Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 102: Rhett Butler's shock


Time and space are transformed, and the horizon is distorted.

Rhett Butler suddenly appeared on the top of the Dophi Temple, and the green-skinned orcs, who had lost their restraints, swarmed in again.

Outside the city, the orcs are roaring and magic is roaring!

The tide of gray puppets crashed into the green-skinned army. For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, shouting to kill Zhentian!

Before Rhett Butler could take a closer look, time and space changed again.

He appears at Felix Academy of Magic.

He saw plants growing rapidly in front of the magic apprentice's eyes, sprouting, branching, blooming, and bearing fruit;

He saw the flowing water and flames entwining the graceful girl's hands, and during the collision, they suddenly turned into billowing high-temperature steam;

He saw a skeleton standing up tremblingly at the summons of the Necromancer.

Time and space rotate.

Under the dim sky, lightning was raging, and he appeared on the shoulders of a mountain giant more than ten feet tall.

The giant turned his head slightly and looked over. On his ferocious crocodile-skin face, there was only a single eye between his eyebrows, reflecting his figure.

This made Rhett Butler feel like he was dead, and the two sides were fighting.

The demons recorded in the mythical books beneath his feet fled in all directions.

In the distance, an equally huge giant raised his fist and hammered his chest, showing off his strength and declaring that he owned the territory.

The scene in front of me suddenly shone sharply!

Rhett Butler's pupils were dilated and trembling, and the sight beyond the limits of common sense almost suffocated his heart and lungs.

He saw hundreds of feet of skeletons larger than the city, stepping on the endless army of undead, showing off their power;

Seeing thousands of warriors striding forward in uniform steps, above the majestic battle formation, the immortal war spirits are raging;

Seeing magic missiles flying all over the mountains and plains from the magic shield that looked like an inverted glass;

Seeing the light blue divine shield shattered, the city that stretched for more than ten miles suddenly collapsed into ruins;


All the scenes quickly distorted and faded, and the world in front of them solidified again as the endless color patches faded.

He's back at his Poon estate!

The manor is silent, the night is like water.

The guards in the manor loyally patrol the master's private territory.

In the distance, the city of Poon is brightly lit.

Ajid looked deep into the distance, that was the British Empire, that was the whole world.

Rhett Butler's seemingly old cheeks trembled, and his wise and cunning eyes could no longer calm down.

He suddenly knelt on the hard floor, his voice trembling.

"Eternal and great God, Rhett Butler will always be your most loyal servant!"

Yu Sheng'an lowered his head and looked at Rhett Bai, who was lying on the ground, his whole body trembling slightly. He didn't know whether it was fear or trembling.

"I don't need servants or loyalty. I only believe in profit. This world belongs to the Four Original Gods, but since I'm here, I must have my place here, or even the whole place. No matter how much work you give me, I will give you How much do you pay, that's a deal, understand? Sir Rhett Butler."

Rhett Butler was trembling more and more.

Not fear, but excitement, this is a kind of conceptual recognition and resonance!

"Praise you, great God! Rhett Butler will do his best to spread your glory."

"Get up."

Rhett Butler stood up tremblingly, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

For a commoner to be able to build such a huge empire, it would have been impossible for the established aristocrats, with their majestic power and conservative ideas, to exclude him.

With his scheming, it is not impossible to climb to the position of chief assistant next to the emperor's throne.

Now a god who only appeared in mythology suddenly stood in front of him and accepted his allegiance.

His starting point will be raised countless times, and his ambition will naturally expand tens of millions of times!

He wants to destroy this damn dynasty with his own hands.

Let those who chase eagles and chase dogs prostrate themselves in front of the old dogs they once looked down upon, trembling, pleading, and despairing!

He wants to exchange this dynasty for the favor of the gods, step out of this world, and master more powerful power!

Just thinking about this feeling makes me tremble all over!

"Sign it, with blood."

A light curtain suddenly appeared in Yu Sheng'an's hand, and he flicked the light curtain towards Ruide Bai with his fingers.

Rhett Butler glanced at it and realized that this was a contract of betrayal.

He did not know the binding force of this mysterious contract.

But he knew that since the gods would rather not have his allegiance but still want him to sign this document, the binding force of this contract may far exceed the limit of his imagination.

Once you sign, there's no turning back.

But he still signed the contract without any hesitation.

He is a smart man.

As the contract was signed, Rhett Butler suddenly felt that he was connected to the sea of life.

Is this the vast power of the gods

Just by being close, you can enjoy resources that you will never be able to work for

At this moment, Rhett Butler felt as if he had returned to his youth, when he opened his first handicraft workshop. He was excited, excited, and full of ambition!

No, the emotions are thousands of times more exciting! ! !

Yu Sheng is gone.

He took away part of Rhett Butler's flesh and soul.

He wants to use these raw materials to create a flesh and blood clone for Rhett Butler to use.

He decided to start an industrial revolution in the Kvir Empire, and Rhett Butler was his best operator.

How can employees be worthy of the salary they pay if they don't squeeze them to death

Clementine left too.

This was her first time away from Willis.

She stood in the low-solidification teleportation magic well at the base of the ring-shaped magic tower, accompanied by a maid who had served her since childhood, and waved goodbye to her brother in high spirits.

Compared to her excitement, Kesian looked a little sad and a little relieved, but when the teleportation light came on, he said: "Take care of yourself!"

As soon as the voice fell, his sister's figure disappeared into the teleportation array. It was not known whether she heard his instructions.

For a moment, a feeling of loss swept over Kesian's body and mind.

Afterwards, more and more noble ladies and maids stepped onto the teleportation array.

As the lights light up and then go out, they will be sent to the major magic towers in the empire to build the basic branches of the Internet Bank.

After Yu Sheng'an went crazy, Deng Dan'er personally took charge of the recruitment of bank tellers.

However, he soon felt Hardy's helplessness.

Because the imperial princess Clementine strongly requested to join the training class and become a bank teller.

Although the imperial family is declining, Dundaner has to give some face.

In addition, Yu Sheng'an's threats scared some ladies.

But not everyone is so stupid, there are still many noble ladies who decide to follow in Clementine's footsteps.

Many of the families behind these people are followers of Dundaner.

Followers plead, is it justified that not even a single bank teller slot will be given

After a fierce game, Dundan found a solution.

He gave the nobles twenty places, and each place could bring a personal maid.

This not only satisfied Yu Sheng'an's requirements, but also balanced the interests of the nobles.

Sure enough, Yu Sheng'an, who got the list, didn't say anything.

He only looks at the results, not the process.

The training process went smoothly.

The basic content is to operate the Internet banking backend.

Here Yu Sheng'an set a precondition.

All bank backends are only allowed to be accessed within the range of the magic tower specified by him.

This is not so much to prevent the bank teller from enriching himself, but rather to prevent the enemy from assassinating his bank teller, controlling his soul, and logging into the bank's backend.

Of course, to prevent these extreme situations, Yu Sheng'an also prepared some backup plans.

For example, all employees must sign a very lengthy confidentiality agreement before taking up the job.

The lengthy contract clauses are sufficient to deal with most situations.

When bank tellers went to major cities in the empire and took up their positions, Internet banks also quietly landed on the Internet.