Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 30: anger


Erin opened her eyes on time and subconsciously looked at the flowerpot placed on the windowsill.

In a black clay flowerpot, an elbow-long green mallow stands gracefully under the warm sunshine.

Occasionally, a ray of naughty sunshine slips out of the curtains, making the fluff on the stems and branches sparkling, warm and lovely.

'Well done. If it can be confirmed to be non-toxic, then it will most likely change from a wild vegetable to a vegetable. Erin, you have made history. '

Recalling the text sent by Mr. Ajeev, a flush of excitement suddenly appeared on Irene's dark and thin cheeks.

She never expected that the wild vegetables she cultivated on a whim would receive such high praise from Mr. Ajeev.

"Mom, have you seen it? I met a life mentor, he is very good. Under his guidance, I finally found the direction of my efforts. I will continue to work hard to save more people from hunger."

Erin whispered a prayer to her mother, and then jumped off the couch excitedly.

She put on a fluffy snow-white robe, carefully fastened the purple snowwood wand that Mr. Ajeev rewarded her to her waist, and then condensed the "spring of cleansing" to wash her face.

Then she hurriedly ripened a low fruit tree on the balcony, picked a fruit, stuffed it into her mouth, picked up the mallow flower pot, and rushed out of the private dormitory.

She couldn't wait to meet Mr. Ajeev and show him the results of her research.

She had a hunch that it must be non-toxic.

Along the way, many magic apprentices pointed at her.

This made Eileen, who had always had zero sense of presence, a little uncomfortable. The vaguely heard keywords such as "Purple Snow Wood Wand" made her realize why she had become the object of everyone's attention.

In response to this, her face was calm, but she could not help but feel a little shyness and pride deep in her heart.

Being appreciated by a big man like Ajeev is something to be proud of after all, isn't it

The wind blew by my ears, lifting my hair, and the sunshine was so beautiful.

Her steps became more brisk, and she even jumped up and down.

Just when she passed a corner, she subconsciously stopped and avoided the roadside.

Because a red-robed mage who was about fifty years old came towards him.

Upon closer inspection, it was none other than Magister March, one of the members of the [Willis Magical Plantation Federation].

She originally wanted Magister March to go first, but unexpectedly he stopped and stared at her like an eagle with a sinister face: "Purple snow wood wand? Are you Ajeev's assistant Irene?"

"Yes, Lord March." Irene quickly put her right hand on her chest and nodded in salute.

"As a magic apprentice, what kind of behavior is it for you to run, jump, and panic?" March scolded.

Eileen lowered her head, not daring to speak.

She didn't know why she offended March, but her early life had taught her that as long as she mastered absolute violence, some anger didn't need a reason.

Just like a child can crush a beetle at will and no one will blame him.

Irene's silent posture reminded March of Ajeev's indifferent expression, and he became increasingly annoyed.

He sarcastically said: "You don't look like a noble magician at all, more like a humble farmer!"

Irene still lowered her head and said nothing, her dark and thin face as calm as a stubborn stone.

Irene's attitude made Madge even more annoyed!

If Erin retorted and showed anger, even just clenching her fists, he might be in a much better mood.

But she was so calm!

He looked ready to be beaten and scolded, but his humiliation was as uncomfortable as being hit on the air, making him irritable, depressed, and furious!

Just like facing that hateful Ajaf.

Just now, he visited Ajeev on behalf of the [Willis Magic Plantation Federation] and expressed his willingness to sell some of the plantation proceeds in exchange for some of the magic apprentices requisitioned by Ajeev.

No, Ajeef refused directly without even thinking.

Let Ma Qi talk freely, threaten and induce, but all he got in exchange was: "Ask Deng Dan'er about this matter. If he agrees, I will agree." '

Ajeev's words made March extremely depressed. He even wondered if Ajeev was the spokesperson of Dundaner

Or is it that Dundaner is not satisfied with their offer

Madge didn't know.

