Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 39: Joint research meeting


"Well, why don't you go in?" Kevin, who had just stepped into the [Magic Forest], was surprised to find that all the magic apprentices were gathered in the main hall.

"Mr. Ajeev asked us to wait here, he has something to announce." Kevin's friend replied.

Kevin said "Oh", stopped talking, and stood honestly in the crowd.

At this time, there was a buzz of discussion in the hall, and almost everyone was talking about the non-toxic mallow issue that has recently become popular on the Internet, as well as the announcement made by Erin last night.

"Have you read Erin's announcement?"

"After looking at it, I guess she knows the truth and doesn't take credit. Otherwise, if she is exposed in the future, she will be more beautiful!"

"That's right!"

"But even so, Irene has made a lot of money. Now if you go outside and ask, who doesn't know her name?"

"Hey, if I had known this, I would have written an opinion letter no matter what!"

"I regret it!"

"Stop talking, angina pectoris!"

"Hey, have you seen Mr. Ajeev's personal space? 120,000 followers and 13,000 comments. Oh my god! It's definitely the only one in the entire Internet. I can compare. Mr. Deng Dan'er has only one fan. There are more than 10,000 people!”

"Let me tell you, this morning I got up and went to the bathroom, and turned on the Internet. Oops, more than a hundred people came to chat with me, including many girls. I was so excited that I thought I had luck, but when I opened it, ha! All of them were asking questions. Mr. Ajeev, some people want to ask me if I am learning wood spirit magic now, will Mr. Ajeev accept it?"

"I'll go! I'm in the same situation as you."

"Me too!"

"You don't know, I'm just going to tell you on the forum that I participated in Mr. Ajeev's magic experiment. Good guy, I gained more than a thousand followers in one night, many of them from out of town!"

"What a coincidence, so do I!"

The same encounter made the atmosphere in the hall even more lively.

Some people are envious and jealous of Eileen;

Some people made sarcastic remarks about her;

When some people discussed Mr. Ajeef, their words were full of pride and pride, and they felt like a master, a noble servant, and a man of great honor.

The emergence of the Internet has amplified social relationships and naturally amplified attention.

This kind of attention is something that no one has ever experienced before, so with this sudden attention, the young man's vanity naturally explodes!

After an unknown amount of time, the hall suddenly became quiet.

Many magic apprentices who were chatting animatedly raised their heads in surprise, only to notice Mr. Ajeev's arrival.

Everyone quickly corrected their posture and put away their playful smiles.

"Is everyone here? Let each group check." Ajaf asked, standing on the high platform at the front of the hall.

"Already." The leaders of each group replied one after another.

"I am announcing something now. The number of participants in this magic experiment will be reduced to twenty, and all of them will be converted into my assistants. They will enjoy a certain salary and priority for retention after graduation."

"If you are interested, please sign up to stay and we will select the best candidates! Think about it. If you want to stay, go to Irene for consultation."

After the sound fell, the huge Magic Forest Hall was quiet for a while. When everyone reacted, there was an uproar!

All the magic apprentices looked at each other in shock!

No one thought that they had just gained social recognition and glory because of their identity as [Ajef experiment participant], and now this identity would be taken away!

No, not deprivation, but becoming more scarce and precious.

Not to mention the salary benefits, there is none. Just the status of "Ajeev's assistant" is enough to make them crazy!

Because Erin is the best example!

For a moment, everyone's eyes became intense.

When they looked at each other, they were suddenly filled with a sense of hostility.

Select 20 people from 374 magic apprentices. Don’t be too competitive!

While everyone was in high spirits and sharpening their knives, Yu Sheng'an stepped off the platform and strode out of the hall.

Today is the day of Felix's magic seminar. All magic tutors who are interested are free to participate and discuss magic problems together.

I have to admit that there is a reason why the Kvir Empire was founded with magic.

Yu Shengan decided to participate in this joint seminar.

Because the "flashlight function" of the Internet trapped him, he has learned short-light magic, but it is difficult to add this magic to the Internet.

