Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 36: Famous everywhere


Overnight, Erin became a celebrity.

Her name shocked Felix, became famous in Willis City, and spread far and wide across the Kerviel Empire!

Felix's magic apprentices were envious of her becoming Ajev's assistant, and they were even more jealous that Ajev was so angry for her that he smashed up the botanical garden and beheaded the magician.

The citizens of Willis City lamented the power of Ajeev and were shocked by the terrifying fighting power of the lava giant and mountain giant!

But for more people of the Kvir Empire, they focused on the non-toxic mallow, and then on Irene.

The scene of Ajaf smashing up the botanical garden in anger is certainly terrifying, but for most civilians who have never been out of the mountains in their lives, it is difficult for them to imagine through words how huge and terrifying the six-foot giant is!

This is a world that has nothing to do with them;

This is a world of leisure and entertainment;

This is a world that can only exist in dreams.

When the bizarre Internet scrolls disappeared, they were still faced with the current poverty-stricken life.

They are grateful that the Internet brings light and power, but these take time to ferment and gestate.

Limited land will not suddenly become more abundant just because they add that little bit of power.

The numerous and harsh taxes will not be reduced just because they become stronger!

The future is infinitely bright, but the present is still rough.

Winter is coming.

Only by surviving can you be qualified to continue to pursue light, magic, and that colorful and charming world.

Eileen's mallow has naturally become the object of many people's attention.

Erin also didn't expect that she would suddenly become famous.

The unexpected reward of a purple snow wood wand has made her the envy of countless magic apprentices;

But this envy is just a drop in the bucket compared to the current attention.

She became Felix Haoyun!

Everyone knows that she has become a popular person in front of the summoning mage (or grand mage) Ajeev.

She suddenly had many friends.

Many friends who had just met each other when they first entered the academy, but later drifted apart due to different ideas, suddenly appeared.

At first, I would occasionally bump into each other at the door of the dormitory on the road and say hello.

Later, they came to visit directly.

Either discover special magic seeds and come over to share them;

Or ask her to help cultivate magic plants. Of course, they also gave expensive gifts to express their gratitude.

All of this, no matter how slow Irene was, she still reacted.

The sudden emergence of social relationships completely interrupted the rhythm of her life.

What made her even more uncomfortable and even embarrassed was that someone of the opposite sex was suddenly pursuing her.

And there is more than one person, among them there is also a noble disciple - Long Leidy, the grandson of the late Magister Longfellow.

There is a lot of chaos in reality, and the Internet is even more lively.

Open the Internet, and among the top posts in major forums, there must be a topic about her.

Her identity was revealed.

When everyone learned that she was born as a commoner and was sent to an orphanage after her mother died. Because of her hard work and hard work, she got help from the director of the orphanage, a magic apprentice, and was introduced to meditation. When she was finally admitted to Felix, everyone was immediately shocked. Give birth to a feeling of closeness and pride.

Look, we commoners can also give birth to noble magic apprentices!

Everyone discussed her background, details of her life, and what she cared about most, Mallow.

Erin's personal social account was leaked by her friends.

Her personal space surged by tens of thousands of followers overnight, with over a thousand messages!

"Lord Irene, have you really cultivated non-toxic mallow?"

“When will mallow seeds be available for sale?”

"Sir Eileen, can you sell the mallow seeds you cultivated to us? I am in the small town of Layatin. If possible, can you ask mercenaries to send them over? We are willing to pay one hundred silver coins for only one hundred seeds. "

"Everyone says that the samples you used to cultivate mallow are gone, so the non-toxic mallow is no longer available. Is this true?"

"Damn Madge, you actually destroyed the only sample. Lady Eileen, you must work hard and breed mallow again!"

All kinds of messages flooded the comment area!

There are those who inquire about mallow;

There are messages of encouragement;

Of course, there are also those who scold Magister March.

A week after Ajaf angrily smashed the Botanical Garden in the national spotlight, the official website of the Kvir Empire announced a major event in the most conspicuous banner section.

Non-toxic mallow, successfully cultivated! ! !

"Mr. Black, has the non-toxic mallow really been cultivated? I heard that it can be delivered to the village within a month at the latest?"

