Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 98: Weird Su Xiaoyun


"However, this doesn't mean..." Qi Bojian wanted to insist on his atheism, but was interrupted by Di Zizhen.

"Oh, that's fine. If you are really interested in this matter, you can ask about it in class tomorrow morning." Di Zizhen waved his hands helplessly, and fell on the bed, "You don't even look at your watch, you are all very tired." It's past two o'clock, and you don't want to go to class tomorrow? Go to bed, go to sleep!"

When the boss said this, we suddenly remembered that we had to get up early tomorrow. Instead of sitting down and chatting, they went to bed one after another. I was the only one who tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep, thinking about the haunted dormitory and about Wen Jiubai in my mind.

It's no big deal, maybe it was a false alarm, how could everything be related to monsters and ghosts. While thinking this way, I fell asleep in a daze.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, all the people in our dormitory went to bed late, and we were already five minutes late when we ran to the teaching building. Fortunately, the teacher in charge didn't say much, and let us in with a wave of his hand. Just as we panickedly took out our textbooks and notes and prepared to listen to the class seriously, we heard footsteps coming from outside the door again.

What's going on, there are people who arrived later than us. The second child raised his head, as if he was about to secretly mock the late guy, but he suddenly froze, then pushed my arm with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Hey, fourth child, isn't that Su Xiaoyun?"

I looked up and saw that it was really her standing outside the door. Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't seen Su Xiaoyun for a long time, and I feel very guilty when I think about it, because I have been busy with Moxue's affairs for a while, it was finally resolved, and the relationship with Wen Jiubai was at a standstill. He was so devastated that he never contacted Su Xiaoyun at all.

It's strange to say that Su Xiaoyun and I are in the same class, but I haven't seen her in class several times. And Su Xiaoyun doesn't seem to be very popular among girls. Except for Shi Yitong and I, I have never met a girl who has a good relationship with her, and I can't even ask her where she went.

And Su Xiaoyun, who "disappeared" for several days, is now standing at the door of the classroom, dressed roughly, with an ugly face. Even from my distance, you can see that she has obvious dark circles under her eyes, and her eyes seem to be swollen, as if she has cried.

Her hair was loose and not combed well. But the most exaggerated thing is that she actually held the black cat named Gulu in her arms.

The teacher only took one look at her, and immediately exploded with anger, "You! What's your name?"

Su Xiaoyun whispered, "Su Xiaoyun..."

"Su Xiaoyun, right?" The teacher pointed at her and cursed, "It's been ten minutes since class, do you know that! If you don't want to come to class, then don't come, don't come in while I'm in class, What does it look like! And what are you holding? Who allowed you to bring pets to class! It’s the other way around, do you think this is your home!”

Su Xiaoyun looked very pitiful, she hugged the black cat in her arms tightly, and begged, "Teacher, I swear I didn't mean to be late, and this cat, I really brought it for my own reasons, I Guaranteed, it only stays outside the classroom, it will not make noise or bark, it is very well-behaved, I... "

"No!" The teacher interrupted her angrily, "Don't go to class, go out now, do you hear me?"

Su Xiaoyun wanted to struggle again, "But teacher, I—"

"Don't you understand Chinese? Hurry up!" the teacher shouted angrily.

Su Xiaoyun was helpless now, she pursed her lips tightly, bowed to the teacher, then turned around and left the classroom with Gulu in her arms.

"Hey, fourth child, isn't she your friend?" Di Zizhen asked inexplicably, "What's going on?"

I also looked dazed, completely clueless about what happened, "I, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know..."

"That girl looks very embarrassed, why don't you catch up and take a look?" Zhou Lang asked me tentatively.

I really want to rush out of the classroom like this, but Teacher Zhou on the podium is furious. If I go out so recklessly, there may not be any terrible consequences. I can only sit restlessly on the seat, full of hope. The class is over soon.

I was very worried about Su Xiaoyun, and what Zhou Lang said last night that the dormitory was haunted made me even more uneasy.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, I grabbed my textbook and rushed out. Naturally, she had long disappeared outside the classroom and near the corridor. I made a big circle around the neighborhood, but I couldn't see her no matter what. Not only that, even the black cat, which was usually as cunning as a fox, was not seen.

That familiar bad premonition surged up from my mind again, and the more I searched, the more irritable I became. When I passed a corner, I bumped into an oncoming person.

"Can't you just look at the road while walking!" I blurted out anxiously and angrily.

"Gu Yu!" Unexpectedly, the person on the opposite side called out my name first, "I still want to ask where you went! I almost called you a hundred times!"

I took a closer look, and it wasn't someone else I bumped into just now, it was my hair Xiaoshi Yitong. This guy was rubbing his hit chest and talking angrily.

Did you call me? I immediately took out my mobile phone from my pocket, looked at the screen, and sure enough there were a bunch of missed calls. But because I was in class, I turned my phone on silent and didn't hear a single one.

"I just went to class, how could I hear your call." The anxiety in my heart was still going on, so I asked angrily, "What's the matter, tell me now."

"You said you went to class? Your Hanben class?" Shi Yitong asked excitedly.

"Yeah, otherwise, what lessons would there be?" How could he ask such a mentally retarded question.

"Then did you see Su Xiaoyun?" Shi Yitong suddenly grabbed my arm and asked seriously, "Did she go to class? Did you see her?"

Only then did I realize that the two of us were thinking about the same thing. I immediately pulled Shi Yitong to the side of the road to prevent passers-by from looking at us strangely.

"I was looking for her just now! What happened to her? Do you know what's going on?"

"Oh, tell me first, did you see her in class!" Shi Yitong also became anxious.

"I see, she came to class." I said quickly, "She was about ten minutes late, and her complexion was very bad, as if she hadn't slept well and cried. I don't know why, she held Gulu in her arms, Said that the cat must be placed by the side of the classroom. So the teacher lost his temper and drove her back, saying that if she didn’t want to go to class, she didn’t have to go. So she had to go away, and I chased her out after class. But I just ran all over the teaching building and the vicinity of the teaching building, and I went to the cafeteria, but I didn't see her."