Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 107: Dragon Factory


Rhett Butler will never forget the feeling he had when he turned on the Internet for the first time.

Shock, trembling, excitement, joy!

Shocked by the hidden value of the Internet;

Trembling at the power of the God of the Internet;

Excited about the infinite possibilities of the future;

I am even more happy to be an employee of God, oh no, I should say a servant.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard.

Just by being exposed to the Internet, he felt the uniqueness and vast power of the God of the Internet!

But when he opened his eyes from his flesh and blood clone and saw a magical world that was completely different from the main plane of Vilia, he was once again shocked by the power of the God of the Internet.

It took him three full days to gradually understand and adapt to this world.

This world frightens and excites him.

The fear is because the upper limit of power in this world is far beyond his imagination.

In his world, God is illusory. Although the church is superior, there are still many superpowers who question the existence of God.

And what about Aizea

God lives directly on earth.

The Goddess of Music, an ally of the God of the Internet, even opened up the Kingdom of God on Earth right next to the Kvir Empire.

What shocked him the most was that a war had just broken out between the God of the Internet and the five most powerful gods recognized in the Azea continent.

Judging from the online videos, the power displayed by the five righteous gods was beyond his imagination.

Of course, the God of the Internet, who can defeat the five great gods, is even more unfathomable.

Judging from the information he knew, it seems that the God of the Internet appeared in this world less than half a year ago.

It is obvious that the God of the Internet is an invader, just as he quietly invaded the main plane of Vilia.

This is a very ambitious god!

In addition to gods, the power of magicians in this world surprised him even more!

This is a profession that is practiced to the extreme and can rival gods.

This excited him.

After all...who doesn't want to have power comparable to that of a god

This series of discoveries made Rhett Butler full of motivation, just like when he was young and full of motivation!

As the assistant of the incarnation of God, Ajeef, he officially took over the industrial enlightenment of Azeia continent.

It is worth mentioning that although the continent of Azea shocked him, he still despised it in terms of social structure, productivity, etc.

In this world, individuals are obviously very powerful, but productivity is very weak.

This is simply contradictory!

He didn't have the energy to study what caused this bizarre social structure

Now he just wants to complete the mission of the God of the Internet, show his value, and get more favors and rewards.

In this world, the industrial system is almost zero.

He needed to build it from scratch.

Fortunately, with the support of the great Internet God, he not only has access to unlimited low-interest loans from Internet banks.

He also has a group of skilled blacksmiths and even a production line brought from Vilia.

Therefore, the opening of the factory went very smoothly.

The only problem is the mechanical power issue.

Verlia mechanical power mainly relies on steam engines.

With the help of the divine pattern of the God of Mechanical Steam, it can burn almost any organic matter, even sea water, to provide power.

But this industrial core heart obviously cannot bring the continent of Azea.

Because once the divine pattern is activated, it will inevitably be noticed by the God of Mechanical Steam.

Fortunately, this is the most prosperous magic city in the continent of Azeya.

Under the will of the Internet God, a group of magicians easily solved the mechanical power problem with magic.

They used the magic of fire and water to create high-temperature steam to replace the function of the divine pattern.

However, although magic is omnipotent, there is still a considerable gap in efficiency and cost compared to divine magic.

The magical steam engine can completely burn different organic substances and has extremely wide applicability.

Magic steam engines rely on magic support.

Compared with the former, the latter is obviously very expensive to use and difficult to popularize.

However, it is enough for industrial manufacturing for the time being.


Hot steam was released from the valve. Compared to the panic the first time, Cotton was able to deal with it calmly.

This familiarization process only took him two days.

People's ability to adapt is sometimes so strong!

Along with the roar of high-temperature steam, the power shaft began to reciprocate, driving gears that meshed together one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the huge metal creation in front of me came to life with the sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang".

Piece after piece of metal is gradually pressed into shape in a complex assembly line and flows to the next process.

Cotton still has an incredible feeling about this scene that goes beyond common sense.

He had long heard that Master Ajeev was the smartest man in the empire.

He has always lacked an intuitive concept of this.

It was not until this time that he was suddenly recruited by the empire and assigned to work under Ajev that he first intuitively experienced Lord Ajev's wisdom as profound as the sky.

Although it is not known what is being produced by such a huge metal creation, the efficiency of just producing swords is many times higher than that of a blacksmith.

This made Cotton amazed and also felt deeply proud!

"cheer up!"

"Move quickly!"

A slightly irritable scolding voice came, interrupting Cotton's distraction, and he quickly turned his attention to the equipment in front of him.

That was the director of the "Dragon Factory", and he was also Lord Ajeev's assistant - Rhett Butler.

Compared to how amiable Mr. Ajeev was when he came here several times, this bastard is simply a devil in human skin.

I heard that Master Ajeev controls the demon army, but I don’t know if he is one of them.

He is really too harsh.

He always has a straight face and is extremely fierce.

In comparison, Master Ajaf is more approachable.

In the mechanical sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang", time flew by quickly.

Soon it was lunch break.

Kirton turned off the machine, stretched, and walked out of the production workshop with a tired look on his face.

The next moment, the person he saw made all his fatigue disappear.

"Lord Ajeev?!"

But no, I saw Mr. Ajaf striding over wearing a white sword training uniform.

Next to him, Rhett Butler was like an old dog, smiling shyly and following every step.

This made Cotton feel contemptuous.

Of course, he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

At this time, all the workers in the factory were extremely excited when they discovered Ajeev's arrival.

No one went to eat anymore, everyone stayed in place, their eyes following Master Ajaf.

When Ajeef came to the open space of the factory, Rhett Butler clapped his hands, and immediately a worker pushed an object covered with red cloth.

"Sir Ajeev, after several days of debugging, the parts qualification rate has reached 80%, which basically meets the needs of industrial production. This is the first bicycle produced by the factory and the first bicycle in the world. Please accept it!"

Rhett Butler introduced with a proud look.

Yu Sheng'an nodded, with a hint of joy on his face.

The emergence of bicycles will further liberate the productivity of the empire, and citizens of the empire will have more time for personal practice and even use of the Internet.

All of this will eventually be fed back to him in the form of source material.

This is the fundamental reason why he does not take the magic route, but sticks to the industrial route.

Productivity is the ultimate decisive force in social development!

Yu Shengan walked to the bicycle and took off the red veil.

"What it is?"

There was a sudden commotion in the factory.