The reason is simple. All magic essentially releases power through magic patterns.

His magic version of the Internet is essentially a virtual screen that cannot carry magic patterns at all. Naturally, it is difficult to add functions beyond the authority of the godhead.

Speaking of which, his Internet personal terminal is very similar to the Blue Star "cloud mobile phone" concept.

To put it bluntly, a cloud phone only retains the screen and networking functions. All software is placed in the cloud server, and all functions of the phone are realized through ultra-high-speed network speeds.

The advantage of cloud mobile phones is that personal terminals will avoid the pain of high-frequency updates and iterations, and the purchase cost will be lower.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious. It requires massive computing power and ultra-high Internet speed to support it.

The magic version of the Internet created by Yu Shengan now has no problems with computing power and network speed because it is created with the authority of the Godhead.

But precisely because of this, it is difficult to add any function other than the authority of the godhead.

Even if it's just the most basic short-light magic of the light system.

Yu Sheng'an has a premonition that this problem will be of milestone significance.

Once he's figured it out, it's simple to add other features later.

When Yu Shengan came to the [Magic River] where the joint seminar was held, he could already hear the sound of boiling and filling the sky before he entered.

However, when he opened the door and stepped inside, the noisy meeting hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone saluted him with attention, their eyes flickering, and their expressions were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

If everyone was still very dissatisfied with Yu Sheng'an occupying all the wood spirit magic apprentices before, and even thought that he was Lord Deng Dan'er's spokesperson and lackey.

Then after the battle outside Willis City, all dissatisfaction came to an abrupt end.

In this magical country, mastering the absolute magical power means mastering the absolute right to speak and status!

With the power Yu Sheng'an has shown, no matter who he is, he must be respected accordingly!

What's more, he also presided over the magic experiment that shocked the empire

Now, he has become the most valuable person in the empire. At least until all the results of his crop research are released, no one can touch him.

So when Yu Sheng'an walked in, most magicians smiled and showed kindness.

Yu Sheng'an also responded with a smile.

He also needs these smart heads to help him solve Internet problems!

The spacious meeting hall is round in shape, high on the outside and low on the inside. It has a stepped structure and is paved with granite. This allows everyone to be seen from any position here.

It looks very much like the arena stands.

Of course, it's shrunk countless times.

Yu Shengan glanced at the meeting hall, locked eyes with Deng Dan'er, and then walked towards him.

"Why are you here free?"

When he came closer, Dundaner asked with a strange look on his face.

"Of course I am participating in the joint research meeting. I have some questions and want to learn from the wisdom of the smartest brain in the empire!"

"Is there something you don't understand too?"

"Even God cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, right?"

Dundaner stopped talking and waited with peace of mind.

As the hourglass placed in the middle of the meeting hall finished leaking and turned over automatically, the seminar became quiet.

A series of magic patterns light up to prevent the discussion here from leaking out.

After a brief silence, a magician immediately stood up and asked about the problems he had encountered recently.

Along with his questions, the scene gradually became lively.

In the Kvir Empire, although almost all magicians master the seven regular series of magic, and even one special series of magic.

But after becoming a formal magician, most people will choose to specialize in one department, and a very small number of geniuses will choose to practice in multiple departments.

After all, human energy is limited, but magical knowledge is unlimited.

If you cannot enter a higher realm within your limited lifespan, it will be too late to talk about anything until your lifespan is exhausted.

Because of this, in the future practice, especially in order to practice strangely powerful combination magic, it is easy for everyone to encounter areas in which they are not good at.

This is the original intention of the joint seminar!

Yu Sheng'an listened with great interest, and would secretly write down some interesting things he heard.

This kind of advanced brainstorming is not something that ordinary magicians can get.

If he can come in, he can't waste it.

Halfway through the discussion, the thunder magician Stanford stood up and said: "Everyone, I want to add light explosion magic to the thunder magic. Does anyone have research on the combination of thunder and light magic? Or have suggestions?"