Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 37: It turned out that it was all Ajaf’s fault


The moonlight is like water, flowing through the well-hung windows and filling the cabin quietly.

The faint virtual scroll looks even more holy in the moonlight.

Eileen sat next to the soft couch and tilted her head to look at the window. There were two mallows there, one with spiral leaves and one with broad leaves.

When her husband cultivated these two kinds of mallow, she took two seeds and planted them in front of the window sill. She had no reason but wanted to plant them. When she woke up and saw them, she felt very comfortable and at ease.

This was the first time she felt like this after her mother died.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the virtual scroll.

"Lord Eileen, thank you, you are such a kind person!"

"Sister Eileen, can I learn wood spirit magic? I heard it is a special type of magic. Is it particularly difficult?"

"Every winter in our town, people die from mallow diarrhea. I think no one will starve to death this year. On behalf of the town, thank you, Lady Eileen."

Erin looked at these comments and smiled.

She pondered for a moment, clicked on the message board, and edited it in the host's message section:

[Thank you for your concern for me. I want to clarify two things:

1. Although the non-toxic mallow was cultivated by me, the mutation breeding of the two kinds of mallow was actually completed by my mentor Mr. Ajeev;

Second, don't thank me. I'm really not as powerful as you say. All of this is due to Mr. Ajeev. He taught me the most mysterious knowledge of the wood spirit system. All of this is due to him.

In addition, I would like to tell you secretly that Mr. Ajeev has been studying and improving major crops, including black rice, yellow rice, broomcorn millet, millet, millet, black bark... Several of them have made breakthroughs. I cannot disclose the details. What can be said is that doubling their yield per mu is not a problem.

In my opinion, Mr. Ajeev is the real hero, he is the god of agriculture!

Mallow is just a wild vegetable that my husband doesn't like, so it was used by me as a magic apprentice to practice. I was lucky enough to get results. Please don't praise me!

The teacher has said that food is the most important thing for the people, and having a full stomach is the last word.

I believe that soon no one will eat mallow anymore and it will become food for livestock. I am looking forward to this day!]

After editing, Erin read through it carefully to make sure there were no typos, and then clicked OK.

The moment she clicked the OK button, she felt relieved, and a sense of understanding came to her mind!

Recently, her mind has been severely impacted.

From obtaining the purple snow wood wand; to becoming Mr. Ajev's assistant; to the knowledge that is completely different from the empire's wood spirit magic; to March's making things difficult; to Mr. Ajev's anger; and finally to being famous today. situation all over the world.

To be honest, if she hadn't experienced too many hardships since she was a child and had a tough mind, she would have changed her mind a long time ago and become arrogant.

It was only now, when she wrote that paragraph, that she suddenly had a clear idea and understood that everything was because of the appearance of Mr. Ajeev, and she was able to see everything in front of her.

If you indulge in it, you will only be asking for trouble.

I'd better be a simple magic apprentice, follow my husband, work hard to learn wood spirit magic, and strive to one day be like my husband, with the ability to worry about the world!

After thinking about it, she turned off the Internet, lay on the soft couch, looked at the mallows on the windowsill, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

That night, she slept particularly soundly.

In the dream, my mother chopped up the broad-leaf mallow, mixed it with a small amount of black rice flour, and cooked a big pot of pimple soup. She felt so sweet and full.

Irene didn't know that she was sleeping soundly, but because of her words, the Internet of the Kvir Empire was shocked and kept countless people awake all night.

In the only mercenary tavern in Buck Town, a uniform toast came: "To the ever-beautiful Lady Irene!"


"Oh ho—"

"Long live Lady Irene!"

After the toast, there was a mess of clinking wine glasses, strange screams, and all kinds of nonsense.

Looking carefully, most of the toasters were a group of mercenaries licking blood from their swords.

It's not easy to make this group of people truly respect someone!

But Erin did.

In the eyes of the world, mercenaries symbolize chaos, freedom, rebelliousness, no fixed abode, and profit-seeking...

But most people don't know that mercenaries are also human beings, and most of them are farmers.

Who is willing to lick blood without being forced into a hurry

Because they are farmers, they often understand the difficulties of farmers best and also know the importance of mallow.

This is a wild vegetable that can live people, although it is poisonous.

Now a magic apprentice has removed its poison. What do you think this means


Someone stood up suddenly, knocking over tables and chairs and knocking down wine glasses.

But he couldn't care about this, his old face flushed and he shouted: "Hurry, hurry, Irene... Irene..."

"What's wrong with Erin?"

"Hahaha, a cup of horse urine made your tongue enlarge?"

A group of mercenaries laughed.

Gal's face turned red, and he straightened his tongue after a while: "Irene...she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,she,talked,in a private space, look,take a look,take a look..."

"What? Irene spoke?"

"My mother!"

"The great being from the Blue Star, you are the master of language and writing... Hey, what did you say next? His uncle, he drank too much, I...I forgot."

"Oh my god, Lady Eileen really left a message!"

There was a sudden uproar in the tavern.

Some people are so drunk that their tongues are so bald that they cannot even pronounce prayers;

Someone logged on to the Internet in a hurry, but because they were unfamiliar with the functions, they couldn't find Erin's personal space for a long time;

There were even people who didn't know a word of Chinese characters, so they rushed to the person who summoned the Internet scroll;

"Hey, what did Lady Eileen say? Read it to me?"

The illiterate kept urging.

"Why are you urging me? Stop talking and let me finish reading!"

"Mother An Di, I asked how a magic apprentice like Irene could create non-poisonous mallow. It turns out there is an expert behind it."

"Who knows who Ajaf is?"

"I think about it, is he the mage who avenged Irene and summoned the giant?"

"Yes, yes, that's him!"

"Oh my God, it turns out that Lady Irene is just Ajeev's student, and Ajeev is the real hero!"

"Listen to Lady Eileen, our food production can be doubled in the future?"

"That seems to be what it means!"

"That's for sure. My magic apprentice can make the mallow non-poisonous, and even make it into two kinds. The tutor behind me must be even more powerful!"

"If what Lady Irene said is true, then Ajeev can really be worthy of the title of God of Agriculture!"

"Not to mention anything else, Master Ajeev is really highly respected. Master Irene has said that she only cultivated non-toxic mallows. The spiral leaves and broad leaves were both cultivated by Ajeev, but he took the credit. It’s left to Eileen, who is really lucky to have such a mentor!”

"No, I think when I was an apprentice, all the work I did was taken away by the master. How could the master still help the apprentice?"

"Oh, what's going on? Don't just talk about it, tell me?"

The literate people have already discussed it, while the illiterate people are still scratching their heads.

At this moment, the tavern was completely boiling.

Similar scenes have been played out in countless places.

Ajaf’s name will surely be famous all over the world!