Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 48: I met Ajeev


Old Farmer Hal carried the iron plow and rushed to the village in a hurry.

From afar, he saw a group of idle men returning from their busy farming days, gathering at the entrance of the village to chat, which made Old Farmer Harr even more excited.

He is eager to share what he saw today with everyone.

He can guarantee that what he encountered today will make all their eyes pop out in shock.

Thinking of the shocked and envious expressions on everyone's faces, Old Farmer Halton became more energetic and his steps became as strong as flying.

"Hey, Old Hal, why are you back so late?"

Before he even got close, someone was already shouting at the entrance of the village.

Looking around, a group of villagers gathered under the old locust tree, chatting in the autumn wind with their hands in their sleeves and their heads curled up.

Occasionally, words like "empire", "consul", and "policy" floated over.

Speaking of which, ever since the Imperial Mage sent people to spread the Internet magic to the village, the changes have really not been the slightest bit.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the group of people at the entrance of the village!

Before the Internet, what did everyone talk about when they got together

Whose house did the widow of Zeijia go to to borrow a pot again today

The boss’s daughter-in-law is making trouble again and wants to leave;

The unscrupulous son of the Nan family got mad and beat me again today.

The Bei family fought with their neighbor because the fence took up three thirds of the land.

In short, it's all trivial matters.

Now, who is talking about this

The news on the Internet changes every day. It is so diverse that it is dazzling to see and exciting to listen to!

Up to the changes in imperial policy;

Wherever they were, the nobles were all slaughtered;

Go down to the city and reduce the price of food;

All kinds of news can't be seen at all.

Especially the imperial policy, the adults in the village always like to discuss it, and they seem to be very knowledgeable, knowledgeable and wise.

"Hal, let me tell you, don't plow those barren fields. If you waste your efforts, they might be taken away by the nobles during the harvest!"

"Yes, yes! If you have the energy, why not grow some mallows in front of and behind your house?"

When Old Farmer Hal approached, the people in the village began to exhort him.

Old Farmer Hal waved his hands repeatedly and changed the subject: "Hey, let me tell you something. Guess who I saw today?"

"Who? Could it be Master Mage?"


A group of idle people talked a lot, and some people's eyes lit up:

"It can't be the Ernie of Daga Village. I heard that she is very beautiful!"

Old Farmer Hal shook his head when he heard this.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Say it quickly? Stop being so pretentious!"

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was aroused and they were urging each other, old Nonghar said with a mysterious face: "Can't you guess? I tell you, it's Master Ajeev."

"Ajeev? Doesn't this name seem familiar?"

"Hey, don't tell me, it sounds familiar to me."


All the villagers looked confused.

Someone seemed to have guessed who it was, and said with a look of disbelief: "Could it be the Lord Ajaf who created the Cold-resistant Black Valley?"

"That's him!" Old Nonghar slapped his thigh, looking excited and proud at the same time.

He eagerly anticipated the envious and jealous looks.

Unexpectedly, everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard this, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha… "

"Hal, you really know how to joke!"

"Master Ajeev lives in Willis, why would he come to our remote place?"


Everyone laughed, their faces filled with ridicule and disbelief.

Old Nonghal was anxious.

"Really, don't believe it. He is sitting on such a big carriage, pulled by two unicorn horses. There are hundreds of cavalry in front of him leading the way, and there is a large group of people behind him."

"After he got off the car, he asked me if the land belonged to my family. He also told me that broad-leaf mallow is not cold-resistant. If you harvest it now, you won't be able to harvest it later. I asked a soldier specifically, and the brother said He is Lord Ajeev.”

"By the way, he is young. He is as big as Ergoudan. He is probably in his twenties. He has black hair, black eyes, and a white robe."

Old Nonghar was explaining incoherently, making gestures and descriptions, and his dancing gestures made it seem like that was really happening.

"Impossible, how could Master Ajaf pass by us?"

"That's right!"

"Really, why don't you believe me?"

"Stop arguing, why don't we go online and ask?" Someone asked for justice.

"Okay, okay, this is a good idea."

Everyone cheered in unison, and immediately some literate villagers summoned the Internet and posted a post on the local forum without much effort.

