Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 59: Novice Village


Before Justin could panic, his vision suddenly lit up.

The scene in front of him made him look incredible!

He suddenly appeared in a narrow room between black and white.

The room looks like it is completely condensed by earth magic, perfectly integrated and integrated.

In front of his eyes, there was a glass mirror.

Looking in the mirror, he suddenly discovered that he had turned into a humanoid earth puppet.

The puppet's body is very crude, looking like a child's mud creation. Although it has hands and feet, it is very rough, and there are faintly visible magic lines on the body surface.

When Justin was observing "his" new body, a mysterious and mysterious information suddenly flowed into his sea of consciousness.

Just like the instructions that flowed into his consciousness when he first opened the Internet.

The huge amount of information shocked him!

The content displayed was so fresh and unbelievable that it almost subverted his common sense of life and magic for more than ten years.

"Attribute panel!" he tried shouting in a low voice.

In an instant, a virtual scroll appeared in front of him, and lines of text information intuitively presented the information about his earthen puppet.

Including: height, weight, magic power, life, money, merit points... and other data.

Justin glanced at his personal attributes, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

Because his magic level is far higher than his own body, which means that he can only stumble to use magic, but with this body, he might be able to use it.

[Stress training is about to begin, please be prepared!]

A clear female voice interrupted Justin's thoughts of trying.

He immediately recalled the information that had just flowed into the sea of consciousness and quickly corrected his posture.

"Beep—" A heavy and weird mechanical sound came.

The glass mirror in front of him suddenly slid into the wall, and a ferocious earth puppet walked in from the darkness, dragging a two-handed sword.

While Justin was still thinking about what "stress exercise" was, the clay puppet suddenly waved his two-handed sword, and in the midst of the electric light and flint, he thrust the sword forward!

Caught off guard, Justin could only watch as the two-handed sword penetrated his heart and pinned him to the wall.

Great fear filled Justin's body and mind, and his mind suddenly went blank.

At this moment, the scenery in front of him quietly faded, and the scenery inside the cheap hotel room in the slum gradually emerged in front of him.

[Brave adventurer, please remember that no matter what blow you encounter, you will not die, let alone your soul, please keep this in mind! Shout "Leave the plane" and your six senses will return to reality.]

The clear female voice echoed in Justin's ears.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

Justin gasped heavily, his eyes widened, and he touched the hard bed under him with a look of disbelief on his face, and then his own body. It took him a long time to react.

"This is simply... incredible!"

Justin murmured to himself, with great suppressed excitement in his voice.

"Enter the sub-dimensional battle" he shouted impatiently.



Justin's vision went dark again, and when it became bright again, he was back in the narrow room.

However, this time, Justin no longer had any fear, and his heart was filled with eager ecstasy.

The ferocious earth puppet also pulled out his two-handed sword, turned around and retreated into the darkness behind the glazed mirror.

[The elevator will arrive in 258 seconds, please be ready in front of the door!]

When the prompt sounded, a door on the wall next to Justin also slid open.

Justin, who was already shocked by the stress exercise, took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and then walked towards the door.

But even so, the world outside the door still shocked him!

The great abyss is like a well, and the walls of the well are like nests.

This is a huge deep well of unknown depth. The walls of the well are densely packed with rooms, like a honeycomb.

And the room he was in was one of the countless hive mouths.

Looking upward, there is a circular exit emitting a faint white light;

Looking down, there was no bottom, and there was a faint rumbling sound.

After a while, Justin saw a round stone platform that fit the well wall slowly rising up.

There are already many earth puppets standing on the stone platform.

Wherever the stone platform reached, the earth puppets in the rooms on both sides of the stone wall jumped on it one after another.

When Justin saw this, when the stone platform was approaching, he also jumped on it.

"Is there anyone from Willis City? Let's form a team together?"

"I, I, I am from Willis City."

"Damn it, have you all been stabbed during stress training? It's so scary!"

"Me too. After hiding for a long time, I was still stabbed in the chest by a sword. I almost peed in fear!"

On the stone platform, a group of funny-looking puppets were talking excitedly.

Those who are forward-thinking have begun to use the same label to recruit people to form teams.

Heartless, he excitedly discussed everything that had just happened.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the stone platform gradually rose out of the deep abyss.

The dazzling sunlight came, and Justin and countless earth puppets scanned the world outside the well eagerly and curiously.

—This is a huge city!

They suddenly appeared on a pyramid-shaped altar, surrounded by endless buildings.

[Brave adventurer, the orc army is besieging Daofei City. You can choose to join the city defenders to resist the orc attack and be the mainstay!]

[You can also choose to go deep behind the enemy, walk in the darkness, serve the light, death is like the wind, always with you, you will become a lone hero praised by thousands of people!]

The clear female voice sounded in the ears of Justin and others again.

A mission panel quietly appeared in front of them.

This is a two-choice task:

In the former, every time an orc is killed, fifty merit points will be awarded.

For the latter, every time an orc is killed, two hundred merit points will be awarded.

Through the explanation flowing into the sea of consciousness, Justin already knew what the merit value was

It is similar to Internet points, which can purchase weapons, magic props, and even replace higher-level elemental puppets.

For example, fire element puppets, wind element puppets, combination puppets... and so on.

"I plan to take on the second mission, who will go with me?" Someone on the stone platform raised their arms and shouted.


"Count me in!"

"The reward for the latter is so high, I must choose the latter!"

"Hmph, for the same kill, the reward for the latter is four times that of the former. It's obviously extremely difficult. Don't forget that if the puppet dies, you have to spend money to redeem it again."

"Hey, coward."

"You know nothing, this is called planning and then acting!"

"It's not like he's really dead. Do you need to be so cautious?"

The players on the high platform suddenly started arguing.

Justin listened to everyone's quarrel, clenched his teeth and took on the second task, squeezed towards the man, and shouted at the same time: "Count me in!"

In the temple in the center of Daofei City, Avnola looked at the noisy players on the altar with a suspicious look on her face, and questioned unceremoniously:

"They don't look like the fourth natural disaster you mentioned at all, they look more like a rabble!"

When Avnola said this, her tone was not only sarcastic, but also filled with anger.

She didn't know why, but she agreed to Yu Sheng'an's "Fourth Natural Disaster" plan as soon as she got excited.

To this end, she used the magic power accumulated in Dophy City for decades to build a huge "Novice Village" in the city's underground space.

As a result, she wasted a lot of magic power and created such a noisy group of guys. How could she not become angry

Facing her ridicule, Yu Shengan smiled and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"Are you still in the mood for a bet?"

"When playing games, mentality is the most important. If your mentality collapses, everything will be over."

"What are you betting on?" Avnola gritted her teeth as she looked at Yu Sheng'an's unruly appearance.

"Bet on their destructive power! If they can get the orcs to withdraw within a month, I will win. If not, I will lose."


"Betting alone is not enough, there must be a stake."

"Bet?" Avnola narrowed her eyes, and the anger in her heart suddenly subsided.

She realized that Yu Sheng'an's fox tail finally leaked out.

What does he want? believer? Plane territory? Or the right to preach

"If I win, I'll give you a kiss. If not, I'll let you kiss me. How about it, is it fair?"

Avnola's eyes widened in shock... How could there be such a shameless god