Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 75: Weird Forest


I nodded half understanding, but Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun were even more confused.

"Then you mean that this forest is a natural enchantment?" I asked.

Bai nodded, "It's very possible. Although I don't know the reason yet, there is indeed an external force that protects the interior of the forest."

"I didn't expect you to know a lot." I said with some surprise.

"Don't look down on me." Bai showed a proud expression, "Don't look at me like this, but I am also a monster who has lived for hundreds of years."

"I'm getting more and more bad premonitions." Su Xiaoyun frowned, obviously a little scared, "Would there really be wolves?"

"If it's just a wolf, then it's not bad." Shi Yitong muttered.

At this moment, several of us heard a scream at the same time.

"Wow! Don't come here! Don't come here! Go away! Help!"

This voice couldn't be more familiar, it was the annoying Jingfeng Liang who was always bluffing.

"Go!" Bai said and started to run, and we immediately quickened our pace.

Not long after, we saw Liang Kaifeng. He was sitting on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his thousands of dollars worth of expensive clothes were all covered with mud, but he didn't seem to have the time to care, he yelled and rubbed back, but he didn't pay attention A few centimeters behind him is a broken wall. Sure enough, when his hands slipped, he was about to fall backwards.

"Be careful!" I pounced forward and grabbed Liang Kaifeng's arm quickly. Most of his body was hanging in the air, and his miserable cry was like killing a pig.

"Don't! Don't! Ah! I'm still young, I don't want to die yet! I don't want to die!"

"You won't die if you—don't let go!" I squeezed the words through my teeth. To be honest, Liang Kaifeng's weight is not light, coupled with his constant struggle, I almost can't hold him alone, "Shi Yitong!"

After I yelled, Shi Yitong came to his senses and helped with Su Xiaoyun. The three of them worked together to drag the embarrassed Liang Kaifeng up.

Liang Kaifeng had a frightened expression, and it took him a while to realize, "You, why are you here?"

"We should ask you this question, right?" I said with a headache while shaking my wrist, "Why are you here? Why did you yell just now?"

When Liang Kaifeng heard this, his face immediately turned pale, he lost his usual arrogance at all, and stammered, "There is something strange in this forest! Once I come in, I can't get out!"

"You brat who is on the verge of a sword attack, isn't he suffering a lot now?" Bai said gloatingly. Of course, the talking ferret also surprised Liang Kaifeng.

"Talking, talking weasel!" Liang Kaifeng howled strangely, and hid behind me, "It's still white!"

"Impolite human brat!" Bai bared his teeth, "How dare you call me a weasel, you really don't know what to do!"

"Okay, don't scare him." I said helplessly, and turned my head to Liang Kaifeng again. At this moment, the business is still important, "We all know that there is a problem in this forest. But you just screamed so fiercely, what happened?"

Liang Kaifeng immediately showed a frightened expression again, "There is a shadow. I saw it just now. There is a strange shadow behind the tree!"

We were all puzzled after hearing this, "Shadow...?"

"Hey, you coward, you probably mistook the shadows of flowers and plants as monsters because of the darkness, right?" Shi Yitong said nonchalantly.

"How is it possible! My eyesight is good!" Liang Kaifeng and Shi Yitong became anxious, "Do you think everyone looks like you?"

"What are you talking about? We broke into the forest with good intentions to save you, and you treat us like this?" Shi Yitong also became angry.

I thought they were going to develop into a world war again, but Su Xiaoyun interrupted it unexpectedly.

"Hush! You all stop talking!" Su Xiaoyun frowned and said, "To be honest, I just thought about it, I really saw something."

Now both of them shut up, and looked at Su Xiaoyun in fear. Su Xiaoyun didn't speak, and pointed to a tree shadow very close to us.

Although it was completely dark now, the surrounding trees and weeds could not be seen clearly. But under the bright moonlight, some faint outlines can still be seen. But it was obvious that the outline of the place Su Xiaoyun pointed to was not quite right.

In addition to the shadows that the trees should have... It seems that there is really a black shadow!

I swallowed, and subconsciously took a step back. The others were not much better, they all looked nervous and stared at the shadow.

Soon, the shadow moved. The distance is too far to see what it is, the only thing that can be sure is that it is moving towards us at a slow speed.

"Then, what the hell is it!" Liang Kaifeng looked like he was about to cry.

"I don't know. But it will be troublesome if there is something unkind." Bai's back arched, his fangs were exposed, and he was completely aggressive. Still very sure!"

In this extremely tense atmosphere, the black shadow suddenly spoke.

"Help me, please. Can you... help me?"

I was taken aback. Because the voice turned out to be the voice of a little girl.

"It's a little girl!" Shi Yitong blurted out.

Then, the owner of the voice slowly walked out of the shadows and stood where the moonlight could shine. It really was a little girl, she was wearing a small blue skirt, and she was wiping her tears with her hands, crying very sadly.

"It's a human girl?" Bai was surprised, "How could..."

"Could it be someone who got lost in the forest like us?" Su Xiaoyun was also taken aback, walked over without thinking, patted the little girl on the back, and said softly, "Hey, don't cry, it's okay There are big sisters and big brothers here. What's wrong with you?"

We also breathed a sigh of relief and walked forward. Shi Yitong still didn't forget to say something to Liang Kaifeng, "What do I say, I'm as timid as a mouse. Even a little girl is afraid!"

Liang Kaifeng was angry and annoyed, but he was speechless. I could only stomp my feet and followed.

The little girl looked very down and out. The corners of her skirt were covered with mud and dirty, and upon closer inspection, there was a large dark red stain.

So... could it be blood

"Please, please help me!" The little girl was crying out of breath, "I can't get out of this forest, it's so scary, please!"

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Su Xiaoyun comforted her, "What's your name? Where are your parents? Why are you here alone?"

"There is no one else, only me left!" The little girl cried even harder, choking up and saying, "My father and mother were all eaten by monsters!"