"No, you have to ask on the Willis forum. Who among us knows?"

"That makes sense."

Everyone came up with ideas, and the man quickly posted on Willis.

I originally thought that I would have to wait for someone to reply, but I never thought that someone would reply not long after the post was posted.

Even local forums.

"Envy, you may have actually met Mr. Ajeef. He is escorting the Viais delegation back to the country and happened to pass by us."

"What a coincidence, I also saw the Viais Mission during the day, but unfortunately I didn't see Lord Ajeev! Alas!"

"Master Ajeev has black hair and eyes, and is in his twenties. Such features are rare in our empire. I heard that he has demon blood, and demons are always by his side."

"That's nonsense upstairs. Master Ajeev is obviously a summoning magician. It's normal to have demons around you."

There are more and more replies like this.

Someone shared that they met the Viais Mission;

Someone discussed the purpose of Lord Ajaf’s mission;

There were also discussions and speculations about Master Ajaf’s rare appearance;

The villagers who saw these replies were completely dumbfounded.

"My dear, Hal, you...have you really met Mr. Ajeev?!!"

Everyone looked at Old Nonhar in shock, their faces full of envy.

If you want to ask who has the highest reputation in the eyes of the peasants of the empire, I am afraid it must be Mr. Ajeev!

He is the god of agriculture who has saved countless people in distress!

To be able to meet him, tell me, what an honor it is

For a time, old Nonghar became the center of the crowd, and everyone asked about the details of his encounter with Ajeev.

How big is the slave fleet? how many people? What did Master Ajaf say again? Asking questions without giving up is called getting to the bottom of things.

When Old Nonghar asked, his face turned red with excitement, and he began to describe with saliva.

He even made up several details of the meeting out of thin air.

For example, Lord Ajaf praised him for growing broad-leaf mallows well;

He also talked to him cordially and taught him the techniques of growing broad-leaf mallow.

Attracting envy, jealousy and hatred from everyone.

The atmosphere at the entrance of the village became more and more lively.

Until a group of peasant women hurriedly arrived, which not only interrupted the happy atmosphere among everyone, but also caused everyone's mood to plummet from heaven to hell.

"It's not good! It's not good! Spencer and the others are lost and can't find their way back to the village."

"What? Lost?"

"Yes, they called and said they were chasing an elk and accidentally ran away. After they hit the elk, they realized they had lost their way. Look, it's already dark. What should I do?! "

The peasant women were so anxious that they stamped their feet and burst into tears.

Although all the wild beasts nearby were killed by hunters in their village, this did not mean that the forest at night was safe.

You know, many beasts, especially Warcraft, are nocturnal animals.

At night, it started to come alive.

If you don't have absolute strength, spending the night in the forest is just gambling with your life!

"Don't panic, don't panic, I'll ask Spencer." An old hunter quickly comforted him.

He turned on the Internet and had a voice call with Spencer and asked about the features of the nearby landforms.

Unfortunately, because they were chasing the elk in such a hurry, Spencer and others did not pay attention to the landform features along the way.

Now at night, the visibility is less than ten steps. Even if the Internet has recently updated its lighting function, it is impossible to find a way out.

Even because of the lighting, it will attract attacks from wild beasts.

"Oh, what can I do? What should I do?"

The women were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, spinning around.

"How about we ask the noble lord to send someone to find him?"

"Don't count on them. When have you ever seen a noble gentleman save someone?"

"I'll look for it! I'm familiar with the mountains." The old hunter gritted his teeth and spoke.

"No, they've already fallen in. Can't you fall in again?" Someone objected.

"This won't work, that won't work either, so what should I do? Please pray to God?" The old hunter looked ugly.

The entrance to the village became more and more panicked, and there were even old women who hurriedly prayed to the only known God of the Internet.

Old Nonghar looked at the chaotic villagers, listened to the old hunter's angry words, and watched the women praying. When his eyes fell on the Internet screen, a bold idea suddenly came to him.

"I have a solution!"

"any solution?"

"Use it..."

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, Old Farmer Hal suddenly pointed to the virtual scroll on the Internet.