubai...

In the future, we will never see Wen Jiubai again

My heart tightened, and before I could react, all the voices in my mind were rejections.

No, it can't be like this. Can't miss him.

The thought startled me. Don't you dislike him? He is a dangerous man who kills without batting an eyelid. If you get closer to him, more dangerous things will definitely happen in the future...

But even so, there are still ten thousand reluctances in my mind.

No matter how willful he is, no matter how weird his temper is, no matter how dangerous he is. But I will never forget the knife he blocked for me without hesitation, the handkerchief he handed over after waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, and the desperate rescue of me on the train...

I long for the warmth this man can bring me.

That was a luxury I never had since I was a child.

Obviously I don't even know why he did this, and I don't even know who he is, but...

At this moment, I heard my cell phone ringing from outside the bathroom, and then Wen Jiubai shouted at me, "Gu Xiaoyu, your phone!"

"Ah, I'll be right away!" I quickly dried myself and put on a bathrobe.

"I picked it up for you?" Wen Jiubai was still shouting.

"No! You mustn't answer it!" I ran out of the bathroom in a hurry, before I even had time to brush my hair, for fear that Wen Jiubai would say something nonsense, "Whose is it?"

"Let me see..." Wen Jiubo paused, "Ah, it's your mother."