Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 73: The excited people of Viais


Ewinnie was captured, including all members of the Awakening Association.

As students of the Viais Conservatory of Music, their strength is simply not enough to fight against the violent institution of Viais, the City Guard.

They didn't even know how to resist. When the soldiers from the city guard station rushed in like wolves and tigers, they were completely panicked and simply surrendered.

After all, they are a group of powerless idealists.

"Let us go, we are not followers of the evil god! Please believe us."

"We didn't hold a sacrifice, really."

"We are students from the Conservatory of Music, you have no right to arrest us."

"That's the Internet, we...we're just learning magic!"

After being shackled by the Forbidden God, the members of the Awakening Association woke up from a dream. They struggled, shouted, and complained about injustice.

However, the soldiers in the city guard station had seen too many believers who were bewitched by the evil god, and had heard too many pleadings and threats. Their hearts had been tempered like iron, and they were not moved at all.

They roughly dragged Ewinnie and others out of the yard and pushed them towards the city guardhouse.

Dozens of heavily armored cavalry, riding unicorn horses, paraded on both sides of Ewinnie. They held chains in their hands and controlled them from all sides, leaving them with no way to escape.

Pulled by the heavy cavalry, Yiwenni and others staggered on the familiar streets, with panic written on their faces.

More and more residents gathered.

"what happened?"

"I heard that they are all heretics who were bewitched by evil gods!"

"Oh my god, it's so scary!"

"You are disrespectful to the goddess, bah, you deserve it!"

"Kill them all!"

After the people learned the truth, they immediately became angry, shouting and roaring.

Others picked up everything at hand and smashed it.

For a moment, Ewinnie and others were extremely embarrassed, and their hearts were extremely frightened.

They tried to explain something, but no one listened, and the noise at the scene drowned out their explanations.

The heavy armored cavalry even pulled the chains indifferently, dragging them to stagger and had to leave.

This kind of humiliation in the street made Ewinnie and others' pride as music conservatory students almost collapse.

After an unknown amount of time, the heavy cavalry suddenly stopped, and the excited crowd gradually calmed down.

I saw a group of Divine Comedy instructors in singing robes, stopping the soldiers from the city guard station.

"Lord Kane, what mistake did my students make, and you want to humiliate them in this way?" Shalin, the leading Divine Comedy instructor, said coldly.

"Humiliation? They sacrificed to the evil god privately, how about humiliating the goddess?" The leading heavy armored knight said with an indifferent expression.

"We did not sacrifice to the evil god!"

Ewinnie and the others finally found a chance to speak and subconsciously shouted.

"That's the Internet, that's not a sacrifice, and we don't believe in the Internet. I... We just want to log in, learn magic, and do our part for Viais!" A member of the Awakening Association shouted.

"Hahaha, listen! Listen! They have long been corrupted by the evil god. Didn't the goddess teach you? The evil god will always come up with sweet bait to tempt you, such as knowledge, power, and wealth, just like a child catching birds with millet. . Fortunately you are still students from the Conservatory of Music, you are simply a bunch of idiots!" Knight Kane scolded angrily.

"The God of the Internet has not used his power to seduce us. He has only disclosed magic knowledge. If you don't believe me, you can log in and take a look!"

"The God of the Internet is not an evil god. Everyone in the Kvir Empire is using the Internet. Why can't we use it?"

"Yes, they learn magic and fighting spirit on it, and there are even tutors who teach online. All of them can learn magic, why can't we?"

This parade has already made the members of the Awakening Association very angry.

Suddenly given the opportunity to appeal, he naturally tried his best to explain.

"Quia! Shut up!" Kane yelled angrily!

The more the Awakening Association spoke, in his opinion, the more they were corrupted by the evil god.

In fact, he doesn't need to discern what these people say. As long as he uses magic other than that of the goddess, it is disrespectful to the goddess and a betrayal of the goddess!

In fact, the Divine Comedy tutor at the Conservatory of Music also shook his head and sighed with a disappointed look on his face.

The crowd of onlookers even booed and cursed!

And, of course, there was the hysterical cry of the mother of an Awakening member.


The chains were tightened again, and it seemed that Ewinnie and the others were about to be pulled away.

Ewinnie suddenly shouted: "There is a music temple on the Internet. This is a power that belongs exclusively to the Goddess Temple. The Goddess Temple must have recognized the God of the Internet!"

The sound fell, and the boiling streets suddenly became quiet.

"What did you say?"