In an inconspicuous village in the hinterland of the Kver Empire, a group of villagers gathered around the only literate gentleman in the village, their excitement palpable.

The literate teacher who had just been sent from the town a few months ago was excited when he faced countless eager villagers, even though he had no worries about food and clothing.

"Yes! Didn't I teach you how to read? Look at these eight characters, non-toxic mallow, successfully cultivated!"

"Great! Great! If this can be delivered in a month, and the weather just turns cold, mallow grows quickly, and we can eat it in a month. If you cut it once, it will grow again, and you can eat it with the black grain. Our village will This winter, maybe no one will starve to death again.”

"Oh, my baby told me, I didn't quite believe it, but when my husband said it himself, I felt more at ease!"

The village leaders were all talking.

"Mr. Black, please read it to us!"

"Yes, Mr. Black, read it, read it!"

The villagers encouraged him excitedly.

"Okay, let me read it to you." Mr. Black, the literate man, coughed slightly when he heard the words, pulled up the imperial announcement to the top, and started reading.

"The Kevir Empire announced: Erin, a second-year student at Felix Magic Academy, has successfully cultivated non-toxic mallow. The mallow is divided into two types..."

'Ah, there are two more kinds? '

'My God, Master Master is really not simple! '

'It will be saved this year. '

'Yes, I heard that the mage who developed the non-toxic mallow is a woman! '

"I heard it too!"

'Oh, do you think Eileen is the incarnation of Mother Earth? '

The villagers couldn't help talking after hearing this, and interrupted Mr. Black's reading several times. The atmosphere was very lively.

When Blake finished reading, everyone became completely excited, talking about the unseen mallow and looking forward to a better future.

I heard from the Empire that the mallows studied this time are divided into two types.

One is the white-flowered spiral-leaved mallow;

One is the white-flowered broad-leaf mallow.

The former retains the original cold-resistant properties of mallow and can be planted in the wilderness;

The latter is not cold-tolerant, but has more edible parts, so careful planting is recommended.

Guaguai, everyone is already very excited to be able to cultivate non-toxic mallows. Didn’t expect to cultivate two kinds at once

The most important thing is that these mallow seeds will be distributed by the empire to administrative regions at all levels within one month at the latest. The spiral-leaf mallow seeds are not for sale. The imperial governor will send people to scatter them in the fields, and everyone can pick them and eat them.

Broad-leaf mallow costs one hundred kviels per bag, with a minimum of fifty seeds per bag.

The empire finally solemnly warned that governors in various places are not allowed to increase prices without authorization. If there is any increase in prices, all citizens of the empire can complain on the official website of the empire. Once verified, they will be severely punished.

"Long live the Empire!"

"Oh, Master Master has done a great thing for us!"

"What? It's all thanks to Lady Irene. If it weren't for her, where would the non-toxic mallows come from?"


"Long live Lady Irene!"

With the promulgation of the new project to benefit the people of the Kvir Empire, the name of Irene once again caused a sensation in the Kvir Empire!

Countless civilians flooded into Eileen's personal space to leave crazy messages, either singing praises, giving thanks, or praising her, and some even wanted to build a shrine for her!

For a time, Irene's name was almost as famous as the three great Dharma gods!

At this time, Eileen, who was the client, was lying in a simple private dormitory, looking at the continuous new voices of gratitude in her personal space, her dark face flushed fiercely.

She never thought that a wild vegetable would attract such overwhelming attention and praise!

Amidst the praise, it is impossible to say that I am not proud or excited.

But amidst this triumph, another emotion was tormenting her.

She knew she didn't deserve this honor.

She cultivated the non-toxic mallow using the theory taught by Mr. Ajeev. It can be said that as long as Mr. Ajeev is willing to try to differentiate the characteristics of mallow, he can cultivate it and even do better than her.

In addition, the two varieties of mallow, "spiral leaf" and "broad leaf", were not bred by her, but were bred by her husband on the basis of the white-flowered wrinkled species.

She didn't know why Mr. Ajeev asked the empire to declare that she had cultivated it, but she knew that this great credit did not belong to her.