Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 66: end


Not long after, the commotion in the restaurant disturbed the police nearby. Facing the menacing police, Wen Jiubai dealt with it calmly, as if he had faced this situation many times.

"Yes... I'm sorry, she is mentally ill. We failed to take care of her and let her run out. Yes, I am very sorry, and we will definitely compensate the restaurant for the loss."

But my uncle was still shouting excitedly, "What kind of crazy! It's not crazy! I saw it with my own eyes, it was possessed by a ghost, there is a ghost!"

It wasn't until my cousin stomped on him hard and made the police laugh again, that we avoided the trouble of being taken for questioning, and the matter was settled.

Not long after, after finishing work, my mother hurried over, listening to my uncle's incoherent and terrible explanation, while holding me in her arms, checking whether I was injured over and over again.

— At that moment, I felt deeply. Maybe my mother is not so perfect, maybe she is sometimes arrogant and even a little perverted, but I still have no regrets about having such a mother.

The second aunt was sent to the hospital and remained unconscious throughout the period. The grandmother who was stabbed several times by the second aunt was also sent to the hospital for treatment because the wound was not deep. After carefully examining her throat, the doctor judged that someone deliberately forcibly fed dilute hydrochloric acid to cause her loss of voice. Judging from the situation, it is very likely that she will no longer be able to speak.

After everything was settled, the family members had to take turns to stay in the hospital to take care of them. As for me, I was full of questions, waiting to ask Wen Jiubai.

"Will Second Aunt be okay? Will she wake up?" As soon as I left the door of the ward, I followed Wen Jiubai's buttocks and asked.

"Yes." Wen Jiubai glanced at Second Aunt's ward and said, "I'll wake up in two or three days."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and just about to say "That's great", Wen Jiubai suddenly interrupted me coldly.

"However, even if she wakes up, she won't be the same as before."

My heart skipped a beat, "What did you say?"

"Those sprites have eroded very deeply. They have spent several years or even more than ten years eroding this body. Even if I try to kill them now, that body has almost been eaten away. What's more Don't say their eggs are still in there."

"Eggs? Worm eggs?" I felt sick.

"Yes, it's the worm egg." Wen Jiubai looked at me calmly, "The sprites regard Shanqiu's body as an ideal ovary-producing point, and now her body is almost full of such invisible sprite eggs. It may hatch if you are not careful."

"If it hatches... what will happen?"

"She will die just like your grandpa... No, it should be said that she will die in a more miserable way than your grandpa."

My feet were soft, and a feeling of despair surged up, "How could this be... why, why is it her? This is unreasonable at all!"

Wen Jiubai glanced at me and said, "In the beginning, it was indeed your grumpy grandfather who brought sprites to this family. But today you have also seen that such a large number of sprites is very abnormal."

Wen Jiubai seemed to have something in his words, I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Let me explain it to you this way." Wen Jiubai folded his arms, "Everything in this world needs 'food', that is, the source of power. Humans and animals need food, plants need sunlight and water. Even things that can't move Dead objects, if not maintained and repaired for a long time, will gradually age until they disappear. Similarly, monsters also need some kind of 'food' to maintain their activities and survival. Different monsters have different foods, and evil spirits have different types of food. Humans feed; ghosts feed on resentment; spirits feed on the essence of heaven and earth. And monsters, their food is 'dirty'."

I was inexplicable, "Dirty... what is it?"

"It's a very broad concept. Dirty things, filth, rubbish, etc., can all be called dirty, so sprites, like ghouls, go to dirty cemeteries to dig up dead bodies to eat. But, sometimes ... More often, 'dirty' refers to the filth and darkness in human hearts." Wen Jiubai said calmly.

"In my heart..." I murmured, "Could it be that Second Aunt has always..."

Wen Jiubai nodded, "One person can raise so many sprites in captivity. Although I don't know how much 'dirty' is needed, it must be a very large number of shadows."

"The ghost said that she killed her husband..." I muttered, "Is this true? I only heard that the second uncle disappeared."

"We have to wait for the police to conduct a more detailed investigation." Wen Jiubai said calmly, "In short, after your second aunt wakes up, I will perform a cleansing ceremony for her again. After that, if she doesn't want to die, I'm afraid For the rest of my life, I can only stay in the pure place of Buddhism."

I was surprised, "You mean... the second aunt is going to become a monk?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "There's no way. The monster's eggs are about to move around in her body, and even a little restlessness in her heart may cause the eggs to hatch. Now she can only be regarded as surviving on meddle."

I fell silent, with mixed feelings in my heart.

"I still don't quite understand..." I asked in a low voice, "Since it wasn't my grandma who was possessed from the beginning but my second aunt, why did my second aunt write you such a letter for help in the first place?" Woolen cloth?"

"I'm afraid she doesn't even know about it." Wen Jiubai replied, "It was after she was possessed by a sprite that she did what hurt the old man, and her self-awareness didn't know what happened to her other self at all. She even desperately wanted to save the old man’s life. Thanks to her writing to me, she saved her own life in the end.”

"However, there are countless families like ours in the world. Why..." I couldn't help sobbing a little, "Why did this monster called a monster come to our house? It doesn't make sense!"

"Yeah... It's really strange." Wen Jiubai shook his head, as if even he couldn't explain it.

As Wen Jiubai said, two days later, Second Aunt woke up from a coma. Although she regained consciousness, she was like a puppet without a soul, her eyes were empty and her reactions were slow. Sometimes when you say a word to her, it takes her several minutes to react.