Facing the helpless Ajaf, he could only hold back his overwhelming anger and walk away.

On the way out, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to turn around and smash the Magic Forest!

Unexpectedly, around a corner, I met Ajeev's assistant Irene.

"Mallow? What are you doing holding mallow?" Madge's eyes shifted to the flowerpot in Eileen's arms.

Irene pursed her lips and whispered: "This is Mr. Ajeev's experimental product. He asked me to take it back and take care of it."

Irene deliberately moved out of Mr. Ajeev, hoping to get rid of this inexplicable trouble.

Her words aroused Madge's curiosity.

He narrowed his eyes, and the flower pot in Irene's hand suddenly became lighter, and under the grasp of the invisible mage's hand, it floated towards Madge.

After a brief inspection, Ma Qi's expression suddenly became ferocious.

"you are lying?"

"I...I didn't."

"This is just an ordinary mallow. How dare you call it an experiment? It's really an experiment. Will you, a magic apprentice, be allowed to take it out of the laboratory? Do you think I don't understand wood spirit magic?"

March sneered.

"Bang!" There was an explosion.

The clay flower pot was slammed to the ground, countless pottery fragments were splashed, and the green mallow was smashed to pieces!

Erin's pupils shrank suddenly. She ignored the debris on the ground and quickly knelt down to try to save Magnolia.

Unexpectedly, Ma Qi grabbed it in the air, and the mallow was directly grasped by an invisible force and crushed into vegetable puree.

Irene, who was trying to save her, was stunned!

She looked at Madge in disbelief, unable to understand why he would do this

"Hmph, as a magic apprentice, having such bad conduct is an insult to magic!" March scolded, and after the scolding, he said sarcastically: "The tree has a crooked shadow!"

After scolding him, he walked away.

In the distance, several magic apprentices stopped and looked at each other, their expressions either gloating or frightened.

Some even excitedly posted the incident anonymously on the school forum.

Erin was stunned.

She stared blankly at the vegetable puree on the ground for a long time, then got up with a calm expression on her face, used earth magic to clean up the soil all over the ground and put it into the garden, and then left with a calm expression on her face.

Arriving at the Magic Forest, Mr. Ajeev was sorting the seeds. Apparently these were yesterday's harvest.

When he saw Irene, he greeted her gently and asked about the cultivation of mallow.

Mr. Ajeev's gentle gesture relieved Irene's bad mood a lot. She showed a sincere smile, introduced the mallow cultivation situation in detail, and then took out the homozygous seeds that she had specially left last night.

"It's done well. I'll ask Doman to check if it's poisonous and mutagenize it later. If we can make it taste better, this will probably be the first achievement of our laboratory!"

Yu Sheng'an's words made Irene feel better. She quickly said: "Sir, how about I spawn a batch first and save more seeds?"

"No, let Doman do it. He has strong magic power, so if you don't use it, it will be in vain. Save your magic power. You still have important tasks today."

The emphasis in Yu Sheng'an's words made Irene stunned, and her heart suddenly felt sour. She forced herself to say: "Yes!"

Not long after, magic apprentices arrived one after another, and everyone looked at Irene with a hint of weirdness.

Because Ajaf was present, no one dared to talk nonsense.

After a while, Dorman arrived with his granddaughter Dorothy.

Not surprisingly, the magic apprentices who learned that Doman had also participated in the magic experiment were extremely surprised, and increasingly felt that Mr. Ajeev had mastered advanced wood spirit magic.

After assigning the tasks, Doman suddenly approached Yu Sheng'an and said, "Mr. Ajeev, I heard that March has caused trouble for Irene. Do you need my help?"

His granddaughter told him about this. The first time he learned about it, he was overjoyed.

Because this will be his best chance to please Ajeev.

Yu Sheng'an was surprised when he heard this: "March made trouble for Irene?"

Doman was surprised: "You don't know?"