Not to mention the people, even the members of the Awakening Association looked incredulous.

Ewinnie bit her lower lip, she was not sure.

When she turned on the Internet before, she seemed to see that the Internet had been updated with new features, and the icon seemed to have "Music Temple" written underneath it.

However, the subsequent intrusion of the city guard interrupted her observation.

"How can this be?"

"The Goddess of the Temple has always been independent of the world, how could she recognize other gods?"

The people were stunned and didn't believe it at all.

"That's nonsense!"

Kane reprimanded angrily, yanking on the chain and pulling Ywinee to the ground with a crash.

Because her hands were tied, Ewinnie fell straight to the ground, her face covered in blood.

She only felt that her nose was painful and sore, and warm liquid kept gushing out, making her choke and make a "tearing, tearing, tearing" breathing sound like a dying beast.

But the physical pain is far worse than the mental torture.

She looked at the countless people accusing and insulting her with scarlet vision, and her heart felt both despair and grievance, and also filled with deep ridicule.

Avjef is right, these are a group of frogs at the bottom of a well, thinking that the whole world is as big as the mouth of the well!

If you think the goddess is supreme, how do you know why the God of the Internet needs her approval

If possible, I really want to be a citizen of the God of the Internet in the next life.

You can travel around the world without leaving home, speak freely about all injustices, and even pursue any power you like, even if it is other magical arts.

"Lady Belle!"

Suddenly there was a sound of exclamation from the crowd.

The sound of spitting stopped.

Ewinnie, who was lying on the ground, saw the crowd automatically parting to both sides, and Belle, the chief maid in divine robes, walked from the crowd.

She bent down to help Ewinnie up, and in everyone's surprised eyes, the shackles of the Forbidden God quietly slipped off.

Kane and others suddenly changed their expressions!

Belle gently wiped away the blood under Ewinnie's nose, held her face, and said softly: "Don't blame Lord Kane, he is the most loyal sword of the goddess! Naturally, he will point the sword at all the outer gods!"

"You, you are lucky this time. Remember, not all gods are as kind as Her Majesty the Goddess and the God of the Internet. Don't be deceived by temporary bait."

Ewinnie was stunned.

Kane frowned.

Countless people looked at each other.

Belle turned around, her voice suddenly became solemn, and she read:

"The God of the Internet is great, kind, wise and brave. The Goddess of Music has decided to form an alliance with the God of the Internet. From now on, meeting the God of the Internet is like meeting the Goddess of Music!"

The sound fell, and everyone was stunned.

"Lady Belle, what you true?" Kane looked even more unbelievable.

Viais has been established for hundreds of years, and the goddess of music has never heard of any god recognized. Belle suddenly announced the news. How could everyone not be shocked? How can we not doubt it

Kane even wondered if Belle had been bewitched by the evil god!

"If Mr. Kane doubts what I said, you can log on to the Internet and take a look! The goddess of music has opened a music temple on it. From now on, no matter emperors, generals, traffickers and people, everyone can enjoy the beauty of music. The Divine Comedy Mercy, the glory under the Goddess Temple will surely spread throughout Azea!"

Belle looked enthusiastic.

[Under the warm sun, I welcome the fragrance]

[Whose girl is it]

"What is this sound?"

"Who's singing?"

"No, this is an orchestra performance?"

A singing voice with a somewhat hoarse voice suddenly sounded among the crowd, causing countless people to look around in astonishment.

“There really is a temple of music!”

A voice of surprise exploded in the crowd.

At this time, everyone discovered that Ewinnie had turned on the Internet at some point, and a translucent virtual screen unfolded in front of her.

The singing voice accompanied by the orchestra came from the virtual screen.

This scene shocked the crowd!

At some point, countless virtual screens lit up among the crowd of onlookers, and various songs floated among the crowd.

It turns out that the Internet has already penetrated into Viais silently.

"It's amazing. How can this thing sing?"

"Yes, is there a special orchestra to play for us?"

"Oh my God, a miracle has come from the Temple of the Goddess!"

“Is this the internet?”

"Oh my god, is there really magic knowledge in it?!"

"Look, there's a forum for Viais up there!"

The people of Viais were in a rage.

Countless people gathered in amazement in front of people who had turned on the Internet. They looked at the extremely fresh Internet screen that they had never seen before. For a moment, they were all overwhelmed by the complicated information.

Viais, who was in a boil, didn't know that the people of Kver, as the first generation of netizens, were even more excited!

Because of this sudden update of the Internet, the changes have been too great.